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How many stinkers did you play this year?

How many and which bad games did you play this year?

  • The only one that really sticks out is Starfield. Most other games I played I knew what I was getting into. For some reason Starfield surprised me, probably because it was on Gamepass (so effectively free) and because I trusted Bethesda. Oh well.

    Considering the number of great games this year, that's not too bad.

  • I had a really solid year, all things considered:

    • Hi-Fi Rush -- Love it, hands down. This game's like if Jet Set Radio, Scott Pilgrim, and DMC got into a fist fight and then that fist fight had a baby with Jack Black
    • Pentiment -- I'm still playing through this one but I can already tell it's a new favorite. Major Return of the Obra Dinn vibes
    • Against the Storm -- This game innovates on the citybuilder genre so hard and I can't get enough of it. If you love a challenge and hate the late-game, this is THE ONE
    • Psychonauts 2 -- Fun and bursting with creativity... but I had to set it down after a certain point because I stopped enjoying the gameplay loop. Can't put my finger on why...
    • Peglin -- Yes, Peglin. The Peggle Roguelite. I like it and you would too if you gave it a chance. It's not a forever roguelite, but I guarantee you'll have a blast with it for 5-10 hours
    • Deep Rock Galactic -- I bounced off of this one. The game has so much charm... but I just couldn't click with it. I think co-op games just may not be for me

    Honorable Mention: TF2 -- Definitely not a "new" game to me, I own TF2, I bought it with money! Even so... this year marked my return after a looong hiatus. Coming back was a total revelation -- I thought I'd grown to hate FPS games -- as it turns out, what I'd actually grown to hate was the modern antisocial MMR grindset. Game developers: I beseech thee... abandon matchmaking and return to 2007. Return the slab or suffer my curse

    • Ayy someone else who's been enjoying Against the Storm.

    • I treat Deep Rock the same way I treat rogueli*es and arcade-style games -- I can just hop on when I'm in the "dwarf mood", play one or two missions and be done with it for the day. It's very good for short sessions like that. Also, you can play solo no problem -- you get a drone instead that can mine and shoot things.

      Also, TF2 community servers FTW

      • When it comes to Deep Rock/co-op I think my issues are more associated with the underlying gameloop design. I find it hard to perform well when the "tension" ramps up and these games are kind of tailor-made to create high-tension situations. When a round ends I'm left feeling tired/deflated rather than joyful. I had the same issue with Left 4 Dead, but oddly not so for Payday 2.

        In any case, I'm right there with you when it comes to TF2 community servers. I sorely wish that more games emphasized these sorts of digital "3rd places". I have TF2 servers where I can go anytime and just... belong for as long as I please. Games should have more permanent places like that, where play and community come before any imposed win/lose dichotomy. People would be happier.

    • A fellow Xbox gamepass User IT seems. Pentiment is one of my All Time favorites (probably top3 at least)

      This was after my First playthrough. Now, with George putting out his video, im back in. My god, its marvellous.

      Hifi Rush was great, but felt too formulaic for me, so i abandoned it after the first or second Boss. Too much running arpund, No real banger music between Bosses.

      On a Side Note, its kinda similiar too with Lies of Pi. I can See the great soulslike It is (3/4 in) but my interest vanishes. Too many repetitive encounters. Too linear. I feel Like Elden Ring really innovated the genre through its semi Open world approach.

      • A fellow Xbox gamepass User IT seems.

        Nope, I'm just someone who waits for sales and has a bit of an indie streak.

        This was after my First playthrough. Now, with George putting out his video, im back in. My god, its marvellous.

        I see we follow similar creators! I only just picked Pentiment up last week -- Jacob Geller's recent 2023 video is what originally put Pentiment on my radar and then George's video gave me that final push into playing it for myself. I'm extremely glad for having done so because Pentiment has quickly become quite special to me. I already look forward to making subsequent playthroughs despite still working on the first.

        Hifi Rush was great, but felt too formulaic for me, so i abandoned it after the first or second Boss. Too much running arpund, No real banger music between Bosses.

