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2024 veritas
Mike Pence Slams Biden, Trump on National Debt, Inflation Mike Pence Slams Biden, Trump on National Debt, Inflation

Former Vice President Mike Pence slams Joe Biden and Donald Trump for failing to tackle entitlements, which lead to inflation.

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> I am not a Pence fan but he is correct on this issue: > > Mike Pence Slams Biden, Trump on National Debt, Inflation > > Former Vice President Mike Pence slams Joe Biden and Donald Trump for failing to tackle entitlements, which lead to inflation. >

2024 veritas
Florida Sanctions Medicaid Providers For Covering Minor Transitions Florida Sanctions Medicaid Providers for Covering Minor Transitions

Florida has become the first state to sanction Medicaid providers for facilitating the attempted gender transitions of minors.

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> > Florida Sanctions Medicaid Providers For Covering Minor Transitions > > Florida has become the first state to sanction Medicaid providers for facilitating the attempted-gender transitions of minors. > > > #Make America Florida > #DeSantis 2024

YouTube to Censor Content Contradicting WHO Guidelines YouTube to Censor Content Contradicting WHO Guidelines

YouTube will censor health content that contradicts WHO guidelines from its earlier policy that just targeted COVID-19 "misinformation."...

YouTube to Censor Content Contradicting WHO Guidelines

YouTube to Censor Content Contradicting WHO Guidelines YouTube will censor health content that contradicts WHO guidelines from its earlier policy that just targeted COVID-19 "misinformation."...

2024 veritas
DeSantis Fires Another 'Soros' Prosecutor Over 'Needless Pain, Suffering, And Death' DeSantis Fires Another 'Soros' Prosecutor Over 'Needless Pain, Suffering, And Death'

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

DeSantis Fires Another 'Soros' Prosecutor Over 'Needless Pain, Suffering, And Death'

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> Monique Worrell, Florida state attorney for the 9th Judicial Circuit, failed to prosecute 43% of arrests - releasing 16,243 defendants without prosecution, according to state AG Ashley Moody. > > "Ms. Worrell is dismissing during the same period nearly four times the number of defendants as are being dismissed or not charged in Palm Beach County," she said, adding "It is not normal for a prosecutor to come out repeatedly after we have seen tragedy strike and insinuate, 'It's not my fault.' I submit to you this was, in a way, to distract from where fault should have lay." > > Even violent felonies were only prosecuted 41% of the time, according to Moody. > > "In February, I called on SA Monique Worrell to deliver the justice and accountability needed for the families affected by shootings in her district and said her suspension would be fully justified. She failed to do her job. Families deserve better."

2024 veritas
This cuck isn't going after anyone


2024 veritas
Donald Trump has the fecal touch.

Nearly half of Republicans says they would not vote for former President Trump if he were convicted of a felony, and 52% wouldn't vote for him if he were in prison on Election Day.

Are you on Bluesky?

I received my invite code from Bluesky. Is anybody here on there?

Politics veritas
​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance ​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance

Public finance—the means by which government obtains the funds that it spends—is morally problematic. The more that government expenditures increase, the greater the likelihood of moral mischief. ...

​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance

​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance Over the course of the 20th century, the practice of government redistribution of wealth from some citizens to others became the standard operating procedure in Washington. The groundwork was laid by the adoption in 1913 of the Marxian graduated income tax via the 16th Amendment. This telegraphed the progressives’ intention to convert and pervert the federal government from an impartial night watchman that would protect each American’s property with equal fervor to a corrupt dealer in favors, as in, “You vote for me, and I’ll provide a favor, a subsidy, for you at the expense of your neighbors.”

Politics veritas
ANALYSIS: Why the Federal Government Keeps Growing ANALYSIS: Why the Federal Government Keeps Growing

News AnalysisIn January 1948, then-Federal Reserve Chair Marriner Eccles, who had served as chief of the U.S. central bank since 1934, was terminated by then-President Harry Truman. The reasons given f...

ANALYSIS: Why the Federal Government Keeps Growing
2024 veritas
The Feds’ Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Is More Egregious Than We Knew The Feds’ Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Is More Egregious Than We Knew

CommentaryIn issuing an Independence Day injunction freezing federal government-led speech policing, U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty heaped particular scorn on the FBI for its interference in the ...

The Feds’ Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Is More Egregious Than We Knew

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> > The Feds’ Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Is More Egregious Than We Knew > >

2024 veritas
As the only veteran in this race, Ron DeSantis understands the true meaning of service & sacrifice.
2024 veritas
DeSantis would sign national concealed-carry
Politics veritas
​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance ​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance

Public finance—the means by which government obtains the funds that it spends—is morally problematic. The more that government expenditures increase, the greater the likelihood of moral mischief. ...

