Why is such a tunnel needed?
Why is such a tunnel needed?
I found such a photo on the Internet and became interested in what function such a structure could perform.
Why is such a tunnel needed?
I found such a photo on the Internet and became interested in what function such a structure could perform.
My guess is that it will be a “nature highway” so migratory species can cross over the road
These are great for wildlife as they provide a safe crossing over high-speed highways. They are usually design to be in already existing migration paths where moving a proposed highway may not work and not disrupting migration paths is of importance.
That's beautiful ngl
This is the one! They're ridiculously effective, so much so that my home provinces is sinking like 250 million into building 5 more of them over the next 5 years
So I was technically right in saying it would be an overpass, and as we all know technically right is the best kind of right lol
Nature is already a "nature highway", we fucked it up and now consultants sell the term "nature highway" to act like they are doing someone a favor. This is just restoring SOME man-made damage to an area to a less functional state than original for (hundreds of?) millions of dollars. Better than nothing sure, but not a "nature highway" for Simba, Timon and Pumba to dance and sing songs upon.
That's an unfinished nature bridge.
Quite a common feature in Europe. Gives the animals safe passage over busy roads.
We are not talking about https://naturebridge.eu/pages/about-us, are we?
They disrupt the nature a little less. Animals aren’t hit crossing the street because they can go over and other small benefits like that. They also look nice and tunnels are fun when your car sounds nice
Yep, I love a good nature bridge!
It's not finished. It will look like this when they complete it. It's a nature bridge.
We had a few of these built in my country to allow wildlife to cross safely.
We’ve had a few of these built on my planet too actually
That was my first guess about its purpose. Thanks for the info!
This kind of looks like the new one they're building in Banff National park. I drove through over the summer when they started it. They have a bunch of them set up throughout the park.
Coquihalla highway has something like this to keep avalanches and rocks off the road.
It's the only tunnel I've driven that has windows.
Great Bear Snow Shed https://maps.app.goo.gl/HJUSEtGB2Jg8FFTN7
Italy and austria have a lor of those because of the mountains.
This was my assumtion as well. Colorado (I.E. Red Mountain Pass) has such things for avalanches and rock slides.
// TODO: Support mountain package when it releases
I should call her...
Nice beaver
Could be for a skii-slope as well. There are similar structures in Are, Sweden for example.
On ski mountains these are usually placed in an avalanche prone area to stop the snow blocking the road
They're probably going to build an overpass on top of it later
I think that the overpass needs more powerful supports
Curved Tunnel ceilings are quite strong, as they distribute the pressure of the surrounding rock/soil quite well. So if it is covered with loads of rocks and soil it could probably hold another street passing over.
I suppose it would depend on what is passing over.
Nature bridge
I Are they are used to ski over the road, it enables the slope to go all the way to the city cente.
Always a bit safer with a VPN
“I don’t understand a thing and therefore it’s dumb!!!”