        I can see where you're coming from. From a macro perspective, the game's essentially just a series of battle arenas stitched together by corridors and platforming challenges... nothing incredible there. What makes Hi-Fi Rush special for me is the novel fusion of rythm mechanics and spectacle fighter mechanics -- they complement each other extremely well. (Forgive me for explaining at you like this. I just can't help myself when it comes to talking about this game)

        Normally, I can't stand DMC-likes because of the requisite rote memorization. HFR flips this dynamic on its head by making the memorization incidental -- it happens naturally as you practice playing the combo on-rythm. Perhaps even more importantly; just as mastery of a combo string comes within reach, the underlying musical qualities all suddenly spring into focus and turn the sequence into a musical phrase. It clicks together in a very intrinsically satisfying way IMO. Naturally, this all compounds in on itself and gets double-fun once you start improvising your own "melodies" during real combat. You like Jazz? Because it's like Jazz if Jazz killed people.

        Now, obviously this isn't going to hit the same way for everyone (nor should it!)... but if you've not yet buckled down in training mode and truly mastered a string or two for yourself, then I would very emphatically encourage you to give the game a second try. I actually had to do the exact same thing myself before I really "got" the game and my mindset shifted. Hi-Fi Rush truly is the Dark Souls of 3rd-Person Action videogames

    • I liked Peglin but after a while it feels like the game is really unbalanced with too few useful builds.

      • Yup, that about sums it up: fun, but shallow. Nevertheless I think it's worthy of a recommendation because it has a great honeymoon period before falling off.

    • I liked Deep Rock. I started playing it during the pandemic with some friends instead of doing in-person board games (and Jackbox and boardgame simulators got old). I definitely ended up playing more single player than multiplayer. Buuut I probably haven't played it in a year? It just got really samey after getting through a lot of leveling up and unlocks.

      • Same for me, really enjoyable 150 hours, but now with the slow updates I just already seen everything.

        I moved to Darktide, despite its flaw I'm still playing it after the same amount of hours since then.

      • The deep rock board game is so fun. And I hate board games and inwardly groan when someone suggests a board game, lol.

  • I gave into peer pressure earlier this year and tried League.

    God that shit was boring.

    • Every other game Riot releases outside of League is better than League.

      Mageseeker is my top choice by them this year.

  • I got sucked into the hype from my friends and bought Diablo 4. Still regret it.

  • Not really a "stinker" but I was disappointed with Tears of the Kingdom and have dropped it after 100 hours.

    I don't think it helps that I've been playing this whilst sat next to my fiancee playing the Witcher 3 on our Steam Deck. The difference between the two games is like night and day, despite the Witcher 3 being almost a decade older.

    Tears of the Kingdom is just okay, in my opinion. I enjoyed it enough to get 100 hours out of it. I dropped Breath of the Wild after a similar amount of time too. They're just not for me I guess, they don't immerse me like other RPGs do.

  • One: Starfield.

    Not much I can say about it that hasn't already been said, it was just so bland.

    • Intraveneous. Game got a lot of love and as a huge stealth fan I was really into the idea. Got it and hated every second of it. It's tedious and punishing even by stealth game standards and the story wasn't great either. Mechanics were poorly explained and it felt like the keymapping was made by a person who had never played a keyboard game before. ugh. I was really disappointed too because it was marketed as a stealth game that didn't punish you for failing stealth which is true but the issue is that it's so damn easy to fail stealth that you might as well just go in guns blazing anyway. It wasn't like MGSV where both options make sense depending on the circumstance. It was more like "stealth is nigh impossible so we made guns-blazing a fail safe for people who aren't nuts at this game"

    • Atomic Heart. Yes I bought this game and I am ashamed of it. No it wasn't for the robot porn. I thought it looked like an interesting Bioshock / Wolfenstein mashup and both of those are my favorites. Game was just... slow. Combat, stealth, everything felt like you were moving through syrup. The character's english voice acting is also horrifically cringe. Like, just awful in every sense. Made me hate the MC more than the villains.

