Incorrect, everyone gets a 12 inch Thinkpad, product of the objectively superior PRC manufacturer Lenovo. It will come with a 500 page operation and service manual (multilingual) and require only one screwdriver.
Reminds me, Yugoslavian designs on both the hobbyist and professional market whipped ass since they weren't sanctioned as harshly as the Soviet Union. Not that those sanctions stopped Soviet hobbyists from developing their own kit designs and community, mind you. They also had some business scale designs, including fully compatible clones of Digital's PDP-11 minicomputer.
Sometimes old tv's hit different. I remember watching Yuri on Ice on Netflix with a handmedown CRT. I sometimes get nostalgic for it, but it was a miracle I could get that onto the stand even BEFORE my hernia. And so it stays stowed away, not taken to the city dump cause their hours kind of suck and as previously mentioned I've lost some considerable muscle mass.