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13.13 Patch Preview

"This patch is mostly focused on stabilization as it will be a 3 week patch and let the meta play out

AP Shiv is overtuned on a few cases (LB, etc.), but ~balanced on other others vs other options (Zoe, Teemo, etc.)

We're nerfing AP minion ratio and long distance jump charge"

"For 13.14 in the future, we are looking at role power through item choice structure and power curves for AD mythics (IE weak, Gale strong, Tri Force ADC +Top)

AD's are spiking too hard on 1 item generally & scaling through kits. This is disrupting other role power curves too"

"We're looking to address these role considerations through a combination of item and champion changes (to top lane in particular).

Other things we're aiming for 13.14 are K'Sante anti-pro skew work (might slip though), some excitement work for Xerath, Zyra" -

#PBE values are subject to change

#>>> Champion Buffs <<<

##Lee Sin


#>>> Champion Nerfs <<<







##Varus (AP) - PBE

  • [W] Blighted Quiver adjustments:
    • [W-P] On-hit AP ratio increased 30% >>> 35%
    • [W-Blight] Bonus magic damage per stack consumed AP ratio reduced 2.5% per 100 AP >>> 1.5% per 100 AP



#>>> Champion Adjustments <<<

##Rell (Support nerf, Jungle buff)

#>>> System Nerfs <<<

##Statikk Shiv - PBE

  • Electroshock nerfs:
    • Minion damage AP reduced 125% >>> 85%
    • Energize stacking for dashes reduced

##Ghost - PBE

  • Cooldown increased 210 >>> 240 seconds

#>>> System Adjustments <<<

##Essence Reaver - PBE

  • Spellblade damage adjusted 100% base AD (+40% bonus AD) >>> 130% base AD (+25% bonus AD)

##Stormrazor - PBE 1, PBE 2

  • Bolt damage adjusted from 15 (+60% AD) (+50% AP) >>> 90 (+25% AD)

##Duskblade of Draktharr

  • Samira [R] Inferno Trigger and Katarina [R] Death Lotus interactions

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