    • Dying Light 2. I loved the first so I was seriously disappointed by this. Main issue was really with the movement. Gave me motion sickness dozens of times with how the camera is set up, and I was expecting something like Mirror's Edge (Catalyst) but it felt just awfully floaty. The game also did... fuck all... in terms of explaining what you... do? so I just was super confused. Uninstalled after like 10 hours in frustration.

    • Ghostrunner. Played this in December of 2022 but I wanted to add it in as a hot take. Overall great but the boss fights are pretty terribly designed after the first one and pretty much ruined the game for me. Plus there's useless parkour sections that added nothing. Surprisingly little time spent being a ninja badass for a cyberpunk ninja badass game.

  • Not "bad" but disappointing: No Man's Sky. There's a lot to be liked here but as someone who has played Elite Dangerous everything is just so incredibly dumbed down.

    Fighting is trivially easy, just hold S, shoot and grab a snack while doing it.

    There's absolutely no consequences for anything. It doesn't matter how much fuel I have because I can just find new fuel anywhere or teleport somewhere completely different. Doesn't matter where I log out because the game will just throw me to the same system as my coop partner anyway.

    Doesn't matter if the authorities want me, just fly into a station and all is forgotten. Got contraband? Just tell them to get lost and fly away casually. No bounty on my head, no nothing.

    Don't get me wrong, Elite is definitely way too hardcore for casual play but at the same time the only thing No Man's Sky has done is make me want to play Elite again.

  • I can't actually think of anything off the top of my head. After I stopped buying AAA titles from the obvious scummy companies, pretty much everything has been at least as good as expected.

  • Hard for me to call any game a "stinker" because I am simply not into a lot of very popular games.

  • I played a lot of great games this year, but also many that didn't click with me.

    There's a huge spikes of games that I played this year, because I decided to start tackling my backlog by streaming them, these include games I've bought on sale, and those that are on PS+ Extre.

