What's the worst thing you've ever smelled?
What's the worst thing you've ever smelled?
I dunno whether to mark this NSFW or not but do your worst.
What's the worst thing you've ever smelled?
I dunno whether to mark this NSFW or not but do your worst.
I often have patients who are uncontrolled diabetics. Their feet essentially rot off of their body if it gets bad enough (diabetes destroys blood circulation, and the feet usually get it first because they have the least blood flow), and the smell is something that text cannot describe. They are also essentially always infected, so leaking pus adds to the multisensory experience.
That's enough internet for today
That's how my grandfather lost his lower leg. Stubborn bastard hid the fact his foot was rotting away. Probably would have been fine if he had done something about it early on.
As a nurse who worked 10 years on the vascular surgery ward: very recognizable. I've seen people, mostly males, go from small toe infection to complete rotting foot and still not being therapy loyal.
Surgeons somethimes refered to it as the salami technique because once you start to amputate the toe in most cases a couple of months later it would be a front foot amputation, followed by an lower leg amputation (most times because of infection or because the patient didn't follow the post-op instructions) and even sometimes an upper leg amputation. Very sad to see.
I'm not native English, so I don't know the correct terms for the amputations.
Huh, I see a lot of horrifying diabetic foot wounds, and I've honestly been surprised by how relatively odourless they are compared to more acute abscessing wounds.
My set point might just be off. My patient population is, uh, pungent at the best of times... Most of them are homeless or close to, and hygeine is just not something they can prioritize.
I agree, the diabetic foot ulcers are fairly tame until wet necrosis sets in.
Cancer wounds are worse in my experience. The little old ladies who don’t go to the doctor until their breast looks like burnt bloody cauliflower and have been bandaging with toilet tissue or old tea towels for ages so you have to fish around in old macerated tissue to get all the threads and clumps out.
A fridge unplugged for 3 weeks with food inside that I had to clean out. I haven't smelled a rotting corpse but I imagine that it can't be far off.
I am surprised you cleaned it out instead of like, burning it to ash with thermite
I had to empty one out too after it failed during a vacation simply because it was too heavy move full.
Not recommended.
I once read a comment from someone working for a company that cleaned out houses that - for one reason or another - haven't been inhabited for some time. First rule he got told was to always just tape the fridge shut and drive it directly to the landfill.
I worked a clean up crew for a large college campus. One day the boss offered a case of beer and a full day payed off to the person who would clean the bottom of the elevator shaft in the exchange student dorm. The whole summer they had been dumping their garbage down it instead of bagging it and bringing it to the dumpsters. Muck boots, painters suit, and full hood ppe did very little to the smell that followed me for days.
I was not worth a case of beer and a day off.
edit! that was second worst! I accidentally inhaled a full hit of silicon fumes from a friends bong he'd just repaired. that was terrifyingly awful. I thought I was going to fucking die on the spot.
Silicone smells like strong ass vinegar. It's rough.
How did they get access to the shaft to throw trash into it?
I have Crohn's desease and some of the smells I've generated over the years are unconscionable.
I cleared the dance floor at a club once.
It's not just like a normal person's bad fart. It's something totally different. Something evil.
While I fortunately don't have Crohns, I do have periods of horrible IBS so I can relate to the demon-farts, one evening in the park, my bf had to run away from me after I dropped a stinker, this was outside
Clearing a dance floor though? Respect
I saw, and smelled, things in my medical student days that are just best not explored too deeply online. There are holes, abscesses that form in dark places, abscesses that fill with things, and age, and rot. There are things that can make even experienced colorectal surgeons get a bit queasy. The details are best left unspoken.
EMT here. I still smell C.Diff in my nightmares.
Raw sewage. We had some leak up into an apartment back when I was a maintenance guy. The smell actually assaults the eyes first, then you start gagging. We had to lock the apartment off for a full month while the clean-up company did their thing. They were wearing full on gas masks and goggles.
When I was a kid in the 90s our dog used to come back smelling horrible. Mom always said she was “finding some dead thing and rolling in it”.
