Both of the responses to this seem to assume that my love of tomatoes comes from Italy or Italian culture. It comes from the American deep south, much closer to where tomatoes actually come from. Adding oil or extra ingredients takes away from the moist, cooling nature of a tomato on a hot summer day. A tomato is bursting with refreshment. All you gotta do is let it out.
I'm not going to get into details, and it wouldn't be a fun story. It's just one of my many sad, quiet stories about families paying lip service to the idea of love.
Store-bought tomatoes are designed to ripen at exactly the same time, get picked early, be sturdy during transit to the produce store and store for a longer time on store shelves.
Heirloom tomatoes are selected to taste good when grown in your region.
No tomato can do it all, so when selecting for store bought tomato characteristics, flavor gets lost in the shuffle.
I'm not a tomato snob. All tomatoes are good tomatoes. A fancy tomato to me is pretty much anything you can't regularly get in any old grocery store. Go into any fancy supermarket or natural grocery store and get any tomato that looks more interesting than your average tomato. I'll get excited about it.