This bridge has a good win rate
This bridge has a good win rate
This bridge has a good win rate
Wasn't the OVERHEIGHT sign flashing for every single one??
They also raised the bridge an *official 8" and installed the crash bar you see in the video.
3 weeks later, the first truck hit the bar:
I like the last guy. "This is gonna be close so I'm gonna take it real slow and careful. Uh oh I'm scraping... Fuck it just go!"
Kinda unrelated runt: I hate when vids like this are served as gifs. You don't have a media control bar so see your progress and can't move your position. I'd need to watch the whole thing until I realize oh it loop (gl notice that). Bah.
Moments before "no, I don't need you to get out and check, people will think I'm not manly!"
"Maybe I can sneak under it and the bridge won't notice!"
The Can Opener never disappoints.
To be fair, this is a small minority. These people specifically shouldn't be trusted with almost anything.
If my navigation system says this is the way I must travel, I will follow it blindly.
I seriously doubt those truck drivers need a navigation system. The mobile home owners, maybe.
This is the kind of thing I could watch all day lol
We really need a camera on the other side to capture driver reactions.
Lol, me as well 😂.
I really wanted that last slowed down RV to make it. Nope - NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM.
Everyone needs a shave every once in a while. Sleek!
Considering how close the vehicles are to the bridge height, I wonder how many were inaccurately measured. Like the truck for an example. The driver might have been told that the cargo space was 12ft tall, and so it should have fit just fine. However, in reality the height of the truck is actually 13ft, so a few inches gets taken off the top.