I pulled out my Hario Switch today and realized I’ve only really experimented with Tetsu Kasuya’s “God Recipe” (pasted below for those interested). Overall I’ve found the cups to be smooth and sweet. I don’t love the minor fuss of the temp drop, but it’s an interesting approach.
What other recipes have you used for the Switch? I appreciate any recommendations in advance!
20 grams of coffee and 280 grams of water.
Three pour structure with a temp drop and immersion on the 3rd pour. Okay to grind a little finer than usual.
0:00-0:30: Pour 60 grams at 90-93C. Switch open, let it flow.
0:30-1:00: Pour 60 grams at 90-93C. Switch open, let it flow.
1:00-1:15: Close the Switch. Drop water temp to about 70C and pour in 160 grams of water (total is now 280 g).
1:15-1:45: Let the immersion take place. 1:45:-3:00: Open the Switch and let drawdown occur. Try to aim for a grind size that allows the drawdown to complete at ~ 3:00. Close switch at 3:00 if not finished.
The cup should have acidic note separation initially but the body will be round and sweet with little to no bitterness.
I quite like this one from the Coffee Chronicler. It's heavily inspired by Tetsu's recipe but cuts out the temperature drop and makes it easier for those mornings when you want to make good coffee when you're still half asleep.
It's 20g of coffee, 160g of water with the switch open, let it drain until 45 seconds, close he switch, add another 160g of water, let it steep until the 2 minutes mark, open the switch and let it drain.
It's not as smoot and sweet as Tetsu's, but it's still a great and easy recipe I use often. I hope you enjoy! Looking forward to seeing what other recipes are posted.
Exactly the recipe I was going to share! It's a solid base and versatile: I play around with the number of pours before the immersion brew, how many grams are poured over versus held in the immersion, and how long the immersion is. I personally prefer a shorter immersion than the recipe, typically around 45s, but it really boils down to personal preference.