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People who have died and came back, what was your experience?
  • I don’t want to discuss the incident in detail because it was very traumatic, but long story short, I had a near-drowning incident when I was 12 (technically not a drowning because I survived). I was technically dead for several minutes.

    I saw nothing. total blank. I remember flashes of struggling to get to the side of the pool one moment, and flashes of waking up in an ambulance the next. then it cuts out again, and then I woke up in a hospital room with tubes in all my holes (plus some tubes in new holes) and surrounded by my mom and brothers.

  • Shopping at Target
  • I feel bad for the employees who have to clean that mess.

    especially because 1) it will be trashed again in 30 minutes, and 2) they get paid crap

  • Trump Voters Trust Ex-President More Than Their Family and Friends: Poll
  • at least, in the end, they rid the world of themselves. MAGAts want everyone else dead.

  • [ COMMUNITY ] - c/Plex Sunday Advice / No Stupid Questions Post - 2023-08-13
  • Do us a favor and repost this question on today’s advice/NSQ post, and we’ll continue from there!

  • [ COMMUNITY UPDATE ] - An update on discussing piracy in this community - 2023-08-20

    Since this post was made last week, we've gotten a lot of feedback regarding the new policy, and it's understandable that many of you are unhappy with the restriction. It makes it difficult to discuss how to effectively set up a full Plex server stack which includes a VPN and torrent solution which feed into Sonarr / Radarr / etc. So, after some discussion and thought, we've decided to loosen the rule a litte bit in order to better facilitate such discussions.

    Moving forward, discussions regarding how to acquire media will be permitted. Users here who need help setting up and troubleshooting the means and methods of acquiring media - such as installing VPN and torrent client docker containers - may come here for help and users here may feel free to answer openly. Soon, we may feature guides in the sidebar to help facilitate these processes, as the goal here is to help Plex users set up and operate Plex Media Servers.

    The line where it becomes unacceptable is where discussion veer into the acquisition of any specific media. Posts or comments asking how to find/acquire specific shows / films / albums and on are not permitted. As stated previously, there are other communities for that. Frankly, they’re better resources for that kind of help anyway.

    We hope these loosened restrictions make it easier for users here to have open discussions and make it more clear that we're trying to focus on the purpose of helping Plex users set up, troubleshoot, and maintain their servers.

    Rule 4 in the sidebar has been updated to reflect this shift in policy.

    We welcome feedback and discussion in the comments below!


    -- c/Plex Mod Team

    [ COMMUNITY ] - c/Plex Sunday Advice / NSQ Post - 2023-08-20
  • Plex access and reads files like any other app would. If your, say, file browser can see/read the files, Plex can. So, if your encrypted drive is mounted and accessible to the rest of the system, Plex will be able to access it just fine.

  • [ COMMUNITY ] - c/Plex Sunday Advice / NSQ Post - 2023-08-20

    Weekly Advice / No Stupid Questions Post

    This is part of a weekly series of Plex Advice threads for novices and pros alike to ask questions, give advice, troubleshoot, and share knowledge and resources! Please be polite and helpful to beginners just getting started out, and we want to be as welcoming as we can to newcomers to this community.

    Common subjects can include:

    • Plex Media Server setup
    • System requirements and advice buying components
    • Advice choosing the operating system that's right for you
      • Getting started with a new operating system (eg. Linux, macOS, etc.)
    • Advanced setup and configuration
    • Help with PMS add-ons:
      • Docker
      • VPN advice
      • Setup / configuration of the \*arr family of apps (Sonarr, Radarr, etc.)

    Anyone who posts good starter guides, FAQs, and/or wikis may get their links added to the sidebar so the rest of the community can benefit!



    Useful Resources

    [ COMMUNITY ] - c/Plex Saturday Share-Your-Build Post - 2023-08-19
  • I’m still rocking a 2011 iMac for my server a a ghastly 350W. I hate it. it’s slow af, but kills it for my needs, which will hopefully last until I can afford to replace it. it’s been my server for the last 12 years… I ran a - get this - a Pentium 4 4GHz before that as my Plex server!

  • [ COMMUNITY ] - c/Plex Saturday Share-Your-Build Post - 2023-08-19
  • I’d have loved to go all 4k myself, but I just don’t have the storage capacity for it atm. plus, even with my 4K tv, I just don’t see such a huge difference between 4K and 1080. I have a small apt so I don’t have a huge tv. if I did, I’d notice I more, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • look, I don’t know what your problem is, but you need to get a hobby, kid, lmao

  • How native Hawaiians feel about the occupation regime
  • what? didn’t you just comment on the Star Trek sub? what is this?

    are you serious? lol

  • [ COMMUNITY ] - c/Plex Saturday Share-Your-Build Post - 2023-08-19

    Weekly Share-Your-Build Post

    This is part of a weekly series of Share-Your-Build Post threads for everyone to share their builds, discuss different server solutions, and share knowledge and resources! Please be polite and helpful to beginners just getting started out, and we want to be as welcoming as we can to newcomers to this community.