It wasn’t until 2020, when I left a potato sitting too long on the counter and it produced a black liquid, that I realized the smell was coming from that black potato liquid.
An infected wound that had diarrhea in it.
Never, ever become a nurse's assistant if you can't handle horrible smells :)
Smelling C-diff for the first time is something.
Maybe I'm just built different because c-diff doesn't affect me that much. For me, it's melena, because I literally still smell it for hours after my shift has ended.
Also, while maybe not the worst smell, one of the somehow more disturbing ones was when an intestinal blockage patient belched and it smelled like a fart... which basically it was.
Never, ever become a nurse's assistant if you can't handle horrible smells :)
This cannot be overstated. It can be rough. It's important to know what you're getting into. The worst places I've been have CNAs that are not cut out for the job, and straight up hide during shifts to push the gross/arduous tasks to already heavily-burdened nurses. That is no bueno and it ends with burnt out nurses and much worse patient care.
At the same time, good CNAs are an absolute godsend. Literally could not do my job as well as I do without CNAs kicking ass, so much appreciation for you guys.
I was assigned community service by the court at the white sands national monument as a teen. They had me dumping some enzyme into the outdoor toilets, then storing them with a twelve foot spade. The smell that came out of there was mind wiping.
Pulling out the partially decomposed hair and body fluids from a clogged shower drain.
Yeah it's such an aggressive smell too. It attacks you with malice.
Seriously? That's just a mildly inconvient smell. I bet you're also squeamish about cleaning your toilet?
Yup - I have a sensitive nose - raw chicken gets me too
The smell of the homeless crazy person that had the habit of shitting themselves and wearing the same green winter coat even during summer. They would wander off the street every evening and you could smell their presence 30 meters away.
I remember going home every time with the smell stuck on my nostril for half an hour before I could smell anything else.
The smell was nothing I ever experienced in my whole life. I would say it was closer to cadaverine.
Its been 15 years but I can still vividly remember it.
Foul Ole Ron!
A whey protein shake that I had left in my car in the summer in Georgia. It fermented and exploded in my car.
That's would nearly write the car off? That smell would never come out
Had something similar happen to a friend. It was impossible to get the smell out. Did you keep the car?
I did, until the engine blew up. The smell never really went away.
This was the most relatable horrible smell in this thread for me
This'll seem unnecessarily mean but is the truth. Back when I was 18 and working as a cashier, a man and his son, both extremely overweight, went through my line. Idk what was wrong with them, but they both STANK so hard I could taste it. I went home and showered and could still smell it. I could smell it on my clothes so I washed them too. It was so horrible. I could smell it for hours. It was like the smell had been burned into the back of my nose.
To this day, if I smell something similar to that smell I remember that day and start to panic a little.
Mine probably comes from my retail experience too. Dude regularly came in smelling like rank unwashed dick. Definitely didn't shower or wash his clothes. I had to hold my breath while taking his money every time.
I am currently eating, what the fuck am I doing here in this thread
Losing your appetite, I'd surmise.
Human feces/raw sewage in a stagnant, humid, concrete structure with poor circulation and no means of escape.
Also my dad has this little puss hole on his back that you can perpetually squeeze the most foul smelling stuff out of. It was a family event to squeeze in wonder.
It was a family event to squeeze in wonder
Yup, coulda done without reading that.
Yeah, I should have stayed out of this thread.
Embarrassingly enough I have one of these on my leg. It really sucks.
You definitely need to see a doctor about it if you haven't already.
I'd left a thermos of ramen in my locker for an entire school year in middle school. First year of me having depression lmao
It smelled like if you concentrated the juice in a dumpster. Absolutely satanic sensation
I work with lots of chemicals. The worst smells are these that make you cry before you smell them.
Ammonia, HCl, HNO3, CrO6, and other "fun" stuff. I am getting out off this shithole without functional ventilation in month.
When I was about 9 my family went to the jorvik viking center in York. They had a ride thingy where you could be driven around a realistic viking settlement and whatever the fuck they used to make the realistic smells of smelly vikings and pig shit really fucked me up. No one else was that bothered but I couldn't eat properly for days.
