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  • Gremlins. My family will likely never stop making fun of me for it: "Hurr durr but it's a DISNEY movie!!1!"

    Fuck you, I was traumatized.

    • but its PG? /s

      (fun fact, Gremlins and Temple of Doom are why we have the PG-13 rating in the states)

      Also, Gremlins isn't a Disney movie. It was produced by WB and Amblin.

    • My dad got me a poster of mogwai after watching the movie and attached it on the ceiling directly above my bed. Sure, he was the friendly one but fuck that shit! 10/10 dad humour.

    • Same. To this day, I never rewatched gremlins again.

  • The Wizard of Oz. Flying monkeys, evil witch, big green head.

  • Oh, man, Event Horizon was such a movie. "Where we're going, we won't need eyes" haunted me for a long time. And I had no idea it was gonna be a horror movie when I watched it.

    Anyway, besides that one, the original Nightmare on Elm Street did me good. It was one of the first horror movies I ever watched, as my dad wanted to share it once he deemed me old enough. There's something so terrifying about having to stay awake to not be murdered, but being powerless to do so. The most terrifying scene to me was the couple, where the woman got dragged across the ceiling and then the guy got arrested for her murder.

  • Another victim to Event Horizon here, man that film fucked me up for a while.

  • Pet Cemetery.

    But not, like, the zombie cat, zombie dog, or zombie kid. What scared me shitless was the short little flashback of the wife's sick sister in bed.

    • This! The original one.

      I dreamt that the white dog/wolf jumped over me and my midsection spasmed and it jerked me awake.

      Also, Arachnophobia was terrifying! I felt that it was where my fear of crawling insects came from. Because when I was younger, I was not afraid of catching spiders as large as my tiny hands.

  • Pee-wee's Big Adventure. (Hear me out)

    This was back in the 80s, when TV screens were glass and shooting a suction cup gun at it was the pinnacle of child entertainment. On one of my retrieval trips, when I was arms length from the screen, Large Marge made "the face." I screamed and ran. I couldn't watch the movie for years afterward. I still get minor anxiety to this day.

  • I am legend

    The post apocalyptic movie with Will Smith.

    The eerie way the monsters looked, plus the way they stood in a circle in the dark building. It really scared the shit out of me as a kid.

    • Don't play The Forest anytime soon then xD

      It's like I am Legend on steroids.

  • Salem's Lot (the 1979 mini series). The window scene with the floating kid messed me up real good.

  • I apparently had recurring T-Rex-chasing-me nightmares after my grandparents let me watch Jurassic Park when I was like 5 or 6 (they thought it was just a dinosaur movie or something)

    • Tbf, it… it is just a dinosaur movie.

    • For me the "shoot her" scene at the start was the scariest. How quickly it flips from "hehe gotcha, you thought it was a dinosaur but it was just a crate" to utter human terror as they try to save someone from an unseen monster

  • Sound of Music. Still does. Those fucking puppets. I have to leave the room for that scene when my wife watches it.

  • Ernest scared stupid. That troll going around at night, sneaking into kids rooms and turning them into wooden figurines was terrifying to my kid brain.

  • Definitely Stephen King's IT, the 90's miniseries. Tim Curry is absolutely terrifying as Pennywise. That lip curl he does when he says "Oh yes, Georgie, they float".

  • Fire in the sky - The scene after he was abducted and wakes up on the UFO always freaked me out as a kid. I remember renting the VHS from Blockbuster back in the day. This was also when shows like Sightings and Unsolved Mystery were popular on TV.