    Common info to share can include:

    • Plex server make/model
    • CPU and GPU info
    • Storage solution info
    • Plex add-on info (Radarr, Sonarr, Docker, etc.)
    • other configuration info

    Anyone who posts good starter guides, FAQs, and/or wikis may get their links added to the sidebar so the rest of the community can benefit!


    [ COMMUNITY UPDATE ] - Regarding Plexamp Releases - 2023-08-19

    We apologize to the community for not including Plexamp releases posts here. It was a simple oversight and not an intentional exclusion. Future Plexamp releases will be posted here.

    We will also be adding Plexamp and relevant links to the relevant guides in the sidebar over the next day or so.


    -- c/Plex Mod Team

    [ RELEASE - PUBLIC ] - New Plex for Android Version Available - 9.29.1

    PUBLIC - Version 9.29.1

    Platform: Android

    Available on Google Play and the Amazon App Store.

    NOTE: We are performing a staged rollout, which means the update may take a day or two before it becomes available.


    • Player: a crash could occur when fetching item during playback.

    DOWNLOAD APK (Plex Pass required):

    Help with GPU selection
  • I think I’ll add this to the sidebar!

  • [ RELEASE - PUBLIC ] - New Plex for Android Version Available - 9.29.0

    PUBLIC - Version 9.29.0

    Platform: Android

    Available on Google Play and the Amazon App Store.

    NOTE: We are performing a staged rollout, which means the update may take a day or two before it becomes available.


    • Player: favourite button for marking a Live TV channel as a favourite.


    • Platform: navigation could sometimes stall indefinitely on a bad connection.
    • [TV] Ensure review card has a focus indication on all devices.
    • [TV] Ensure filmography list items have correct size.

    DOWNLOAD APK (Plex Pass required):

    Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged
  • that would be a really cool trend to start

    well, it would be very geeky, but still cool

  • Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged
  • setting up the whole coin system would create server costs. you can already donate.

  • Even after Planned Parenthood stopped performing abortions, Texas is still trying to shut it down
  • it was never about the abortions.

    as always, the cruelty was the point.

  • Trump Announces Plans to Finally Go Ahead and Prove Election Was Rigged
  • thanks, but…. aren’t you glad it doesn’t have that useless crap?

  • The Boldest Star Trek Show is Must-Watch Television | Cord Cutters News The Boldest Star Trek Show is Must-Watch Television | Cord Cutters News

    Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is a breath of fresh air because it balances staying true to classic Trek while taking big risks.

    The Boldest Star Trek Show is Must-Watch Television | Cord Cutters News
    CNN posts trump's indictment from Fulton County, Georgia
  • I just noticed: Trump has been charged with 14 counts on the indictment, but Giuliani has been charged with 15, lmao

  • [ RELEASE - PUBLIC ] - New Plex for Mac, Windows, and Linux Version Available - 1.76.2

    PUBLIC - Version 1.76.2

    Platform: Mac, Windows, and Linux


    • Added Cast list to Season and Episode details pages when available
    • Discover Together: Allow remove rating activity directly from Profile
    • Show header and breadcrumb when viewing hubs from Home


    • Discover Credits: Fixed blank avatar styling
    • Fixed an issue that could cause some users to not be able to remove Friends
    • Fixed an issue in the Home Continue Watching list that could cause items to not be displayed by order of activity
    • Improved library sharing modal messaging when user has multiple servers


    [ COMMUNITY UPDATE ] - A Note on piracy and's decision to ban piracy communities - 2023-08-14

    As you may know, has decided to ban any communities that deal with the subjects of piracy. Considering that this sub might be considered piracy-adjacent, I'd like to make it clear that discussing the subject directly is not allowed, nor is requesting/offering Plex shares in posts or comments.

    This is a community for discussing Plex products, serivices, add-ons, etc. and getting adivce and support or those apps/services. It's not a place to discuss piracy. I understand this is a fine line to walk and requires a certain amount of compartmentalization in our discussions, but it's what keeps our discussions from becoming legally problematic (depending on your jurisdiction) for our instance hosts and keeps our community federated with and visible to as many users as possible!

