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China’s emissions set to fall in 2024 after record growth in clean energy Analysis: China’s emissions set to fall in 2024 after record growth in clean energy - Carbon Brief

China’s CO2 emissions are set to fall in 2024 and could be facing structural decline, due to record growth in clean energy.

Analysis: China’s emissions set to fall in 2024 after record growth in clean energy - Carbon Brief
  • China has been seeing a boom in manufacturing, which has offset a contraction in demand for carbon-intensive steel and cement due to the ongoing real-estate slump.

  • The emissions rebound in 2023 has been accompanied by record installations of low-carbon electricity generating capacity, particularly wind and solar.

  • Hydro generation is set to rebound from record lows due to drought in 2022-23.

  • China’s economic recovery from Covid has been muted. To date, it has not repeated previous rounds of major infrastructure expansion after economic shocks.

  • There has been a surge of investment in manufacturing capacity, particularly for low-carbon technologies, including solar, electric vehicles and batteries.

  • This is creating an increasingly important interest group in China, which could affect the country’s approach to domestic and international climate politics.

  • On the other hand, coal power capacity continues to expand, setting the scene for a showdown between the country’s traditional and newly emerging interest groups.

Taken together, these factors all but guarantee a decline in China’s CO2 emissions in 2024.