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If I personally block a user, can I still see their posts in a community I moderate?

I banned a subscriber from one of my communities today for repeatedly breaking the rules. I also blocked them because I find them aggressive and argumentative and I’m not here for that personally. But what happens when their ban from the community ends and they decide to post in the community again? Will I still see their posts as mod? Will I only see them if someone reports them for breaking the rules again? Do I need to unblock users in order to moderate my community properly? Thanks!

  • I did some testing with the latest code, main GItHub....

    If you are a non-admin moderator of a community and you block a user in your community, their post is indeed hidden (filtered, not even sent) when you load the list of new posts for that community.

    I am working on getting my testing code neat enough so that these kind of behaviors are documented and changes to them trigger testing alterations.

  • That’s actually a really good question. I can’t answer for certain, but, sine moderation on lemmy isn’t particularly sophisticated yet, I think it’s safe to assume that you’re not going to be able to see them, even as mod, if you have them blocked personally.

    if that’s the case (most likely), your most likely tow choices are to either permaban them from your community or to live with leaving the user un-blocked for moderation purposes.

    one third option would be to mod your community with an alt account or appoint some other user to help out...

    • I haven’t modded on another site before and I was starting to wonder how people do it! When I initially tried to ban the user I was only offered the option to block them, presumably because no one had reported their comments. That prevented me from seeing the comments that needed to be deleted. I had to unblock the user, report their comments myself (from my mod account, reporting them to me) and then delete the rule breaking comments and ban them.

      For the sake of transparency I’d rather not use a different account to comment on posts in my communities, but if I have to then so be it. I’ll use the same username on a different instance. I feel like I should be able to delete comments or ban subscribers while browsing posts from my mod account though. Reporting comments to myself seem ridiculously inefficient.

      Thanks for your suggestion!

      • I just looked at the mod log— ew… I can see what you’re dealing with there. I suggest you just permaban them, as I doubt they’re going to change their behavior. also, keep an eye out for similar comments/commenting styles that might be indicative of alts (alt accounts).

        btw, as mod, you can just ban a user right from their comments— you don’t need to report them yourself!

        also, for more advice/help, you can consult the Lemmy Moderation Support room on the Lemmy Space on Matrix (link in the sidebar!)

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