    Can't finish because of difficulty spikes
    • Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown:
      • Dropped it after that mission where you need to protect a car, while manouvering between buildings in a city, as expected I kept crashing into buildings
    • Shantae: Risky's Revenge
      • It was fun at first, but then there's some precisioin platforming part, which I just wasn't in the mood for
    • Super Mario 64
      • There's a level where you're first introduced to flying mechanic
    Dropped it because of technical issues
    • Assassin's Creed Origins
      • The game crashed within the tutorial area
    • Call of the Sea
      • I got motion sickness
    • Kena: Bridge of Spirits
      • Again, I got motion sickness, supposed to be an okay game.
    • Tardy
      • Weirdly because the game has lots of reading, but the fonts are way too small for me
    • The Ascent
      • Too much clutter on scene when you reached the first city / settlement. The first section feels okay, but again, some items / objects are just way too small for my failing eyes
    Dropped it because it's not clicking
    • Gnosia
      • It was supposed to be fun at first, but then the rolls I got was not advancing the storyline
    • Grime
      • This feels like the moment I dislike souls-like metroidvania. It might be when I realized that I've picked the wrong upgrade path, and there's limited resources for upgrading your character
    • Gungrave G.O.R.E
      • This is not a good game
    • Horizon Forbidden West
      • The combat feels worse than the first one. There's so many more things to do that has way too many writings that I barely care enough. I'd rather have smaller number of sidequests with good writing, than a large number of them where everyone has so many stories to tell. This feels like it's becoming a 'forever game', which might be good, but the combat is just not satisfying at all.
    • Mafia: Definitive Edition
      • Dropped after the racing section, was not feeling it.
    • Mass Effect: Andromeda
      • Dropped while in the first area. Something about the movement not clicking.
    • MediEvil (Remake)
      • Dropped after the 3rd or 4th area.
    • Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
      • This is supposed to be great, but I just got tired of the slow pace
    • NEO: The World Ends with You
      • I talked about this before, the game keeps on interrupting you. Walk to a new area, fluff dialogues, walk to another area, more inconsequential fluff dialogues. This seems to be a (bad) trend among JRPGs or anime style game.
    • Oxenfree
      • Character dialogues just don't gel with me. Also there's a time limit when choosing replies.
    • Root Double: Before Crime * After Days - Xtend Edition
      • The slice of life part is atrociously slow, most of them are inconsequential 'look at me, i'm a cute anime girl'
    • Sea of Stars
      • The combat is way too slow, and requires you to do timed button presses. Also for the part I was in, the story feels generic.
    • Shadow of the Beast
      • JUst not good
    • Star Ocean: The Divine Force
      • Arrived at port town, overtly anime character came in, dropped the game. THe combat was fun, but the character / story are not clicking
    • Tchia
      • This is supposed to be good, but I burned myself out for trying to collect everything available before advancing the story
    • The Adventure of Little Ralph
      • Feels kinda repetitive
    • The Wonderful 101: Remastered
      • I don't think this game works well without touch screen
    • TUNIC
      • Sadly another indie trend that I dislike, difficult combat encounters that don't feel satisfying. It's supposed to be a very good game.
    • Unpacking
      • Played it on PS5, I dropped it after rotating object for quite a number of times. I think this game is probably better suited for mouse and keyboard
    • Vernal Edge
      • I wanted to like it, but the combat is not fun. You have a dedicated 'Pulse' button to heal, which throws your sword at the enemy, and you need to press attack + direction to launch an attack that could heal you, which is already a roundabout way of healing (the mechanic is not fun). Then you have enemies that need to be stunned by X number of charge attacks, and the game throws you into small combat area with 4 - 5 enemies that doesn't get knocked back without 3-4 charge attacks.
    Finished it, but it's kinda not good
    • Root Film
      • Root Letter was okay (but arguably ruined with the updated version with multiple endings), Root Film is just plain boring, especially the ending. The story was enticing at first, but nope, it became bad by the end of the game.
    • Shenmue II
      • Shenmue.
    • The 3rd Birthday
      • I like the combat, considering that it was on PSP.
  • Starfield was pretty much it for me.

    I wanted to like it, but there is just nothing to like about it aside from the gun design and the spaceship builder.

    • It's weird that as I continue to want to play more of it, I'm annoyed by just about every design decision they made along the way. I want to get into the gun design thing even, but the perk tree system puts a roadblock in my way.

      • The skill tree stuff makes me feel like Bethesda finally listened to all those players who bitched about it being too easy to become "overpowered" and blamed it on how easy it was to level up and not the poor balancing with how level scaling works. So now, all the actually good, fun and useful shit is all the way at the top (or rather the bottom) of the tree, with a bunch of "milestones" you have to hit in addition to simply being the right level and/or having the previous skills in the tree.

  • For me it'd be Starfield and Diablo 4. I do have faith that Blizzard will turn the ship around and reel me back in to D4 later down the line. I have zero hope for Starfield ever being good, though. It is a fundamentally broken game I have no hope Bethesda will be able to fix, ever.

  • I don't think I played any truly bad games, but I do have a list of games that I bounced off of for one reason or another. Maybe I ran out of steam to play them, maybe life got in the way and I couldn't come back to it, or I just didn't want to "git gud" with the limited time I have. I basically deemed them not worth my time when I did manage to sink a ton of hours into Spider-Man, Cyberpunk, and Talos Principle.

    So that abandoned graveyard consists of...

    • Tunic - I hit a wall at one of the bosses and just couldn't progress. Ran out of juice unfortunately.
    • Mr. Sun's Hatbox - Such a weird quirky game. Didn't get close to beating it but I got enough out of it and called it quits.
    • Hunt: Showdown - This one was a bummer. It's been on my "need to try" list. I tried it, solo, and died right away. I could tell it was one of those games that needed a time investment to make it work and I just don't have it in me.
    • Cult of the Lamb - Something about the roguelike aspect of it didn't mesh with me, which is weird because I feel like that's really become a genre I like.
    • Overwatch 2 - I played poorly as Lifeweaver, was griefed in chat, and quit :)
    • To jump in on Hunt Showdown, the initial learning curve of the game does require a little time to get used to compared to other shooters. However the biggest call out I would have is to not try playing the game solo. Hunt is very much a game that is made or broken by the company you keep while you play it and it takes a very special kind of player (a masochist) to enjoy playing it solo. Either way, definitely understandable to bounce off it, it's a great game but not for everyone.

