Use a gift card instead of your credit card to get your order in faster. People who preordered the first version got through quicker because steam could process the transactions while credit card users were stuck waiting.
Yep, had to update my CC info, took too long once I got past the shipping address roadblock, was out of stock by the time I had entered the info... Don't let me add the item to my cart if you don't reserve it for me, fucking hell!
The first 20 minutes I got transaction errors from the order, then it went through, I got charged and... a transaction error. Made my second order without PayPal, paid the second time and a 1TB model is coming for Christmas. The second payment was returned a few hours later.
This is our first Steam Deck, never tried one. Goes to Christmas wrapping immediately and we open it on the 25th.
Amazingly, Valve actually fought off the scalpers. At least in the US. 6 hours later and everything seems to still be in stock, including the LE. It's still a rough ride ordering though, with 502 errors constantly.
Best of luck to everyone that wanted one! Especially the limited edition one. I'll be waiting for a steam deck 2 or something. Already got the top LCD model w/ hall effect joysticks and dbrands' Clone of the Kingdom on mine.