Todd Howard? Wasn't expecting that. Anywho, looks like this'll mainly be in 1st person? That's kinda neat actually, I don't think we've had a 1st person Indy before.
Machine Games are pretty well known for their first person shooters (they made the modern Wolfenstein games), so it is kinda reassuring they're sticking to first person, even if they're clearly not going for a Wolfenstein feel.
Yeah some of the animations look a little unpolished, and they left just enough frames in that you can see the revolver doesn't move at all when it's fired, just a little smoke cloud clips through his hand.
I'm in the camp of 'I'll wait for reviews' on this one. Indiana Jones is a character with a controversial past and many of his character traits are not exactly modern. The puzzle stuff looked kinda fun and I'd be interested to see just how many there are in the game. Solving what looks like a blood sacrifice bowl with a bottle of wine is neat. Or it will be if that isn't a telegraphed narrative. If there are point and click vibes where you pick up a clown nose in the first ten minutes of the game and then use It in the 9th hour, that kinda puzzle-bypass would be great.
I will say, 'The Great Circle' is such a boring name when they have 'Circuli Magni' right there. They give a clear translation in the trailer but 'Indiana Jones and the Circuli Magni' is significantly more interesting. SEO considerations I guess.