​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance

​​The Moral Defects of Public Finance Over the course of the 20th century, the practice of government redistribution of wealth from some citizens to others became the standard operating procedure in Washington. The groundwork was laid by the adoption in 1913 of the Marxian graduated income tax via the 16th Amendment. This telegraphed the progressives’ intention to convert and pervert the federal government from an impartial night watchman that would protect each American’s property with equal fervor to a corrupt dealer in favors, as in, “You vote for me, and I’ll provide a favor, a subsidy, for you at the expense of your neighbors.”

Indeed, a massive intellectual fraud called social justice has been concocted for the purpose of convincing Americans that although it's a crime for you to take some of your neighbor’s wealth, it's morally righteous for a democratic majority to vote for politicians who will appropriate your neighbor’s wealth on your behalf and give it to you.

Politics veritas
Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard: Hard Truths of the Global Child Sex Trade and the Spiritual Battle for Our Children Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard: Hard Truths of the Global Child Sex Trade and the Spiritual Battle for Our Children

[FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW] "I get films. I don't get the easy ones. And this one definitely wasn't," says ...

Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard: Hard Truths of the Global Child Sex Trade and the Spiritual Battle for Our Children

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> > Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard: Hard Truths of the Global Child Sex Trade and the Spiritual Battle for Our Children > [](watch the video) > [FULL TRANSCRIPT BELOW] "I get films. I don't get the easy ones. And this one definitely wasn't," says ... >

2024 veritas
Time for new, clear-eyed leadership that actually cares about the level of borrowing and spending.

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> .@FitchRatings’ downgrade of the nation's credit rating from AAA to AA+ is a result of frivolous spending and ballooning national debt for programs like the CARES and "Inflation Reduction" Acts. Florida's AAA rating remains the standard-bearer, serving as the nation's blueprint for fiscal responsibility. > > In FL, we have run large budget surpluses and have paid off nearly 25% of the state debt. > > National economic decline is a choice.

2024 veritas
DeSantis-appointed board overseeing Disney area abolishes DEI, 'race-based' policies DeSantis-appointed board overseeing Disney area abolishes DEI, 'race-based' policies

The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, which oversees the Walt Disney World area, announced it abolished all Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs within the district.

DeSantis-appointed board overseeing Disney area abolishes DEI, 'race-based' policies

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> “Our district will no longer participate in any attempt to divide us by race or advance the notion that we are not created equal,” the new district administrator said. “As the former head of the Central Florida Urban League, a civil rights organization, I can say definitively that our community thrives only when we work together despite our differences.” > > The Central Florida Tourism Oversight District said the previous district tended to award contracts “based on racially and gender driven goals.”

News veritas
Actor Jim Caviezel Says Movie Exposing Child Sex Trafficking Is 'Huge Weapon Against Evil' Actor Jim Caviezel Says Movie Exposing Child Sex Trafficking Is 'Huge Weapon Against Evil'

Jim Caviezel, a Christian actor of "The Passion of the Christ" fame, said he wants his upcoming thril...

Actor Jim Caviezel Says Movie Exposing Child Sex Trafficking Is 'Huge Weapon Against Evil'

Actor Jim Caviezel Says Movie Exposing Child Sex Trafficking Is 'Huge Weapon Against Evil'

Politics veritas
Try that in a State that has constitutional carry.
Politics veritas
Abominable RFK Jr. Anti-Semitism Accusation a Harbinger of Things to Come Abominable RFK Jr. Anti-Semitism Accusation a Harbinger of Things to Come

CommentaryIt was sometime around 8 a.m. on July 15, the morning after I had interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for our Presidential Roller Coaster 2024 series, when the following New York Post headline ...

Abominable RFK Jr. Anti-Semitism Accusation a Harbinger of Things to Come

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> > Abominable RFK Jr. Anti-Semitism Accusation a Harbinger of Things to Come >

2024 veritas
Abominable RFK Jr. Anti-Semitism Accusation a Harbinger of Things to Come Abominable RFK Jr. Anti-Semitism Accusation a Harbinger of Things to Come

CommentaryIt was sometime around 8 a.m. on July 15, the morning after I had interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for our Presidential Roller Coaster 2024 series, when the following New York Post headline ...

Abominable RFK Jr. Anti-Semitism Accusation a Harbinger of Things to Come
*Permanently Deleted*
  • Yep. More profiting on human misery by the military-industrial-pharmacological complex.

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