I'm guessing whatever chemical they used really didn't sit well with me. It must have had a pretty extreme effect because that was 31 years ago and it was the first thing that popped in my mind when I saw this question.
It still smells like that!
I don't think it's as bad as it used to be, though.
I had a pilonidal cyst once, the most painful thing I ever experienced, also the one who smelled the worst when it popped, according to a doctor it smells exactly like a corpse
I had one 4 times in 9 months and the second time I had it it ended up bursting in my car and going all over the seat and up the back of the seat, was never able to fully get the smell out
Been there, done that. Hope you've recovered.
My cyst on the back of my neck smelled like parmesan cheese when they cut it open.
My dad and I had the misfortune of driving behind a truck that apparently had a load of dead cows headed for the rendering plant. No place to pass on the highway for a few miles and it was summer. Horrible.
I don't know what it was.
I just know that one day I got on the bus and as soon as it pulled away from the stop THE STENCH hit me. Like poop, but worse. Poop and also rotting. I don't know. I never saw the source of the stench. I grabbed the stop-request cord as I leapt to my feet and hauled ass to the exit door and tried to hold my breath until we got to the next stop.
I walked home and it took basically the whole walk to get the residual stink out of my sinuses. I will never know what made that smell and I think I'm glad.
The smell of human bodies in a formaldehyde soup at a 3rd world country medical universities anatomy lab.
This is why context is important.
TW: gross
Look, I know this doesn't compare and is going to sound silly but my best friend in high school ate glass noodles once and had the worst smelling farts that have ever existed on the planet.
I have smelled some awful smells in my time, then and since, and nothing else compares to the foul odor that my friend emitted that day.
For reference, here's a list of things that my friend's farts were worse than:
The latter was close but not quite.
Yes. My friend's farts were worse than all of these. For dumb reasons we were trapped in an enclosed space and I suffered for hours with no access to fresh air while they sat back and cackled.
Does your friend drink dumpster milk?
I lived on a boat for many years and most of those at commercial fishing docks. Someone left a 5 gallon bucket of anchovies out in front of their boat on the dock for a couple days - with the cover on. I was present when it was opened. PTSD level bad.
I once left a plastic tub of bird seed next to the shed one winter. Something chewed it’s way through the plastic, got stuck and died. Since there was now a hole the rain turned it into a weird soup that I discovered during the hot summer. I can’t even imagine the smell if that was anchovies, it was bad enough as it was.
Similar situation. I volunteered at a wildlife rehab and we got a pelican in. Someone left a wheelbarrow full of fish covered up out in the sun for a few days. I had to clean it out. I did not have a good time.
The bathrooms at the border between Indian and Pakistan. I was already sick and they almost finished me off.
I lived in China and don't speak Chinese. I ordered what I thought was a cheese pizza. It turned out to be durian pizza. I tried one slice but gagged after one bite. I put the pizza in the fridge because I'm dumb. One week later I opened the fridge. It was horrible.
Dead orca. Came upon marine biologists cutting up and disposing of a beached orca, and the smell was like a physical wall, and then a repeated series of roundhouse kicks to the face and eyes. Just an indescribable stench, regular rotting meat dialed up to dimension-warping, sanity-threatening levels. I will never forget it. I would never ever have got closer, but my girlfriend was driving and she knew one of the biologists and was really interested to chat about it right next to the pickup filled with chunks of tail. Just unreal all around.
Similarly, a shity old shed baking in the sun, filled with garbage bags of fish guts (from guests' fish at the gutting table of a fishing resort), that we had to load onto a pickup truck.
Like you said, a physical wall. I couldn't get past it. Whenever I got near the door of the shed, I doubled over wretching and y couldn't get any closer.
I grew up in West Africa in the 80, and there was a lot assaulting your nostrils. The markets with dried fish, the open sewage trenches in the city, rotting roadkill.
