Devlog #7: A new grant from 2dcl - Mazes in Weekends in the Woods - Short stories in version 0.2 - Laidaxai walks slower but still standing.
Devlog #7: A new grant from 2dcl - Mazes in Weekends in the Woods - Short stories in version 0.2 - Laidaxai walks slower but still standing. Devlog #7: A new grant from 2dcl - Mazes in Weekends in the Woods - cuentitos in version 0.2 - Laidaxai walks slower but still standing.
In the last two weeks, we made a lot of progress in our projects. In the blog, we added an index to each post to make navigation easier. We also want to add comments so that people can interact with us. In 2dcl, we obtained a new grant to continue working, and we will focus on implementing the login...