It was for research
It was for research
It was for research
2015? I demand a reset to 2000!
Imagine a world where the Supreme Court allowed Florida to keep counting ballots and we found out Al Gore actually won the election.
I think that's what happened on Earth Prime and we're in one of those alternate-reality "What if?" comic book Earths. What if the villain known only as Hanging Chad hadn't been stopped?
(Al-Gor does sound like a Kryptonian name...)
people say the date is dependent on the person but 2015 is basically before trump and qanon and such. So I don't think OP is saying 2015 is the best year just that after 2015 was just craziness.
If we reset to 1960, we could avoid the whole end of the climate apocalypse thing.
I mean we wouldn't, but we could.
Everything we do still counts. The faster we reduce carbon emissions, the less catastrophic the climate will get for our civilization.
And the emissions are still increasing.
Going back to 1960 would help us prevent Republicans from adopting the southern strategy and basically creating all modern problems
yeah thats the problem. There would be time but it would be the same folks trying to do something and the same folks fighting it and the same either ignoring or being ignorant of it.
My longtime girlfriend left me the first week of 2016. It led to a lot of personal growth that would've never happened otherwise but I cannot downplay just how shocking it was for our mutual friend group. Memories of back then seem unrecognizable now.
David Bowie died the second week of 2016 and things kept going downhill from there.
I was entrenched in media in 2015 and it was an unbelievably entertaining year. Of course I like politics so Trump's presidential run was pretty fucking funny.
"We just kinda figured maybe you'd make something neat under pressure, but it appears you made TikTok and global pandemic instead." The spokesman went on to suggest that maybe they should go back an extra year, just for good measure. "We want to give everyone a chance to reconsider their actions. Although I was personally in favor of an extra year, the council has decided that 2015 is an acceptable starting point." The spokesman then left the podium to the Chronometric Operations, Observation and Managment representative.
What SCP is this?
Better plot than most movies these days.
Still waiting
Reptiles are slow to get around to doing things
I have a sun lamp they can borrow
If they did this, I wouldn't even be mad about there being shadow overlords.
I think 2012 would be best for the UK.
It’s all been aggressively down hill since the olympics.
I like the theory that the Mayans were absolutely correct: the world does end on 21 December 2012.
But "the world ending" doesn't just happen all at once like flipping the switch of existence.
No, it ends by falling apart, disintegrating, devolving into chaos. Slowly at first, but compounding in speed and severity. Still, fast by "end of the world" standards may very well be "almost imperceptibly slow at first" to the human frame of reference.
In short: the world started to end right when the Mayans said it would. We're just starting to realize it now.
I'm right there with you. The last decade can be easily described as "things falling apart"
I believe I'm going to live far longer than anyone born before 2012, or I'm going to die after society collapses
It absolutely hurts me that that was 2012
I was going to suggest 1979 but the problem with the UK is it's hard to find a date when it wasn't already shite.
You can really see at the chosen year where the person making the meme comes from. Plenty of countries that would have plenty to say about the year.
If our mental state is reset as well, we would end up in a loop since we would continue reaching the same point we reset at.
The comic is saying that the overlords purposely threw in some very wacky conditions in 2015 just to see how we'd respond, so the idea we're saying is that we'd like to go back to X year and go forward but without the wacky settings in the simulator.
We better be getting some bonus credits or something.
Oh maaaaan I’ve missed this meme every day I’ve not looked at it. Truly a modern classic of the genre x x
everyones giving their preference. I would take the 70's just after the mandatory draft was out. Was basically when we had a chance to deal with global warming and you would not believe the dilapadated mansions some poor people lived in. Where they old and worn. yes. were they effin huge with a decent amount of property not far from cities. yes. also families were being supported on one income. oh and pensions were a thing.
Interesting times to see "The Illuminati" make a comeback.
Icke maintains that he is not an anti-Semite, and that he is criticizing not real Jews, but 12-foot-tall alien lizard people, many of whom just happen to be posing as Jews.
Nah thanks 2015 was horrible for me.
The answer is obviouse, try to invest in bitcoin
01-01-1997, and please make sure everyone remembers what happens till 2023
People are stupid. If everyone remembered what happened, we would just have cryptocurrency and NFTs earlier. Nothing would actually be different
Please dont. That would make me unborn.
Wait.. On second thought. .. Yes please.
Could we please reset it to about 1991?
Sure, but let's make it late 1991 so that we can all play SNES.
Pesky lizard man
We've all used that menu in SimCity.
This meme created by someone who didn't live through and thoroughly enjoy the 1990's
Depends on who you are and what part of the planet you lived in. There were a lot of good things about the 90's, but it was a pretty dark time for most minorities, especially anyone in the LGBT+ group. Heck the US didn't allow same sex marriage universally until 2015, and the first state didn't allow it until 2004. Even outside the US, I don't think any country allowed equal marriage rights until into the 2000's.
Sadly the Matrix was right about which decade was the height of our civilization.
I think it's important to always downvote this prominent racist.
Ok, but you sound lime you didn't live in the 90's