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Check out the lib rage at r/bonehurtingjuice

So apparently the mods at bonehurtingjuice decided to protest by becoming a commie sub, but actual commies are now posting and commenting, pushing out all the normal content.

The reaction is hilarious, if you have time and want to engage with reactionaries, come check out and support our comrades on that sub. Assuming you still have reddit.

  • Unfortunately we lost the subreddit due to a moderator-led counterrevolution.

    It was fun while it lasted. So long and thanks for all the fish!

  • Update: Looks like the other mods intervened and it's back to normal.

    In this experiment I learned/found out a couple things.

    1. Making fun of libs is pretty funny. This was my first experience in real "trolling". I don't plan on doing it a lot, but this weekend, it was funny.

    2. Lib insanity... I'm new to communism, I've only been here for maybe 6 months, I've only been engaging in online discourse for a couple months. I've never seen this before, I have never seen a group of people go so insane so quickly. I guess I never been a part of such a controversial group either, but I digress. It was interesting to see people use the word "tankie" genuinely. Some really insane shit was being thrown around. I've heard the meme "communism is when no iphone", and someone made that joke at one point, and the libs genuinely double to down on the statement. They could not fathom a society that wasn't run by capitalists creating a mobile phone. Near the end someone was just listing accomplishments of socialism and tech that capitalists need to thank socialists for, and I don't know if anyone actually responded... I think it broke their brains.

    3. My former group isn't as rational as I thought... I came from liberalism. I used to define it a little differently than I do now, frankly to me, liberalism was just the opposite of conservative, and advocated for more social justice and freedoms and social programs and whatnot. But now I know that's not really how it works. Regardless, in my time as a lib, I learned that many other libs advocated heavily for some really fucked up beliefs, like that homelessness was caused by a laziness, that black people genuinely committed more crimes than white people (USA based btw), it didn't sit right with me. When I found communism it all kinda made sense, things fell into place, and capitalists intentions made sense. This, to me, is so logical, and answers so many questions. The libs I know would shun people so fast for using the r-slur, they would always advocate for understanding, seeing others perspectives, etc.... Until the topic is communism. Then it's all r-slur this, fuck off tankie... A complete 180... A complete lack of self-reflection in what they were doing. I don't know if this sub was just full of children, or they had more fascists than normal, I dunno. But that was eye opening...

    4. The privilege of some people... They acted like the end of the world was happening because a fucking subreddit changed. Like, most of them thought it was just the protest, and they were still enraged...

    And last thought: I'm sure not all liberals are like this, these people were ultra-reactionaries. But I "get it" now. I get the memes firsthand, I get the inside jokes more than I used too. Because I learned about communism through Second Thought & S4A and self study and stuff like that, I was never exposed to this, I just learned the principles and tried to understand definitions. But I get the memes now. This was interesting.

  • They are going ballistic lmao


    Did the ghost of fucking Tzar Nicholas write this????? I didn't know Redditors felt so strongly about a GENOCIDAL AUTHORTARIAN MONARCH capitalist coping copium panda

  • My favorite one was the person who said that they, an anarchist, thought unaliving the Tsar was wrong. Like these people aren’t even pretending to follow their own ideology lmao

    • They are just jealous, anarchists tried to kill every tsar for decades but only managed one, which furthermore didn't changed absolutely nothing. While bolsheviks changed everything even without killing a tsar, and he was killed without even trying very hard.

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