Honestly it's either or. I knew a couple of guys back in uni, one Indian the other Pakistani and they were really tight. Maybe it's just the narrow minded bigots who blindly hate another because of political history rather than treat them as an individual.
Also knew an Israeli and a Palestinian (weren't tight as such but were friendly with each other).
Honestly, it's a love-hate relationship. There's nobody they hate more than the other, at the same time there's nobody who understands them better than the other.
Even then, the hate is mostly political. It's politically beneficial to both countries to keep the hate flowing.
It's been seventy years now. How long do you think dead Britons will have more responsibility for and power over India and Pakistan than the people in those countries?
A lot of Latin American people see themselves as white and would get very offended if you suggest otherwise
Edit: Sorry I had no idea latinx was offensive
Having had this conversation with literally 300+ hispanic people, never once has a single one had a single positive thought about "latinx". Gendered nouns is literally a large part of their language.
Only Americans seem to draw a distinction between Spanish descendents other European descendents. Presumably because they're poor and on the wrong side of a line someone drew on a map.
Antonio Banderas was bemused when he was labelled a "person of colour".
Yes I've had this argument with some Latino people. I guess they don't to be on the shitside of the stratification, but the racist whites hate them as well.
Didn't occur to me right away but you're right. On the other hand, if they live in India then most of the people who ever wronged them would also be from India (which is also not an ethnic group as pointed out)
I have an Asian buddy that rages over how bad Asian drivers are and even gives them the fingers pulling his eyes even more closed move while passing them. I don't go anywhere in a car with him anymore... Come to think of it I rarely see him now...
India-Bangladesh and India-Nepal relations are usually good. There are disagreements over water-sharing and borders, but not to the extent that people hate each other.
India-Pakistan there is some amount of hatred. At this point it is mostly performative, but unfortunately some people take it too far.
As mentioned in the thread, self-hatred or the guy being Pakistani are two likely explanations. Maybe a third scenario could be he was testing if Anon was racist against Indians as well before presenting himself.