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Two US astronauts stuck in space as Boeing analyzes Starliner problems Two US astronauts stuck in space as Boeing analyzes Starliner problems

Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams in spacecraft attached to International Space Station as engineers fix problem

Two US astronauts stuck in space as Boeing analyzes Starliner problems

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Two US astronauts stuck in space onboard Boeing’s Starliner capsule
  • If your boss ordered you to stay late at work but said "oh, if there's an emergency you can leave," I'd say you were stuck at work

  • USC student will not be charged in fatal stabbing of homeless person
  • Actually, from everything I've read it doesn't seem Cerf actually had a gun. The three students who confronted him claimed he said he had a gun and reached for his waistband, but I haven't seen anything saying a firearm was actually recovered from the scene.

  • Biden to announce protections Tuesday for undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens and ‘Dreamers’
  • Yeah, the fact that they're requiring people to be married by yesterday and to have been hiding out in the US for at least a decade before they can even apply to this program (and they're still saying they're doing a case by case review of applications, so not even everyone who meets the requirement will get it) is fucking nuts. It's like they realized they need to do something to win back all the people they pissed off with Biden's attacks on migrants and asylum seekers recently but this nonsense is the best they can do because they live in mortal terror of the idea that they might accidentally give an undeserving brown person legal rights.

  • Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say

    More than 40 people are alleged to have died as a result of Greek coastguard actions, BBC analysis reveals.

    Greek coastguard threw migrants overboard to their deaths, witnesses say

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    Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
  • Why did he sweep one of Trump's turds under the rug and leave it for Reuters to clean up?

  • Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
  • NATOpedia

    About that source,

    The Grayzone has downplayed or denied the Chinese government's human rights abuses against Uyghurs, published conspiracy theories about Xinjiang, Syria, and other regions, and published disinformation about Ukraine during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which some have described as pro-Russian propaganda. Grayzone staff Blumenthal and Aaron Maté acted as briefers on behalf of the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations at UN meetings organized by Russia.

  • Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
  • First off, you should really source what you're talking about, secondly it does seem to be entirely irrelevant to this story, but third, unlike the information DOD contractors were spreading in this story, that does appear to be a more or less accurate summary of what happened there.

  • Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
  • I did link the article, it's the top level link of this whole post. Might be an app or instance issue keeping some people from seeing it I guess, so I'll add it to the body of this post when I get a chance.


    and then he publicly banned the practice

    [Italicization added]

    That's incorrect, the public did not know about this program until Reuters reported on it here (which is why this is news). His administration privately told them to stop this specific campaign, but

    After Reuters asked X about the accounts, the social media company removed the profiles, determining they were part of a coordinated bot campaign based on activity patterns and internal data.


    Nevertheless, the Pentagon’s clandestine propaganda efforts are set to continue. In an unclassified strategy document last year, top Pentagon generals wrote that the U.S. military could undermine adversaries such as China and Russia using “disinformation spread across social media, false narratives disguised as news, and similar subversive activities [to] weaken societal trust by undermining the foundations of government.”

    And in February, the contractor that worked on the anti-vax campaign – General Dynamics IT – won a $493 million contract. Its mission: to continue providing clandestine influence services for the military.

    So, the accounts were still active and the posts were still visible until Reuters got involved, and the people who greenlit what should have been an obviously bad idea (anti-vaccine propaganda efforts) are continuing to work for our government.

    Stopping anti-vaccine propaganda efforts was a good thing, but it was the absolute least Biden could do and wholly insufficient. These posts/accounts should have been publicly disowned and discredited, and the people responsible for them should have been prohibited from doing any further work for the US. Not doing so is a massive blow to our international credibility, which is like the last fucking thing democracy needs right now.

    e; part of what I originally wrote seemed pretty irrelevant on second thought, so I deleted it to make it a bit less of a wall of text, but originally in between "Second," and ">and then he etc." was

    the Biden Admin was made aware of this not long after he entered office

    That's not totally clear (party nominees start getting briefed on some classified things before the election to get them up to speed), but does seem to be the case given what we know now.

    [Indent added for clarity]

  • Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
  • Attention should have been drawn to this. Beyond the whole "America should practice what it preaches to every other country" thing, how is someone who was exposed to our disinformation and believed it going to find out it was false if we just try to memory-hole the whole thing?

    They were only talkative after the Reuters reporters showed up with evidence of their bad behavior, so it's not like we're dealing with whistleblowers here. Fair point that military types tend to say a lot of bullshit and don't like to answer questions, though, which is why what really ought to happen here is a public Congressional hearing with subpoenas that force them to answer questions with their names attached to their statements. We need to know who the people who approved and implemented this were so we can make sure their careers with our military are over (or that they're never contracted for work by our military ever again).

    Seems to me like another example of shithead moderate Dems covering up for psychopathic Republicans and normalizing their shittiest policies by coming up with a bit more paperwork instead of tearing them out root and branch like most Dem voters would want them to (see also; Biden continuing Trump's attacks on asylum and migration, Obama continuing Bush's drone war, Clinton continuing Reagan and Bush's attacks on welfare programs, etc.).

  • Maker of Jeep and Dodge plans to kill chrome on cars, citing risks to those who make it
  • I would be surprised if price wasn't the only factor and they're just talking about employees' health for PR reasons

  • United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic

    OP -

    Archive part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, and part 7

    Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
  • Except the article also notes that Twitter didn't remove the accounts and their posts until Reuters told them about it, presumably because the Department of Defense never told Twitter or anyone else about this program.

    Biden should have informed the public about this bad behavior, publicly condemned it, and publicly held the people behind it accountable. It shouldn't have taken investigative journalists digging quotes out of nameless sources to bring this to light if the administration were serious about preventing the spread of misinformation and not just trying to sweep an obviously dumb idea under the rug before it could blow up in their faces.

    e; also, the article concludes

    The Pentagon’s audit concluded that the military’s primary contractor handling the campaign, General Dynamics IT, had employed sloppy tradecraft, taking inadequate steps to hide the origin of the fake accounts, said a person with direct knowledge of the review. The review also found that military leaders didn’t maintain enough control over its psyop contractors, the person said.

    A spokesperson for General Dynamics IT declined to comment.

    Nevertheless, the Pentagon’s clandestine propaganda efforts are set to continue. In an unclassified strategy document last year, top Pentagon generals wrote that the U.S. military could undermine adversaries such as China and Russia using “disinformation spread across social media, false narratives disguised as news, and similar subversive activities [to] weaken societal trust by undermining the foundations of government.”

    And in February, the contractor that worked on the anti-vax campaign – General Dynamics IT – won a $493 million contract. Its mission: to continue providing clandestine influence services for the military.

  • There’s a Time Bomb Hidden In the Supreme Court’s Abortion Pills Decision There’s a Time Bomb Hidden In the Supreme Court’s Abortion Pills Decision

    The justices turned away an attack on abortion pills—but still laid the groundwork to further the goals of the conservative legal movement.

    There’s a Time Bomb Hidden In the Supreme Court’s Abortion Pills Decision

    >Distressingly, the opinion leaves breadcrumbs for [anti-abortion] activists to follow next time—and sets up some roadblocks to keep progressive activists out. For example, Kavanaugh writes that plaintiffs who aren’t actually affected by a given regulation, like the AHM, can still “thread the causation needle” if they show that the parties who are regulated “will likely react in predictable ways that in turn will likely injure the plaintiffs.” The Court also clarified that an organization does not have standing merely if it “diverts its resources in response to a defendant’s actions.” > >Why does this matter? The diversion-of-resources argument comes from a landmark 1982 case called Havens Realty Corporation v. Coleman, in which a fair housing organization sought to sue an apartment complex for its refusal to rent apartments to Black “testers”—people who posed as potential renters to test compliance with the law. The Court ruled in Havens Realty that the organization, although it wasn’t actually trying to rent apartments, nonetheless had standing to sue, in part because the realty company’s actions forced the organization to use its limited resources to ferret out illegal discrimination. > >Kavanaugh’s opinion declines to extend standing to the AHM under Havens Realty. But he also goes out of his way to call Havens Realty an “unusual case” that the Court “has been careful not to extend…beyond its context.” If this language signals that the Court is looking skeptically at future diversion-of-resources claims, that could be bad news for civil rights groups trying to use the courts to enforce the law.

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    Politicians Push Failed ‘Tough-on-Crime’ Measures as Crime Rates Near Record Lows Politicians Push Failed ‘Tough-on-Crime’ Measures as Crime Rates Near Record Lows

    The overall crime rate is nearly as low as it’s been in decades, but that hasn’t stopped officials from pushing draconian measures likely only to fuel mass incarceration and harm public safety. It’s time for a different approach.

    Politicians Push Failed ‘Tough-on-Crime’ Measures as Crime Rates Near Record Lows

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    Secret Law is not the Solution to an Overbroad Surveillance Authority Is Secret Law the Solution to an Overbroad Surveillance Authority?

    The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has created “secret law,” in which even the legal parameters for surveillance are classified.

