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What is something you dislike but still begrudgingly use?

This question was inspired by my hatred of Temporal Anti-Aliasing which, in many games nowadays, is poorly used as a performance bandaid. On lower resolutions it will smudge and blur the image and certain bad cases of TAA will cause visible ghosting.

Yet in spite of all this, certain games won't let you turn it off or have hair/fur/foliage look like dogshit without it so sometimes I still use it.

    • Cars, even if I use public transports and my bike as much as possible, I still have to use it sometimes
    • Supermarkets, I try to buy things elsewhere but it's not always possible...
  • Google Workspace. I have several clients who insist on using it for unknown reasons. It creates unprofessional looking work products. And in some cases, it is just plain kludgy (slicers randomly shoot themselves over the Sheet, page numbers randomly renumber when the footer is updated, etc). The part that gets me the most is that it is similar in price to other productivity suites, but often our clients opt to buy Zoom and Slack on top of that - basically doubling the price.

  • Windows. Android. Gmail. Expensive public transport.

    • There are alternatives. Proton mail is a good alternative if you just want an email service provider. As for windows, you might find a right distro for you but I dont want anyone to redpill on that. As for android, there isnt any great alternatives (ios is good only when you use apple ecosystem).

      • Sure, I'm aware of many alternatives, there just isn't enough impetus to move.

        Linux Distros in particular just never work out well for me, whenever I try and it just falls to pieces after a while and doesn't work consistently for my gaming. I have so little of the troubleshooting knowledge I have accumulated for windows across the years that I can't effectively resolve issues I encounter.

        Best I can hope for Android wise is just keeping to the custom ROMs, but they all come with the annoyances.

    • tutanota is a good email client

      • On Windows, the new version of Thunderbird is pretty good. On Android, FairEmail is my preferred app.

  • All my durable medical equipment like CPAP machine, DirecTV, and Walgreens for anything.