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​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance ​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance

Public finance—the means by which government obtains the funds that it spends—is morally problematic. The more that government expenditures increase, the greater the likelihood of moral mischief. ...

​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance

​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance Over the course of the 20th century, the practice of government redistribution of wealth from some citizens to others became the standard operating procedure in Washington. The groundwork was laid by the adoption in 1913 of the Marxian graduated income tax via the 16th Amendment. This telegraphed the progressives’ intention to convert and pervert the federal government from an impartial night watchman that would protect each American’s property with equal fervor to a corrupt dealer in favors, as in, “You vote for me, and I’ll provide a favor, a subsidy, for you at the expense of your neighbors.”

Politics veritas
​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance