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Trump? Biden? No thanks as voter interest in 2024 is already waning

  • “People can't pay their bills, credit card balances are through the roof. Inflation is high. Democracy is in peril. Immigration is out of control. So, there's a lot of pain going around.

    Well, one of those things is not like the other. Let's see if we can improve that quote a bit,

    People can't pay their bills, credit card balances are through the roof. Inflation is high. Democracy is in peril. Lazy morons like me who haven't had an original thought since the Clinton administration are still getting paid way too much money to be experts. So, there's a lot of pain going around.

    Much better!

  • The long track record of voting the lesser evil has gotten us to the point now. We are choosing between two genocidal old men. If there was ever a time to take a stand and change course, it would be now. Democracy will always be on the line if you're infinitely choosing between two forms of evil.

  • vote biden because other choice is bad and choosing an alternative is bad too and not voting biden would be fascism

    confused how being forced to vote for one person and party is democracy but hey not allowed to vote would not know

  • Why don't liberals vote for trump and push him left after the election? That approach has worked wonders on Joe.

  • "I'm completely disenchanted from the political process at the moment," said Grace Freeman, 34. "Right now, there’s just no way I’m going to vote for Joe Biden again. I don't believe in his leadership as an American, especially as a Black American.

    "And I'm absolutely not voting for Trump. He's a terrible option," Freeman said. "I might vote for a third-party candidate or not vote at all ‒ and I’m a voting rights advocate!"