But the very worst experience was when I was trying to cross over a bridge during some festival. The bridge was packed with people, who were either heavily perfumed to mask the BO, whose deodorant gave up or who just went a few days without bathing. So we were all there together profusely sweating in the tropical sun, and I was just tall enough so my nose was at armpit height.
Or no, a buried memory surfaces. You may know that natural latex drips out rubber trees, and that they spritz ammonia into the latex to keep it liquid? Now imagine a plantation the size of a city where everything stinks of ammonia. And then a factory that smells of burnt piss?
C-DIFF. If you've ever dealt with someone whos had it you know the smell. It's undescribable but instantly recognizable and stick in your nose for days.
Dude for real. Once I had the unpleasant experience of a plug popping out a little too quickly and drenching me with it. It is the most foul, awful, stench.
Came here to say this. I'm able to easily handle much of the gross side of medicine/care, but that smell sticks with you. First time I was assigned a patient with c-diff I went in thinking I was prepared. Such arrogance...
A friend of mine had to move to a much smaller apartment for a year (remember this) for financial reasons. He put a lot of stuff in a storage facility and one of it was a fridge-freezer-combo. When we finally took everything out we noticed a stenching smell. We opened the freezer and it was full of rotting meat...
A rabbit necropsy that the vet did while I was on shift. I've been around numerous dog necropsies, but that was my first rabbit.
I almost went home, the smell was so horrific. Smells don't usually make me vomit, but that one did.
Never again, I hope.
Was it because of whatever killed the rabbit or does dead rabbit just stink? I've eaten the meat before and I know it's a bit gamey, but I wasn't involved in the prep of the uncooked meat. I figured as a herbivore it wouldn't be that stinky?
For me there are two strong ones competing: Hákarl, basically fermented rotting shark – this smells like a Serbian railway toilet during the war, when it wasn't cleaned for years, but used regularly. It tastes the same. The other was a dog carcass, that was left on the roadside on a nice, hot summer day, and the 'not my job' mentality left it there slowly decomposing over roughly two-three weeks.
Rotten ballistics gel smells a lot like rotting human flesh. So... that.
Working at a rendering plant!! It smells like death and the smell clings to you for weeks
Back in college, I lived in a row of older apartments. Opposite our living room wall was our neighbor’s bedroom. He was found in his bed, 4 days following his passing. Summer. No AC. When his apartment door was opened, the odor spread out and around. It’s a smell I won’t forget.
But the worst smell I’ve had the fortune of smelling is a colostomy bag / baseplate wafer thing.
The code I wrote from a few years ago.
I'll never understand why that is a product. Should have been an experiment that failed the first day.
Who actually buys that to eat it?
Many moons ago, I worked in a building that was next to a truck garage. On a hot summer day, a truck limped in full of animal entrails. One of its axles broke and the contents of the truck spilled all over the place, just in front of our entrance. In the sun. It was only cleaned up after several hours and the smell lingered in our office building for literal months, as the air circulation in this building was almost non-existent.
The smell itself was comparable to a very strong blood smell with a metallic, copper-like undertone.
My smelling sense went away around 2005, so I'm happy to report this question is not applicable to me. Sadly it took away some percentage of my taste too.
A dead body that had been sitting in the Sahel desert for a few days. That smell still haunts me.
The body odor of a friend who got out of bed when I was crashing at his house. I wanted to throw up on the spot, it was awful. I'm not sure what it was, but it smelled like he hadn't showered in months but he didn't smell like that the previous day.
He probably hasn't changed his sheets, so the surprising amount of swear you she in bed, along with the considerable amount of dead skin, bacteria, hair, and skin oils are causing seriously bad BO.
There's a reason why I have a waterproof bed protector. Wash the sheets ever week or two weeks, wash the bed protector every couple. Your bed won't smell musty or get bad dust mites that way.
He probably hasn’t changed his sheets
That's what I thought, but they honestly didn't smell bad at all. I remember they were odorless which really threw me for a loop. I wonder if he had some unknown condition or shat himself while asleep or something. But I'll never know because we stopped being friends for other reasons. sad noises
Childbirth. It's been three times now, and it's so bad. Worse that Boy Scout summercamp latrines. Worse than when a dog farts after eating people food. Worse than a septic tank. Worse than opening a fridge left unplugged and full of food for a month.