    Thanks, Everyone!

    -- The Mod Team

    EDIT: it should be noted that discussions that may involve piracy ARE PERMITTED (as it pertains to Plex and its add-ons) in our Matrix community chats (linked above and in the sidebar), as they’re not Lemmy-related and aren’t going to get this community in trouble here. However, all other rules still apply.

    [ RELEASE - PUBLIC ] - New Plex Web Version Available - 4.113.2

    PUBLIC - Version 4.113.2

    Platform: Plex Web


    • Added Cast list to Season and Episode details pages when available
    • Discover Together: Allow remove rating activity directly from Profile
    • Show header and breadcrumb when viewing hubs from Home


    • Discover Credits: Fixed blank avatar styling
    • Fixed an issue that could cause some users to not be able to remove Friends
    • Fixed arrows appearing on number inputs in Firefox
    • Fixed an issue in the Home Continue Watching list that could cause items to not be displayed by order of activity
    • Improved library sharing modal messaging when user has multiple servers
    [ COMMUNITY UPDATE ] - New community Icon - 2023-08-13

    Hello, Community!

    As you may have noticed, I've been trying to find the right community icon for the last few days as could get quite the right one. So I made one that combines the Plex logo with the Lemmy logo.

    I think it looks prtty nice, and I hope you like it, too!


    -- u/BrooklynMan

    [ COMMUNITY ] - c/Plex Sunday Advice / No Stupid Questions Post - 2023-08-13

    Weekly Advice / No Stupid Questions Post

    This is part of a weekly series of Plex Advice threads for novices and pros alike to ask questions, give advice, troubleshoot, and share knowledge and resources! Please be polite and helpful to beginners just getting started out, and we want to be as welcoming as we can to newcomers to this community.

    Common subjects can include:

    • Plex Media Server setup
    • System requirements and advice buying components
    • Advice choosing the operating system that's right for you
      • Getting started with a new operating system (eg. Linux)
    • Advanced setup and configuration
    • Help with PMS add-ons:
      • Docker
      • VPN advice
      • Setup / configuration of the \*arr family of apps (Sonarr, Radarr, etc.)

    Anyone who posts good starter guides, FAQs, and/or wikis may get their links added to the sidebar so the rest of the community can benefit!



    Useful Resources

    [ COMMUNITY ] - c/Plex Saturday Share-Your-Build Post - 2023-08-12

    Weekly Share-Your-Build Post

    This is part of a (semi-)weekly series of Share-Your-Build Post threads for everyone to share their builds, discuss different server solutions, and share knowledge and resources! Please be polite and helpful to beginners just getting started out, and we want to be as welcoming as we can to newcomers to this community.

    Common info to share can include:

    • Plex server make/model
    • CPU and GPU info
    • Storage solution info
    • Plex add-on info (Radarr, Sonarr, Docker, etc.)
    • other configuration info

    Anyone who posts good starter guides, FAQs, and/or wikis may get their links added to the sidebar so the rest of the community can benefit!


    [ RELEASE - PUBLIC ] - New Plex for tvOS (Apple TV) Version Available - 8.23.1

    PUBLIC - Version 8.23.1

    Platform: tvOS


    • A crash when launching the app on devices running tvOS 14 and tvOS 15.
    [ RELEASE - BETA ] - New PMS Version Available -

    BETA - Version

    Platform: Mac, Linux, and Windows


    • (Agents) Some attributes were missing from legacy agent api responses (#14436)
    • (Analysis) MP4 Atom Parsing could fill logs (#14418)
    • (Automatic Scanning) Symbolic links with missing targets could cause changes to later entries in a directory not to be detected (#14398)
    • (DVR) Could not record a show if a show with the same name (such as a remake) and episode number already existed in the target library (#13444)
    • (DVR) Devices could fail to be recognized when IP addresses change (#13529)
    • (DVR) Multi-lineup DVRs could be created as single-lineups (#14395)
    • (DVR) Tuning in channels could fail for channel names containing special characters (#14391)
    • (Debian) Remove GPG lower version limit (Music) Scanning music could be pathologically slow in some cases (#14389)
    • (Playlist) Adding a Clip to a playlist would unexpectedly convert it to a photo playlist (#14381)
    • (Transcoder) An incorrect fallback font could be used when burning subtitles in some cases (#14357)
    • (Transcoder) Certain newer AMD GPU models couldn’t be used for hardware transcoding on Linux (#14416)


    BrooklynMan BrooklynMan

    designer of experiences, developer of apps, resident of nyc, citizen of earth


    tip jar

    Posts 136
    Comments 386