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Mass Organized Downvoting

Hello, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is anyone else being massively downvoted on every comment? I noticed this started happening after the DDOS attacks on If you check my profile, you'll see what I'm talking about. Almost as soon as I post a comment it's at -10, etc.

Have I pissed off someone, or is it a possible bot attack? I try to keep most of my comments cordial, which is why this is confusing me. Thanks.


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  • I'm having a similar problem, where someone mass downvoted all my comments and posts going back a month. It doesn't seem to be ongoing though, but a one time event.

    My post here:

    • Yeah, I've been in contact with a couple others stating the exact same thing. This is very interesting, I hope the admins will get back to me soon.

      • I have a similar problem, idiots who have a political disagreement with me have downvoted my posts, by 4 points on a few comments and up to 40 on a post - which is bad since that potentially degrades an entire community's experience.

        Who should I contact for help/info btw?

        • I'm not sure anyone can help you there honestly. If you're being downvoted do to a disagreement, then that's what the voting system is for. What's happening to me and others is mass, targeted, downvoting. Either using a script/bots, or multiple sock puppet accounts.

          • Well, they downvoted unrelated comments and posts on my account. Which is an undesirable situation.

            You're probably right that it can't be helped though.

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