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  • Yeah, we're the fucking generation that can't afford our own living, but have you tried giving us a ping-pong table?

  • the correct answer to this entire questionnaire is to close it and never look back

  • Of course, nobody with two brain cells to rub together who reads that answer is sitting there thinking to themselves, "Huh... I guess I've had it wrong all this time, focusing so much on money." Rather, they're instinctively blurting out, "Yeah right -- I call bull!"

    But I'll give them partial credit; frequently it's about money. Sometimes, it's just about a work environment that used to be great going to crap. And sometimes, it's about the employee coming to an epiphany, and realizing that their work environment was actually crap all along.

    That said, it may be true that not every job that I've ditched was entirely because of money... but it should go without saying that it's always a factor in where I went for the next job. Also, it's never the only factor -- but it's certainly one of the more significant ones.

  • I actually convinced my boss to get us a ping pong table, all I had to do was forego my pay for a year!

    Totally worth, since I'm not working for the money, I'm working for the culture (our culture is now a ping pong table). It's so awesome that I can use it during my state-mandated breaks 🙂

    • state-mandated breaks 🙂

      Looks like someone doesn't do construction work in Texas.

  • Chants for your next strike action:

    • "Hey hey! ho ho! Give us balls and paddles or we're going to go! Hey hey! Ho ho!"
    • "The workers without ping pong, will never work the day long!"
    • "The people with no paddles, will never be your chattel!"
    • "backhands, forehands, we don't need your labels, the only thing we need are fucking ping pong tables!"
  • As a capitalist I don't understand why it wouldn't be about the money

    • In my experience, they're thinking 20-30 cents per hour. And yah, that's never enough to change someone's mind. 20-30% that could make a difference, but it's way too much for them to ever concider.

      • They'll consider it if they know someone else is willing to pay it. I got headhunted a couple years ago by a place willing to pay me 50% more than I made to work remotely doing generally the same thing I was already doing in-office. There were more responsibilities, though, so I wanted to stick with my current job if I could get them to match the offer. I took it to my boss, and he agreed to match the pay, and even talked the CEO into letting me work remotely when they otherwise have a pretty strong push toward in-office work.

        Now I get paid more than my own supervisor while working a pretty cushy job in my pajamas.

  • How about giving them a raise in pay, and if they really want it, they can buy the ping-pong table out of their own pocket flips desk

    • That's stupid. Wouldn't the smarter thing to do be to buy the ping pong table and Dock everyone's pay because of it? That ping pong table cost the company a fortune. And no, those bite marks on the leg of pool table aren't from my dog/s