And a great way of making other good and innocent people self-conscious about their appearance. Making fun of someone's looks doesn't affect just that person.
Conversations about Amy Schumer tend to go a certain direction. Keep in mind I don't really like her either. But I will be keeping an eye on the comments. Nothing against you OP just this topic brings out certain people.
Remember when she said all that stuff about body positivity, then threw a hissy fit because a magazine named her number one in their top 10 list of amazing "plus sized" ladies?
Literally nobody would know who she is without this relationship. She isn't funny, and wouldn't get a deal with anyone if Chuck wasn't pulling strings.
He's a 2nd cousin of her father multiple times removed who she didn't even meet till she was 25. If you want to be mad about something you don't need to make it up, just refer to her war posts