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I was wrong about Russia.

I’m sorry. I failed to understand how deeply the Western propaganda machine is embedded within all that we consider “news” and uncritically believed the AP article because it “seemed true” i.e. confirmed my biases.

Then I got pressed and malded in the comments, when called out.

Thank you for education me. I have some serious learning to do.

Special thanks (and apology) to @Awoo @kristina @American_Communist22 and everyone else who engaged with me over multiple comments. Sorry for being so thick-headed. I’ll do better in the future.

  • I would very much recommend reading Parenti's Inventing Reality. It's dated but chock full of example after example of how our news gives the appearance of being uncritical while advancing the machinations of the ownership class. If you've paid any sort of attention to coverage of Bolivia or Venezuela the past few years you'll be blown away by how they keep getting away with the same techniques over and over again.

    Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media - this is an unofficial reprint someone is selling on amazon. I bought a copy and it's pretty decent. Just a few OCR related typos. The official used copies go for over a hundred sometimes so this is definitely worth it.

    Or, if the seven seas is more your cup of tea

    Also, the Blowback Podcast is pretty awesome.