    Is Secret Law the Solution to an Overbroad Surveillance Authority?

    >When the House passed legislation to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in April, it included a new provision that Senator Ron Wyden described as “one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history.” Concern over the provision mounted in the Senate and threatened to derail the law’s renewal. Anxious to secure reauthorization before Section 702 expired, the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), Senator Mark Warner, promised to work with other senators to narrow the provision in subsequent legislation. > >To his credit, Senator Warner has made good on that promise; but the cure that SSCI has chosen is nearly as bad as the disease. The committee has created a dangerous new form of “secret law,” in which the legal parameters for surveillance—rules that bind not only the government, but private parties—are themselves classified. There is a much better solution available: Congress can legislate both responsibly and openly, as long as the administration declassifies certain information that is already in the public domain.

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    United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    New Jersey's D.C. Democrats say Biden administration should not support new GEO Group immigrant jail in Newark New Jersey's D.C. Democrats say Biden administration should not support new immigrant jail • New Jersey Monitor

    GEO Group wants to open an immigrant detention center in Newark. Democrats say the Biden administration should not support its plan.

    New Jersey's D.C. Democrats say Biden administration should not support new immigrant jail • New Jersey Monitor

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    United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    What happened at Waupun: A timeline of prisoner deaths, investigations, lawsuits and resignations at the Wisconsin prison What happened at Waupun: A timeline of prisoner deaths, investigations, lawsuits and resignations

    Waupun Correctional Institution entered a lockdown in March 2023. Here's what has happened since then.

    What happened at Waupun: A timeline of prisoner deaths, investigations, lawsuits and resignations

    >Over the past year, four prisoners have died at Waupun, prison workers have been criminally charged, officials have resigned and a series of investigations have been launched at the local, state and federal levels.

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    United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    Cook County Jail’s deadliest year in decades reveals repeated lapses and failed oversight Cook County Jail’s deadliest year in decades reveals repeated lapses and failed oversight

    Last year was the deadliest at the jail in decades. Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart blames drugs being smuggled in.

    Cook County Jail’s deadliest year in decades reveals repeated lapses and failed oversight

    >[Sheriff] Dart’s spokesperson said the “primary driver” for the record spike in deaths was a sudden influx of paper laced with fentanyl and other drugs that was smuggled into the jail in the first half of last year. > >Indeed, drug overdose was the cause of death for eight detainees in 2023, followed by six from natural causes (including Colon), three homicides, and one suicide, according to records from the Cook County medical examiner. > >Deaths and overdoses at the jail plummeted after Dart severely restricted access to paper last April, going so far as to block defense attorneys from bringing paper into the jail. As of this week, there had been no deaths at the jail in 2024, his spokesperson said. The jail’s average daily population has also dropped significantly following the abolition of cash bail in Illinois. > >But even in some overdose deaths, Injustice Watch found potential policy violations and lack of oversight that may have dangerously increased the jail’s reaction time to offer medical assistance, and advocates and experts say Injustice Watch’s findings point to longstanding problems at the jail that run deeper than drug-laced paper.

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    United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    A.C.L.U. Sues to Stop Biden’s Asylum Ban on the U.S.-Mexico Border A.C.L.U. Sues to Stop Biden’s Asylum Ban on the U.S.-Mexico Border

    The action is the first legal challenge to an order that President Biden hopes will decrease the number of illegal crossings and neutralize a major political vulnerability.

    A.C.L.U. Sues to Stop Biden’s Asylum Ban on the U.S.-Mexico Border

    >“The asylum statute could not be clearer: that one must be able to seek protection regardless of where they enter the country, which is why the courts struck down Trump’s near-identical asylum ban and is undoubtedly why the Biden administration has acknowledged it may not be able to do this by unilateral executive fiat,” said Lee Gelernt, a lawyer with the A.C.L.U. who has challenged several immigration policies under the Biden and Trump administrations.

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    United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    DOJ: Phoenix police systematically used illegal excessive force. Reaction ranges from outrage to caution DOJ: Phoenix police systematically used illegal excessive force. Reaction ranges from outrage to caution

    A 126-page report issued after a three-year investigation showed violations of the First, Fourth and 14th Amendments by the Phoenix Police Department.

    DOJ: Phoenix police systematically used illegal excessive force. Reaction ranges from outrage to caution

    >Many city officials and police representatives bristled at the findings, with reactions ranging from disappointment and frustration to anxiety and near outrage. One city leader said federal oversight would "neuter" the department, while a police leader said the report's findings were riddled with "innuendo" and "half-truths." > >The city's top leaders, City Manager Jeff Barton and Mayor Kate Gallego, were more cautious, stressing they wanted to read the report fully before substantively weighing in. > >Few activist organizations weighed in. There were no protests or demonstrations at City Hall, as has occurred in years past. Poder in Action said in a statement on social media the community was "disgusted, furious and heartbroken" but not surprised.

