Anon makes a friend
Anon makes a friend
Anon makes a friend
thinking about making a move
If you're wondering where he went wrong... Make your intentions clear my dudes!
This, when I got out of the you need to chase phase I started having much more success on the dating aspect of social life.
Shooting your shot early works best, if they're not interested no harm no foul. I've even had one become my wingman basically and introduced me to her friends. And let me tell you my dudes, girls make the best wingman.
This is what creates so many incels tbh
Guys are always told to "be her friend first" and then all they see is the guys who aren't doing that getting all the girls and they don't understand why doing it the "right way" (the way they were told) isn't working.
Being her friend works if you want to build social skills and comfort with women. If you go be "friends" with a woman only because you want to get with her, when the truth comes out its over!
I think giving men blanket "be soft and friendly" advice is bad. Not all men are the same and everyone can take their own strategy to dating!
After a month of hanging out and talking constantly lol
Even if she thought he was straight and was interested, she would have been totally in the right to write him off as not interested and move on
Lol that's what happens when you wait several weeks.
It kinda is. Girls are so used to being hit on, especially attractive girls, that they figure you're not interested unless you make your attraction clear.
SOURCE: 100 women who have told me, "I didn't think you were interested!" And much tears on my part.
What the fuck I fucking hate woman
One more reason that anon is gay, other than that he takes weeks to get the very obvious signal...
Misogynistic, not gay.
Oh it's a dude, I thought it was two females based on the image at the top but no it's a dude and his female friend, which is why the other person thought they were gay and asked about their future husband.
If she so readily assumes he's gay, I think she might be gay too. But did anon ask? No.