Put a seat on it and it's a scooter. There's no reason scooters must have tiny, hard wheels. Many don't. Then again, the definition of "scooter" is really blurry. I consider them to have seats like traditional ICE scooters. Razor "scooters" are just clown kick bikes.
When I was a kid scooters had little bike tires and bicycle handlebars, with bicycle breaks. Then these damn kids started making everything into blades and razors and the old scooters disappeared.
Personally, my e-scooter is smaller and less "complicated" than my e-bike. No pedals or gears means less to maintain and worry about failing. It's easier to fold and stuff in my car.
But my e-bike is more stable around bumpy roads or potholes. I feel I'm more visible while riding it in heavy traffic, so it's usually what I grab.
A cross between the two would be interesting for me.