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    United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    Supreme Court rules for Starbucks, limits power of judges to protect fired union organizers Supreme Court rules for Starbucks, limits power of judges to protect fired union organizers

    In a setback for labor, Supreme Court limits the power of judges and NLRB to protect union organizers.

    Supreme Court rules for Starbucks, limits power of judges to protect fired union organizers

    >In a 9-0 decision, the court overturned a ruling by a federal judge in Tennessee who sided with the NLRB and ordered Starbucks to rehire the so-called “Memphis Seven.” > >In doing so, the justices set a higher legal standard to prevent judges from deferring to the labor board in pending disputes. > >... > >AFL-CIO president Liz Shuler denounced the decision and said the court had “sided with corporate power over Starbucks baristas today in a direct attack on the fundamental freedom to organize a union on the job. This decision sets a higher threshold for courts to reinstate workers who have been unfairly fired. In a system that is already stacked against workers, this will make it even harder for them to get back their jobs.” > >... > >Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson dissented in part, saying she did not think judges were exercising too much power in these cases and should generally defer to the labor board. > >“I am loath to bless this aggrandizement of judicial power where Congress has so plainly limited the discretion of the courts, and where it so clearly intends for the expert agency it has created to make the primary determinations about both merits and process,” she wrote.

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    The Biggest Lie Trump–Biden 2024 Rematch Voters Are Telling Themselves: The system will not inevitably “hold.” The Biggest Lie Trump–Biden 2024 Rematch Voters Are Telling Themselves

    “The system is holding” is not a plan for a knowable future. It never was.

    The Biggest Lie Trump–Biden 2024 Rematch Voters Are Telling Themselves

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    Gen Z influencers who supported Biden in 2020 turn against him

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    United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    New Senate report blasts residential treatment facilities that “treat children as payouts” New Senate report blasts residential treatment facilities that “treat children as payouts”

    Kids experienced systemic abuse and neglect at the hands of four of the nation's largest behavioral health providers.

    New Senate report blasts residential treatment facilities that “treat children as payouts”

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    United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    A Washington Post investigation found hundreds of law enforcement officers in the United States have sexually exploited kids. Many avoid prison time. Abused by the badge

    Hundreds of police officers in the United States have sexually abused children, a Post investigation found. In many cases, the officers have avoided prison time.

    Abused by the badge

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    United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    New Hampshire Republicans Try to Require Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote New Hampshire Republicans Try to Require Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote

    The bill, part of a nationwide wave of conservative proposals fueled by Donald Trump’s false allegations of voter fraud, risks disenfranchising many eligible voters.

    New Hampshire Republicans Try to Require Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote

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    United States | News & Politics gAlienLifeform
    Serving Time for Their Abusers’ Crimes - The Marshall Project found nearly 100 people who were punished for the actions of their abusers under little-known laws like “accomplice liability.” Their Abusers Did the Crime, but They Also Served Time

    The Marshall Project found nearly 100 people who were punished for the actions of their abusers under little-known laws like “accomplice liability.”

    Their Abusers Did the Crime, but They Also Served Time

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    Prisoner dies 12 days after Pennsylvania judge granted compassionate release for health reasons
  • He had been jailed for 49 years before an Allegheny County judge granted his request for compassionate release last month.

    Bozeman had been on life support. He had a back injury that had been misdiagnosed for several years, according to his lawyer, Dolly Prabhu, and he required extensive medical care after he became paralyzed from the chest down after surgery.

    An aide to Allegheny County District Attorney Stephen Zappala, whose office had opposed the release, said they had no comment on Bozeman’s death.

    "You're asking if we want to make a statement about the paralyzed prisoner who said he was innocent and said he got paralyzed by substandard prison medical care, and who we just argued wasn't really that sick, who just died? ... No."

  • Execution date set for Missouri inmate, even as he awaits hearing on claim of actual innocence
  • "You want to stop an execution? Of a black man?! In an election year?!! How could you be so heartless! [Faints]."

  • The Washington Post is about to embrace the darkness
  • Related news scoop at NPR today, 'Washington Post' publisher tried to kill a story about him. It wasn’t the first time.

    The Washington Post has written twice this spring about allegations that have cropped up in British court proceedings involving its new publisher and CEO, Will Lewis. In both instances Lewis pushed his newsroom chief hard not to run the story.

    According to several people at the newspaper, then-Executive Editor Sally Buzbee emerged rattled from both discussions in March and in May. Lewis’ efforts were first reported by the New York Times. The second Post article in May, which was thorough and detailed, ran just days before Lewis announced his priorities for the paper, which is financially troubled.

    On Thursday, a spokesperson for Lewis denied the publisher had pressured his editor, saying, "That is not true. That is not what happened."

    Buzbee did not recuse herself from the stories, which were overseen by Managing Editor Matea Gold, and drew upon reporters from three desks. Lewis did not block the story from running. He unexpectedly announced Buzbee’s departure on Sunday night, about three-and-a-half weeks after the longer story ran, along with a restructuring of the newsroom’s leadership structure.

    It is not the first time that Lewis has engaged in intense efforts to head off coverage about him in ways that many U.S. journalists would consider deeply inappropriate.


    In December, I wrote the first comprehensive piece based on new documents cited in a London courtroom alleging that Lewis had helped cover up a scandal involving widespread criminal practices at media mogul Rupert Murdoch’s British tabloids. (Lewis has previously denied the allegations.)

    At that time, Lewis had just been named publisher and CEO by Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos, but had not yet started. In several conversations, Lewis repeatedly — and heatedly —offered to give me an exclusive interview about the Post’s future, as long as I dropped the story about the allegations.

    At that time, the same spokesperson, who works directly for Lewis from the U.K. and has advised him since his days at the Wall Street Journal, confirmed to me that an explicit offer was on the table: drop the story, get the interview.

    NPR published the story nonetheless. On Thursday, the spokesperson declined comment about that offer.

    Bolding added, archived at

  • 46 members of Congress have violated a conflicts-of-interest law
  • Those were just the ones that were lazy enough to not bother hiding it

  • Deleted
    Rapper Fat Joe wants hospital price transparency. Here's how he's fighting for it in D.C.
  • Oh sure, thanks for tracking me down to say that, but you don't have anything to apologize for, it wasn't a bad assumption if you didn't know anything about me and made me realize how what I was doing could easily be misinterpreted and used in a way I didn't want it to be, so I appreciated that original comment too. I'm definitely not above sticking my foot in my mouth and need people to point out when I'm doing that sometimes.

  • Removed Deleted
    Rapper Fat Joe wants hospital price transparency. Here's how he's fighting for it in D.C.
  • Good on him, who doesn't?

    Oh absolutely, no argument there.

    Is it oniony because he's a rapper and if so, what in all boomer hell kind of a take is that? Yikes

    No, my intention there was more like " healthcare is such an unbelievably bad scam in this country We had to get a random celebrity that you haven't thought about for several years on the problem." Like, I figured the service level seeming randomness of the headline would be a good hook to draw people into reading about a real problem (hospital prices being completely unpredictable ) and a good person trying to do something about it, but after reading your comment I can see how that might not have come through.

  • Father of Baraboo High School graduate blocks superintendent from shaking daughter's hand
  • It's actually missing from the entire article, an article which had the time to mention how there's a group trying to have a school board member recalled (without telling us how big or small the group is, who their members are and what other organizations they're connected to (e.g. Moms for Liberty)), list all of the group's alleged grievances (without looking into whether any of them have any validity), and link to the group's Facebook page (without discussing the prevalence of misinformation on those pages).

  • Biden Uses Trump 'Muslim Ban' Maneuver to Cap Asylum Seekers
  • *After the first two Muslim bans were too blatantly racist for even that Supreme Court, they came up with just enough bullshit to cover their racism to get the third Muslim ban attempt to stick

  • Arizona can execute Danny Lee Jones, 6-3 Supreme Court rules
  • I mean,

    The public defender assigned to represent Jones learned that he was oxygen-deprived at birth and had a lithium deficiency — a condition linked to serious psychiatric disorders. Jones’s medical records showed that he was medicated for mood disorders, had attempted suicide and was admitted to a mental hospital.

    Despite having access to this information, Jones’s attorney did not further investigate his mental health until after he was convicted.

    Jones's lawyer presented three witnesses during sentencing, including a doctor to testify about his mental health issues. Dr. Jack Potts was only able to conduct a short examination of Jones, however, so his report was less than one page of analysis. Dr. Potts advocated for more testing, but the request was denied.

    Like, setting aside the death penalty in general for a second, this is just a flagrant disregard of legal precedent when it comes to legal competency and ineffective assistance of counsel.

  • gAlienLifeform gAlienLifeform
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