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Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.

Youtube has started to artificially slow down video load times if you use Firefox. Spoofing Chrome magically makes this problem go away.

  • Ah, I was wondering why YouTube was taking so long to load recently. I thought it was just because their code was shit, and it turns out I was right, but not in the way I thought.

  • Let's hope Europe stars investigating Google as a gatekeeper. That seemed to work miracles on Apple.

  • Huh, I noticed YouTube videos taking a little extra longer to load.

    • I did too... In Chrome on Linux. I'll check my use agent, it might be set to something else because I use it to check some stuff with developers.

  • It's long past time to flesh out our antitrust laws to deal with these greedy tech giants.

  • I noticed the YouTube website sometimes has a 5 second delay or so before properly loading in with Vivaldi recently. Not sure if that's related in any way.

  • Oh, this is about the delay if you're using a full adblocker? I'd assumed this was about the awful choppy rendering performance I get in FF Mobile when it's just starting up a vid (which smooths out after about 5 seconds). I just use FF on Android to be able to run YT vids in the background or with my phone-screen locked.