      • Totally could see that being the case. I think it was a combination of seeing the difficulty curve and not having a consistent group to play with that probably did me in. I’m happy to lose and learn, but not maybe as much as it seemed like I would playing solo!

        Given more time, definitely something I’d want to get into more.

  • We finally got around to playing Gotham Knights this year since it was a few bucks on sale for a coop adventure. Certified stinker for sure.

    • Oh yeah, I forgot about this one. Good call, definite stinker. Shame, would have loved an Arkham spiritual successor.

  • I personally really disliked the latest Far cry. Graphics where nice, story was ok-ish but the outlandish aspects of the gameplay (supremo's.. pets..) made it a snoozefest without any challenge. Setting the enemies to bulletsponge made it even more unbearable. I'll be waiting for the bargain bin for the next installment.

    • How is it compared to 3 - 5? 3 - 5 are some of my faves and I was looking forward to 6 but I heard similar things from other people. If it's a similar game experience then I might consider giving it a try.

      • I enjoyed 3 to 5, probably 3 and 5 more than 4. I did not enjoy 6 at all.

  • Zero. The only new games I purchased this year were BG3 and Lethal Company, both of which are goated for completely different reasons.

    Beyond that I've just been sticking to games I've been playing for years. No stinkers there, probably.

  • The only game that was kinda a bummer was Tears of the kingdom. The sky world was just copy/pastes with nothing but some robots. I wanted the hot bird people up there or something.

    The underground was dead and had a few POIs but was basically just those same annoying ninjas from the first game who disguise themselves as civilians. I liked the story and characters in botw2 better. The map was largely unchanged from the first game. Some of the missions were better. Gannon actually getting a plot was cool. The enemies were better this go around. The gmod bits were cool, but caused the game to run like shit. The game also ran at like, 22 fps the entire time anyways. The shrines were as meh as the first game, which were already so dull I'd look up guides just to get more hearts/stamina. should have been a $25 DLC instead of a $70 game.

    It was a solid 4.5/10 for me, mostly just on the amount of rehashed stuff for a $70 game, which should have blown my balls off for waiting six years and $70 later. I hope the next Zelda game is more like Twilight Princess.

  • Not many. The obligatory 50% of all mobile games that I played for 5 minutes and went "I hate this", obviously. But PC games? Hmmm. Probably "Lost Ember", I guess. What really puzzles me about this is I played "Spirit of the North" and was utterly in love with it, to the point that it's in my top 5, and "Lost Ember" is very similar in many respects. I ought to have loved it, and I cannot put my finger on what I didn't like about it. I just didn't like it.

  • Starfield, Diablo 4, and Tears of the Kingdom for me.

    Starfield was a hard pass at 30FPS on my Series X. But also, the gameplay and story just didn’t interest me at all.

    Diablo 4 was monotonous. Grinding for hours to get a percentage of a percentage increase on gear was not fun. I’ve played every other Diablo game along with numerous other action RPGs of that style, but D4 is a snorefest. It’s frustrating being chain stunned by all the crowd control, it’s frustrating that a lot of enemies have a lot of health for no reason, and it’s bland when you face the same few bosses over and over again. It wasn’t so bad in the other Diablo games because you could just nuke the bosses, but in D4 each one is a straight up chore to kill.

    Tears of the Kingdom… it’s a fun action adventure game, but if it has The Legend of Zelda on it, it needs to be held to The Legend of Zelda standards. And it, just like Breath of the Wild, is an awful Zelda game. If it didn’t have LoZ on it, I’d probably rate it much higher.

