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Notifications on Android

I'm using the wefwef PWA with Firefox for Android.

Is there a way to receive notifications from a Webapp? Currently I have to open the app to see inbox notifications.

  • Perhaps this is a blessing in disguise. Having constant notifications certainly doesn't help lower the dopamine hits. 🧘‍♂️

  • Once this gets implemented, it can be added (iOS + Android)!

  • Afaik. Wefwef does not support it yet. It is on their roadmap though. You can find more info on their GitHub.

  • A bit of a problem Lemmy doesn't support background push notifications (when not opened in browser tab).

    Currently apps like memmy rely on a server to poll Lemmy servers (say ever min) to check for new messages then relay a push message.

    Problem is this isn't very scalable (dev reported 3gb of bandwidth used for only 800 accounts).