I wanted to add a second picture to the original post but could not find a way. My apologies if it is not all right to submit a second post shortly after the first. Please let me know and I will delete this post.
Based on some of the comments, I decided to build a relatively high-end configuration. I would love to hear your thoughts on this new build.
My goal is to play video games at 144 Hz and 1440p and perform heavy photo/video editing. And 4K in the future when I upgrade my existing monitor. Also I would like to keep this build for at least 5 years if not more. In other words, I don't want to spend any more money in the next 5+ years.
That Barracuda 5400 rpms will hinder your rig in some tasks.
Yes, I know "SSD for action, SATA for storage", but the fact is that the operating system won't pretend the slower disc does not exist and will access it, every now and then, which may reduce your speeds.
I wouldn't go lower than 7200 rpms, and if I'd try and build high-end desktop, I'd probably entertain the idea of external storage connected on "as needed" basis, or buy a used DELL/LENOVO i5 and make it an equivalent of home NAS system.
I would upgrade to a better class of M.2 on this, look into like a solidigm 1TB they are affordable and great drives. the evos are good but for just a bit more cash you will have full NVME which should last you and be relevant for 5 to 10 years. (edit) I would say stay with the over powered PSU, it helps it run much more efficient and it will also last you a while and can be used if GFX cards keep scaling in power.
I agree with the comments about the HDD being a questionable choice. My question would be if 1000W is really required for this build. Usually I see 1000W for multi-GPU builds. Your processor is 180W and your GPU is 355W. It seems like you could easily get away with 750-800W and save some cash. Maybe that could go into a larger SSD?
I only use an HDD as a large "holding" area to load things into my NAS. Not sure I'd need one in a normal computer. But only you know your use case. SSDs are getting cheap enough that I changed to a 2tb then when I decided I wanted one dedicated for game storage I just threw another 2tb nvme in there.
All that said I don't know that case well but it says airflow. But if your air cooling a CPU that high end please make sure you're populating all your fan spots if they are not already handled out of the box. Fans, many slow together strong.
I agree with the comments about the HDD being a questionable choice. My question would be if 1000W is really required for this build. Usually I see 1000W for multi-GPU builds. Your process is 180W and your GPU is 355W. It seems like you could easily get away with 750-800W and save some cash. Maybe that could go into larger SSD?