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/kbin meta Zima

Someone made an account just to harrass me. how do i report it?

the acccount name is fuckyou<myusername> and is downvote stalking me , account :

  • Based on the first 3-4 pages of your profile, it actually looks like you’ve had a couple of different accounts downvoting everything for a week or so at a time. If it’s all the same person, then banning one account isn’t going to fix your problem, they’ll just make a new one and continue. Why not just make a new account for yourself?

    Also, this isn’t Reddit. Don’t upvote your own comments.

    • unrelated but i proudly upvote my own stuff 70% of the time cause i like the illusion of engagement on kbin lol. i dont think anything is wrong with it

    • The issue is the alt account that was created to harrass me. I know there are legitimate accounts downvote stalking me and I don't have a problem with that. I actually see it as a good thing since you can see what those other accounts are actually saying so it shows they are hypocrites and/or acting in bad faith.

  • Maybe your opinions just suck?

    You did say colonialism was good for Africa, like an asshole.

    • So seven minutes after Zima posted about a mystery stalker dogging his every comment, you jumped in on the thread with a complaint about something he posted two weeks ago, which when you subsequently linked to it was clearly not saying what you're accusing him of saying and makes you sound like some sort of vindictive crazy person?

      What a coincidence!

      Let's see if a Fuckyoufacedeer account appears now.

      Edit: Oh, another amazing coincidence: nine minutes after Fuckyouzima downvoted Zima's two-week-old comment, you also downvoted his two-week-old comment. And then two minutes later you made your first comment in this thread. We can see who downvotes what and when, you know.

      • Are you good? A guy complained about brigading downvotes, I checked if maybe the person complaining was just an asshole (as sometimes it turns out when people complain folks are out to get them). They were.

        I have never heard of Zima before this post, and I have better things to do than brigade vote people on fake accounts.

    • Er... Are you suggesting that it's okay to harass someone you disagree with? That's pretty toxic, my guy.

      • Would you mind showing me where I said that?

        I think you'll see I explicitly didn't condone the behavior OP accused "FuckZima" of and then proceeded to engage in themself.

    • I never said that. but thanks for letting us know your true feelings. I'm pretty sure the stalker was offended for the same reason as you are, I'm pretty sure of his real account as well but it's irrelevant. what's rellevantt is that the fact that I don't think socialism is the best system ever doesn't mean you guys can create alt accoutns just to harrras me.

  • I'm gonna ignore the arguing in this thread and focus on the main question, which imo the answer is to just ignore it. If the guy wants to waste his time downvoting you then let him waste his time. Those points are meaningless and have no effect on anything. So the worst you can do is waste your own time on him. Just block them and their accounts and go on with your life.

  • There needs to be a dedicated place to report this stuff, cause posting a thread about it publicly isn't helpful

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