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Waukesha School District fires first-grade teacher after 'Rainbowland' controversy Waukesha School District fires first grade teacher after 'Rainbowland' controversy

A first grade teacher in Waukesha who publicly criticized the district over a decision to pull the song "Rainbowland" from a school concert has been fired.

Waukesha School District fires first grade teacher after 'Rainbowland' controversy
  • Sebert said that while he does not take issue with Tempel's disagreement, he found the manner in which she expressed that sentiment to be "inappropriate" and "disruptive."

    Sure thing dude. You're not upset about the how, you're upset you got feedback from the community and you thought you might avoid any accountability for stupid decisions if you'd just been able to keep it swept under the rug.

    Seeing that instantly reminded me of the Jessie Gender video on civility, a powerful dive into history, usage, and impact of keeping things and being told to keep things civil. Worth watching!

    • Bunch of spineless assholes running things in school districts, what a terrible example for children under their watch. A lesson in how to cowtow to ignorant bigots and fake sympathy while blaming victims of mob rule for daring to exist in public.