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ADHD Women Weekly Check-In for Dec 3-Dec 9: How are you doing?

Let's check in with each other.

What's happening in your life? How did the week treat you? Wanna rant or rave about something? Need support?

Please talk about anything and everything under the sun!

  • Having a hard time at work lately. I’m at a fairly low dose for my meds and they just aren’t working, so I keep making mistakes. I perform lab experiments daily, so a simple mistake can cost me an entire day’s work and a lot of expensive resources. An incredibly simple mistake almost cost my entire team three weeks worth of work and thousands of dollars yesterday, luckily we were able to recover with only some lost time. I almost broke down crying when it happened.

    Home is also rough rn. My husband’s grandfather (99 years old!) is passing, and we know this weekend will be the last time we see him. Canada has really good assistive death policies and he is at that point, he just wants one more family get together for his birthday. My husband is very close with his grandpa so this has been horrible on him.

    • I'm really sorry about your work struggles and your husband's painful situation. It's tough when you have ADHD and have to be so precise and careful at work. I'm guessing that the stress of what your husband is going through might affecting your attention at work - at least I know stress is killer for my ability to function. May this last weekend with his grandfather be exactly what you both need. My heart goes out to you.

  • Had several days in a row that felt like the same day repeating over and over again. Had a nice voice call with a friend late at night and then the next morning I clutched it and broke out of the cycle. Let's gooooooo.

  • As usual this is the end of my week. Today is just laundry and music and weed. My week was kind of amazing. I was blessed with a tome of essential workplace lore: a notebook with a mixture of dramatic personal notes and letters and professional sketches and thoughts left by one of the contractors who built our garage. I read every word of it. It was magical. My best friend and assistant manager who had been talking about our morale issue like it was intractable brought in chili and potato soup Saturday, then homemade sweets to the meeting yesterday. She's better at this part of the job than she knows.

    Turns out I didn't actually lose a friend recently. She was broke and turned off her phone for a while. Her carrier's phrasing sounded like she had blocked my number, but she texted me from the drive thru to prove she hadn't. Her shithead to-be-ex-husband showed up at the dispensary during this time telling me they were together and asking for her friends and family discount. I thought she blocked me so I couldn't chew her out. But she is still actively pursuing another man (a great guy who maybe isn't patient enough for this drawn our divorce =/) and clearly isn't living like her ex, who looks more and more like meth in human form. (tbh meth in human form would probably be a better person than him.) I am so relieved that I wasn't just betrayed like it kind of seemed after more than a week of "Message Blocking is active."

    • So awesome to hear you're doing well! That notebook sounds so interesting, and it's always great to know you aren't being blocked and ignored by a friend. Three cheers for laundry and music and weed!

  • My week has been okay. Work has been a bit chaotic running around trying to fix problems. At least it wasn't me that caused them this time and I was able to get brownie points for helping deal with it. My whole schedule was turned upside down and had to work a full week but I could use the extra money so I guess that is a win. I also found my security badge I lost last week for one of my accounts, so that was a relief.

    I guess I'm just happy to have come out of this work week seemingly in a good place and that is a reason to celebrate. I've managed to take some steps towards figuring out passport and school related stuff too so it's been a good week mostly. We'll aside from the initial panic of not being able to find my badge. Literally saw it this morning randomly hiding in a box on top my dresser wedged in a corner. Not sure how it got there. I blame magic house elves. Anyways, it worked out as I needed it today so yay.

    • That's great to hear! Always nice when things fall into place, and i can definitely relate to the joy of finding something important you lost.

      a reason to celebrate

      How are you going to celebrate? I know I often say this, but then I don't always follow through. I hope you do something nice for yourself this weekend, even if it's something small. It sounds like you definitely earned it!

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