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  • Watching that balloon deflate like a wet fart rather than pop was a huge disappointment

    • I think it's the perfect ending; we had a halfassed coup that:

      • saw an actual Russian city taken by a rebel military force
      • saw those rebels drive towards Moscow with the stated intention of arresting the heads of the MoD
      • cost Russia more aircraft in two days than Ukraine has destroyed in at least a month
      • prompted a very public response , including
        • fucking roadblocks and troops deployed in Moscow
        • Putin himself directly acknowledging it and calling it treason
        • an official criminal investigation
      • ended with Lukashenko brokering an agreement to get Putin to let Pierogi (and the guys who were doing that treasony shit with him) go.

      And all in just 3 days. For the entertainment value alone it's been entirely worth it, and I think there's more than a few Russians who are less confident in their leader than a week ago. Coup attempts happen, but letting Pringlekan go is weak af, even if your plan is to murder him later. You gotta curbstop this kind of shit right away, and Russia was very obviously unable to do that.

      If they thought the 90s were bad, wait till they see the 20s.

  • I don't know, in hindsight I think this could be an even better outcome. As Darken0id put it over on Reddit (quoted in full for those who are avoiding Reddit):

    This is literally the most non-credible outcome. No one saw the plot twist coming, and the outcome is just incredibly weird. It is the most unlogical, useless coup to ever happen and the fact that they even arrived in Moscow, shot down some choppers just to say "nah man this ain't it, lets go home" AND IT WORKS makes this the peak of non-credibility. We witnessed something so non-credible, it might as well be our golden hour. This subreddit is all about the non-credible and now, that the unthinkable has happened you are just bitching because the funni got cancelled? I know your blue balls are starting to apply pressure to your brains but think for a second: no outcome of this coup would have been as stupid as what our timeline got. Be grateful for it. This sub just experienced a glimpse of greatness, it fulfilled its destiny.

    From a more pragmatic perspective, it isn't such a great outcome to replace a weak authoritarian leader like Putin with a stronger one. I'm not sure Prigozhin really would have been stronger, but it's a possibility - the man's a chef, after all. So perhaps this was the best outcome, weakening Putin significantly and then leaving him still in charge.