  • Hellboy: Web of Wyrd. Huge Hellboy fan, got it day one. The art style is fantastic, but that's the end of the good. Uninspired combat and clunky controls completely ruin what would have been a mediocre game. As great as a voice actor as Lance Reddick was, he wouldn't have been my choice for Hellboy.

  • Dunno if I'd call it a stinker, but my excitement for Starfield waned very quickly as I played. 20 hours in, it was still fun. 30-40 hours, I'm like, eh. Past about 60 hours I was completely disillusioned with it. The perk system is a nightmare, leveling up gets really difficult really quickly. Making money (especially after they hid all the vendor chests), getting materials, etc. is a tedious slog. The UI/UX for ship building and settlement building is painful. Settlement building in general is a pointless waste of time and takes way too long to get the perks enough to make it even remotely worthwhile.

    It also doesn't help that there's not a native version for the Xbox One, and Cloud Play is miserable. Constant disconnects, jitters, long load times, long wait times.


    The main quest is completely pointless. It has no effect on anything. Outside of Constellation and the other Starborn, no one even knows anything is happening. Your choices don't have any impact on anything. Side with the Hunter? Side with the Emissary? Outside of the number of dupes you fight at the end, it literally doesn't matter. And getting to the end does absolutely nothing. Now you have to start over with a shittier ship you can't upgrade, some armor that's mostly fine, and literally nothing else. Nothing's different. Sure, after enough times through, silly things start happening at Constellation. But what else? It's not worth it.

    The faction quests are fun, but then again, have basically no bearing on anything.

    The companions are disappointing: ostensibly you have two lovable rogues, a religious zealot, and the most Lawful Good character who will judge you for even the slightest non-Squeaky Clean choices you make, though they all end up being basically the same.

    Otherwise, you just keep running the treadmill: get all 10 upgrades to your Space Shouts, ship, and armor? And then what? Just keep going. Do it again. And again. And you still don't have enough perk points.

    On second thought, maybe I would call it a stinker. So fucking disappointing. It had so much potential.

  • I got a lot of games with AMD hardware or other give aways, games I normally would not buy anyway. Imo Forspoken, Starfield, Redfall, Dead Island 2, Callisto protocol, AC Mirage and Harry Potter I did not like.

    Glad there have been a lot of games I did enjoy recently, Dave the Diver, my time at Sandrock, Thalos Principle 2, Stray. I did like AAA Jedi Survivor although some technical glitches occurred.

  • I played a few games that were just really mediocre.

    • Warhammer 40k: Inquisitor was a super boring ARPG and I couldn't put in more than a few hours. The levels were super short and just corridors.
    • Pathfinder: Kingmaker started out ok, but was just far too long, terribly paced, and the last third was a complete slog. This was probably the one I'd call a "stinker" the most.
    • Crisis Core Remake (FF7 spin off) had a boring story and lame characters. The bulk of the "content" were 300 side missions that were usually less than five minutes long in one of like six stages. I picked it up after I enjoyed the FF7 Remake far more than I thought, but this game adds nothing to the overall story. To be fair to the game though, I did complete all 300 side stories, because from time to time I like a mindless grind.
    • I'm continuing my four-year-old save of Octopath Traveler, where I got a third or so in. I dunno if it's the Steam Deck, but there's just tons of aliasing, shifting sprites and flickering, it just looks bad, and the detailed enemy sprites were the only thing I really liked about the game in the first place. Combat is also a slog at times, so I don't know if I have it in me to finish the game.
  • I'm sure many would consider Redfall a stinker, but I enjoyed it quite a bit. And this was before the updates.

  • @Lunar Zero.

    Against the Storm is amazing.

    Phantom Brigade fulfilled my high expectations.

    Mechabellum was a cool take on auto battling

    Nebulous Fleet Command is cool, but not finished and maybe just not my cup of tea, but definitely very much knows what it wants to be and is very good at that.

    And the rest are well known good games not released this year.

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