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Trump’s Most Unhinged Plans for His Second Term Trump’s Most Unhinged Plans for His Second Term

He’s openly plotting to persecute his enemies, assume kinglike powers, and deport millions of people. But at least we’ll all have flying cars!

Trump’s Most Unhinged Plans for His Second Term

Many of Trump’s proposals for his second term are surprisingly extreme, draconian, and weird, even for him. Here’s a running list of his most unhinged plans.

109 - Politics Mazdak
Trump’s Most Unhinged Plans for His Second Term
  • Ok that escalated. Starts with usual giving himself powers stuff but ends up with Federal "freedom cities" and flying cars.

  • Trump is already disqualified from holding any office, let alone that of the President, under section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

    Page 17:

    V. The persons who framed Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment regarded the President of the United States as an officer of the United States

    The President of the United States was among the officials who took the oath to the Constitution that under Section Three triggered disqualification for participating in an insurrection. As noted in the previous section, the persons responsible for the Fourteenth Amendment sought to bar from present and future office all persons who betrayed their constitutional oath. “All of us understanding the meaning of the third section,” Senator John Sherman of Ohio stated, “those men who have once taken an oath of office to support the Constitution of the United States and have Fourteenth Amendment distinguished between the presidential oath mandated by Article II and violated that oath in spirit by taking up arms against the Government of the United States are to be deprived for a time at least of holding office.” No member of the Congress that drafted the the oath of office for other federal and state officers mandated by Article VI. Both were oaths to support the Constitution. Senator Garrett Davis of Kentucky saw no legal difference between the constitutional requirement that “all officers, both Federal and State, should take an oath to support” the Constitution and the constitutional requirement that the president “take an oath, to the best of his ability to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.” Senator James Doolittle of Wisconsin declared that Congress need not pass laws requiring presidents to swear to support the Constitution because that “oath is specified in the constitution.”

    In fact, the exact question of whether the disqualification from public office covered the Presidency came up at the time the Fourteenth Amendment was being drafted:


    One scholar notes that the drafting history of Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment suggests that the office of the President is covered:

    During the debate on Section Three, one Senator asked why ex-Confederates “may be elected President or Vice President of the United States, and why did you all omit to exclude them? I do not understand them to be excluded from the privilege of holding the two highest offices in the gift of the nation.” Another Senator replied that the lack of specific language on the Presidency and Vice- Presidency was irrelevant: “Let me call the Senator’s attention to the words ‘or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States.’”

    I’ll highlight that last bit again:

    Another Senator replied that the lack of specific language on the Presidency and Vice- Presidency was irrelevant: “Let me call the Senator’s attention to the words ‘or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States.’”

    That is from this paper:

    Some people seem to have a lot of trouble with figuring out what "or" means, in a list of things.

  • he only managed to expel several hundred thousand people per year, which is similar to the number of deportations during other recent administrations

    Sadly, the Democrats have proven themselves to be just as fascistic when it comes to immigration. I got talked into voting Biden, but I'd be lying if I said that I don't question that decision every day.

    One of the first things Biden did was to build more concentration camps, and one of the first things his supporters did was make excuses for that.

    Edit: Oh yikes, the fascism defenders and concentration camp explainers have appeared in droves in my inbox 😬

    Scroll down for exhibit A...

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