I've smelled all these horrible things and more, and childbirth is the worst.
Um…what part? I’ve been with my wife for one natural birth and one c section and recall no smell
Like.....what......I have been in several and never thought it was anywhere near the worst smell. 😂
There’s definitely a smell, but I would hesitate to call it the worst. Definitely caught me off guard though.
I worked in a cemetery cutting grass as a teen. Helping out digging a grave one day and the backhoe knicked a neighboring vault. Just a tiny chip smaller than a dime. But suddenly the air over the entire area just filled with the stench of decomposed human remains. It was vile.
Even so, I sure do miss the simplicity of that job sometimes.
Hyaluronic Acid
Paper mills like in Ticonderoga, NY or Rumford, ME.
I've heard murmurs of how gnarly paper mills smell, but how would you describe it personally? Paper doesn't intuitively seem like something that would smell like shit
The West Point paper mill in Virginia was awful. The smell could travel at least 30 miles. I would describe it as something like rotting wood and all the worst chemicals you could imagine.
The next town over had a papermill, and when the wind came from that direction you could smell it like it was in your own backyard. I always said it smelled like farts. Like a super version of that smell salad greens get when you leave them in a fridge too long.
Paper mills smell like hydrogen sulfide - rotten eggs. It's a byproduct of the pulping process. It's bad, but some of the smells described here sound much worse. Source: the town I live in used to have an operating paper mill.
Unexpected Rumford.
This was my first thought too. Although the ones I smelt where in Palm Beach, FL.
EDTA (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethylenediaminetetraacetic_acid) smells like concentrated acetic acid mixed with concentrated ammonia.
It is insane
Pyridine is pretty horrible... Don't really know how to describe the smell: like a mix of rotten cum and ashtray? It overpowers any other smells, gives me instant headaches and the stench can linger for hours.
Dimethyl sulfide is also pretty disgusting to me, kinda like... a kitchen that's been used to cook brussel sprouts for 20 years + garlic breath?
The restroom of a rural Bulgarian train station. It was just a room with a hole on the ground and little to no ventilation.
There is this remote cabin in the woods belonging to my parents I used to visit frequently, mostly in the summer. I had a chest fridge hooked up to a basic solar panel system I built. One July while visiting I had fully stocked the fridge with food, when I had issues with the solar panel batteries and I couldn’t keep the fridge powered on. I kept putting off cleaning it for the rest of the summer, and then the winter too. Next summer I finally worked up the nerve. Everything, even the cardboard packaging had melted into this brown sludge full of many generations of maggots and flies. The only things semi recognizable was the plastic containers. It took me days and so much bleach to clean it well enough to trust using it again. If it wasn’t such a pain to get out there in the first place I’d have probably tossed the whole thing, but I’m cheap. Still have it, though I don’t get out there much anymore. If my battery dies again I’m throwing everything out right away!
Just yesterday I was cleaning up dog diarrhea and gagged about three times in the process. Had to take breaks and go outside to breath halfway through. Poor girl is really sick though.
Raccoon pee used for hunting and scented artificial worms used for fishing.
I work retail in the tackle section and got some of that artificial bait juice on my hands. No amount of shitty bathroom foam soap got that stank out
At a boat show many years ago there was an old dive suit on display. The old canvas type where they had a big circular helmet with port hole windows that could open. Early 1900’s stuff. I took a sniff in it and about passed out. Been over thirty years and I remember it like it was yesterday. Such a putrid and indescribable smell.
While I don't smell it, my girlfriends reaction when driving home from tournaments tells me that the worst smell in the universe is me after a competition...
My family stopped at a Dairy Queen and then went on a joy ride. We got stuck behind a truck hauling a tank of liquid poop. The cap was off and it was sloshing out of the hole. Worst ice cream ever.
That's funny because foul smelling liquid poop sloshing around perfectly describes my reaction to eating ice cream.