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  • I want to replace my 2014 13" MBP. But two things are really weighing on me:

    1. I have 2 Windows laptops (one that's more for gaming and another that's more for productivity) that do what I need them to do perfectly well; why do I need another laptop? Plus I have two gaming desktops, a couple NUCs, a few servers, some RPIs...I really don't need more computers, seriously.
    2. Terrible base options with pricey upgrades. I'm tired of having to pay Apple extra for "premium features." I've done with it iPhones over the years -- wtf is 64GB (and now 128GB) base storage -- At least my 2010 MBP I could upgrade aftermarket and did, but for my 2014 MBP, I had to pay the premium for more storage (base was 128GB; got 256GB).

    Now I've never used my MBPs for anything resource-intensive. Some light-gaming -- Stellaris and Eve Online, rarely -- is probably the heaviest thing I've done it. Could I get by on 8GB RAM? Yeah, probably.

    But it's the principle of the thing. This isn't 10yrs ago anymore, where Windows laptops from various manufacturers kinda sucked. My friend and I were looking at Windows laptops just the other day; so many nice Macbook-esque, thin, lightweight, but powerful enough laptops out there. And for the same price or less of an Macbook base model, they start at 16GB RAM, 512GB SSDs, etc. Many are still upgradable aftermarket.

    I'm sure Apple Silicon is worth the premium. But not this other stuff that's considered base on so many Windows machines.

    I love Apple products, I do. But I'm not gonna keep throwing money at them for things that shouldn't be considered upgrades. Guess I'll keep holding out.

  • "Pro" suggests power users, but 8 GB is what you'd find in a low end word processing desktop for office use, or even a kid's chromebook. This is crazy, they are REALLY pushing their luck with this.

    I would say maybe if there's enough pushback they'll offer a better option, but I doubt it.

  • My Thinkpad T400 from 2010 has 8GB of RAM. This was wild back then. But this was 13 years ago. Stop milking your customers by putting insane margins on memory and storage, Apple.

  • As a professional myself, I can say with 100% experience (currently using a 8GB mac pro) that 8GB is NOT enough and I get memory warnings about once every week that causes me to have to shut down a bunch of programs and slow open them back up as needed. But at the same time, I also think given that the 8gb mac pros are only using standard M(x) silicon I think the better answer would be to just not sell standard silicon as "pro" machines.

    And if you look at the pricing between an air and a pro (15" vs 14", both 512 mem, both M3 8/10/8 silicon) the price difference is only $100. The machines are very close in capability; so really the 14" mac pro is little more than a rebranded air. This difference was harder to tell pre Apple silicon as it was easier to have different CPU/GPU/etc between the air and pro to give more of an actual difference. Of course if they did do that then the "base" level price for a "pro" would be $1,999 and not look near as nice as the current $1,599.

    Ultimately with the advent of apple silicon apple really should just have a single macbook line and let the silicon be the actual air/pro/etc dividing factor. But I'm sure people would have plenty to complain about if they did that and apple themselves put themselves in this position by starting the whole "pro" vs "pleb" marketing in the first place.

    The real crime that apple should be held for is the base level of storage their devices have across all of their devices (Phones, computers, iPads).