Younger Americans are friendlier to China
Younger Americans are friendlier to China

Younger Americans are friendlier to China

Younger Americans are friendlier to China
Younger Americans are friendlier to China
The people of China are fine. Fuck Xi and the CCP. Taiwan numba one.
China number four!
mambo number 5
I think there is more nuance here. In all my direct interactions with Chinese people in business they have been polite, responsive and intelligent. I still get messages from them long after I left the industry I was in.
The CCP however is a different story. I am opposed to them as much as I am opposed to any person or organization that seeks to usurp or silence an individuals right to self determination. There are certainly domestic threats to that right which are greater than the CCPs.
China and the CPC are as intertwined as America and the Democratic Party or America and the Republican Party. The China of today would not exist without the CPC.
America would exist without either party. People forget that the meaning of each party has shifted throughout the years. Parties have even gone extinct when a viable third party alternative was available. But they aren’t central to American life. More than one third of our population doesn’t even affiliate with a party.
The CCP has done everything in their power to make themselves central to Chinese life. But they are a party and not China itself, even they are replaceable. Taiwan is a good example of how democracy could work within a modern Chinese society. Which is why the CCP wants to bring them to heel.
Here's the question, when we talk about China the country, are we talking about the Chinese people, or their government? Because I have very different answers for the two.
I've grown up with and worked with Chinese Americans, both from mainland China and Taiwan. I want to see them have freedom of speech and expression and ability to criticize the government, so I have to be adversarial to the CCP. I can't imagine liking Chinese people and the CCP simultaneously, knowing what the party does -- I want the latter reformed so the former can thrive.
I also think there's a lot of innovation for the human race as a whole if China and the US are rivals, not adversaries. Friendly competition leads to scientific advancements without compromising on joint research and efforts.
The thing is, you can’t really separate the Chinese people from the CCP. Something like 7% of the population are members and the party has very high approval ratings. That’s not just because the CCP are good propagandists either. Rather the living conditions for the average Chinese person have improved dramatically over the course of only a few decades thanks to policy decisions made by the CCP. As such, opposing the CCP and wanting the Chinese people to thrive may be seen as a highly contradictory perspective to people living in mainland China.
By that logic, it's the same for usa.
I'm referring to people in both China and Taiwan, and the CCP is certainly bad for the latter. I want people in both countries to prosper.
That's racist and orientalist af. A people and their government are never equated. They're always separate things. That's literally sinophobia. Will you tell us that PRC citizens overseas are equal to their government as well, justifying their repression overseas?
TikTok has been an extremely successful propaganda outlet
Previous generations will always be coping about later ones, no matter the year. Millenials and gen z are no different.
and yet authoritarian China is more reactive to feedback from the people than democratic America
odd, that
If you have an example of anything at this level of authoritarian that the US has done in the past 50 years, please let me know, because I'm an American and would likely be kept intentionally uninformed about it.
CCP Shill
That's why so many people want to immigrate there, right? Right? It's so strange that China doesn't have an immigration problem.
This just in: Kids today aren't yet full of hate.
BULLLLLLLLLLLLshit. There are other hypotheses which are not starkly contrary to other available data. Fascism is rising and the kids are here for it.
The tankies are it in force today. Single party corporate and state alignment with a dominant cultural twist. It's the definition of fascism including both economic and social elements.
I don't honestly understand the "this group of people is the enemy thing."
It was never about specific nationalities.
It was always about specific governments.
Who ends up fighting the wars though?
Sure it was. Definitely can't find a bunch of racist musings from state officials during the Cold War.
You can thank Tik Tok that all the kids love and use daily. And China controls the content on it.
The zoomers are alright 🫡
Unfortunately, the CPC can't really control private corporate apps like TikTok abroad. As with the Palestine-Israel conflict on TikTok, it's not the algorithm, teens are just more pro-Palestine and pro-China.
The Chinese version of the app Douyin is far more strictly regulated though.
Maybe young people don't care about starting a new cold war after the last one went to shit 🤔.
The trend is similar to the demographics of who support Palestine and Israel.
The kids are alright.
Propaganda works.
It worked on you, that's for sure.
You would have a field day with the comment section for this article on lol. I'd love to see someone with more energy than me try to fight some of the idiocy going on over there.
Wtf is a tankie and an orc? And why should I worry about them? Do I need a Gandalf?
You're a tankie and an orc if you're ever critical of the US or capitalism. Even more so if you dare to say something good about China.
Recent polling from The Economist and YouGov shows the startling difference in Americans’ views of China by age group. Roughly 25% of Americans aged 18 to 44 said they view China as an enemy, compared with about 52% of those 45 and over (see chart). Almost as many young Americans said they view China as “friendly” as those who said the country was an “enemy”. Just 4% of older Americans see China as friendly.
Meanwhile, views of China among partisans are shifting. Republicans have long been more likely than Democrats to view China as an adversary. But both parties have become more hawkish. When Donald Trump took office in 2017, just 10% of Democrats and 20% of Republicans said they believed China to be an enemy. As of last week, 34% of Democrats and 48% of Republicans took this view.
The wording on this is kinda weird, enemy to who?
Do I think China is an enemy of the US? Yes.
Do I think they're an enemy to me personally and my values? Ehhh... not really. They do stuff I like and stuff I don't like.
Two questions come to mind: will this demo get out and vote? And if they do who can they vote for that will make policy decisions in line with this viewpoint?
Ebil CPC making China's CO2 emmissions plateu just last month and target zero emissions by 2060, and spearheading cleaner energy this month with the first 4th gen nuclear reactor.
How could they do this
evil CPC sending Americans all their manufactured goods
Gotta love the pictures this "articles" come with - see these three bitches in the photo? best friends of China.
Not surprising considering the recent studies published about tiktok
Sometimes, people have to learn the hard way.
Maybe young people just don't fall for the propaganda peddled by western media and their friends in US government departnents
They're probably just ignorant. Xi is just as bad as Putin.
That's not fair.
Xi is good at his job.
Counter theory; young people are falling for eastern propaganda via CPC monitored and controlled apps/content serving algos.