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A 13-year-old used a ‘Help Me!’ sign to escape after being abducted. A Texas man has now pleaded guilty to kidnapping A 13-year-old used a ‘Help Me!’ sign to escape after being abducted. A Texas man has now pleaded guilty to kidnapping | CNN

A Texas man who kidnapped a 13-year-old girl in San Antonio and sexually assaulted her multiple times while driving her to Southern California last year pleaded guilty to a federal kidnapping charge Friday as part of a plea agreement, the US Attorney’s Office for the Central District of Califor...

A 13-year-old used a ‘Help Me!’ sign to escape after being abducted. A Texas man has now pleaded guilty to kidnapping | CNN

A Texas man who kidnapped a 13-year-old girl in San Antonio and sexually assaulted her multiple times while driving her to Southern California last year pleaded guilty to a federal kidnapping charge Friday as part of a plea agreement, the US Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California said.

Steven Robert Sablan, 62, abducted the girl at gunpoint on or about July 6, 2023, in San Antonio and “engaged in sexual activity” with her while driving her to Long Beach, California, the plea agreement states.

“At the time of the crime, Sablan had no legal custody or familial relationship to the victim,” the US Attorney’s Office for the Central District of California said in a news release.


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  • Did they find out if it was a drag queen?

    • This has gone from funny to frustrating.

      The people who need to hear this literally don't fucking care and will just ignore it.

      It doesn't matter how many Christians are caught grooming and diddling little kids, they'll keep blaming it on trans people anyway and keep getting away with it anyway because it's a fucking cult that has rejected anything that isn't GroupThink.

      Repeating "but were they a drag queen" in our little echo chambers is surely cathartic, but in the end, it's still an uphill battle against these fucking religious freaks, because they don't care what is true and what isn't. We should have been aware of how little they cared about the truth when they decided Sky Daddy was speaking to them in tongues. Should have been the first fucking clue these asshats aren't living in fucking reality. They were primed by religion to reject anything outside of the cult.

      • Oh! This is the thing I've been reading about, with how people change their minds.

        It turns out that for everyone, belief is partly to largely social. The brain values in-group membership and security much like how it values physical security. When you say something to someone that threatens their group security, the brain reacts similarly to if a bear had just walked into the room. There's no cool analyzing of facts.

        So you have someone who's anti-trans and hangs out with their anti-trans church, and that's a big part of their community. That's their friends, family, and support. They get together, sing songs, and trash talk trans folks. Now, you come up to them and say "Hey, trans folks are people like anyone else and don't deserve to be treated badly." You're an outsider. The brain looks at this like siding with you risks being ejected from the safety of the group to be eaten by wolves. That's uncomfortable. So they make up excuses to resolve this. You're a liar. You're wrong. You don't know what you're talking about. You don't understand it's about protecting children. This is an exception that doesn't prove anything. It was a false flag operation. Excuses. Excuses to protect group membership and resolve cognitive dissonance.

        People are complex and hold many memberships simultaneously. This person belongs to a church, but they also have a family, and they may be in a political party, and a sports team. And the church may belong to a larger group like Christianity more generally.

        One of the ways to get people to change their mind is to appeal to another group they're a member of. Like, you probably can't get a republican to recycle by appealing to environmentalism. Republicans have gone hard on the environment doesn't matter. But you could probably make progress if you appealed to american exceptionalism. Only America can turn trash into treasure! That might appeal. That doesn't make them feel like they're clashing with a group.

        This is also how stuff like qanon hook into people. Being part of the group feels good, and getting people to look at facts is going to be an uphill battle when it means risking that membership. And that's on top of the whole "most people don't want to admit fault"

        Anyway. I digress. The specifics of christianity are a problem, but none of this is really unique to it. We should probably be spending more effort dismantling hate groups and such, though. And maybe building groups that aren't centered on hate and xenophobia.

        • Excellently written, and I agree deeply with the conclusion. Sometimes certain major religions make me so mad that it's hard to see the forest for the trees, but I know what you say is correct, as I've read similar ideas on belief and its connection with social connections. Zizek for example has written a great deal on belief and how its important/shapes us/we all experience it.

          Also, secondarily, I guess "Not All Religions." Every religion is imperfect, but not all of them are rooted in fear of death and promises of eternal life. Hinduism and Buddhism for example are complex religions of their own that don't come in the Abrahamic Religion Package.


          The specifics of christianity are a problem, but none of this is really unique to it. We should probably be spending more effort dismantling hate groups and such, though. And maybe building groups that aren’t centered on hate and xenophobia.

          I agree with all of these, but how do we even address that the religions that do specifically have a problem are some of the most widely believed religions on the planet? I know we need to be dismantling hate groups, but how do we dismantle those ones, because I hate to say it, their history is where a large part of the cycle of abuse in human society comes from. These specific religions do teach things like Christianity's "turn the other cheek" that demand submissiveness from their members. I really do think those major religions are the root of abusive behavior because it's so ingrained in the religions and these religions have so much history. It literally impacts the majority of the world.

          It's really hard, because like... I know a fella in Jordan who, when he lived in the US, admitted to me he thought he might be atheist. Eventually, he went back home to Jordan. I think about when he said that, a lot. It's literally a dangerous thing for him to admit in Jordan. It's not like they will kill him or anything, but he could lose his job, certain types of property, be divorced from his wife by the state, be denied any and all inheritances, and custody of his children. That's the government saying to all the citizens of Jordan that they'll try to ruin your life if you admit atheism. What a way to kill all doubt in a believers mind, eh?

          I appreciate this perspective, but it feels like not even treading water when we're talking about dismantling hate groups, as if some religious institutions aren't purpose-built to facilitate becoming hate groups.

      • Well said. We're centuries past the time it was needed to call this out in a very frank manner and "respecting" their beliefs when their behavior is abhorrent.

        • I fully believe raising a kid in religion is "priming the pump" to allow them to believe any old absolute bullshit.

          It's building a mind that's willing to reject reality for fantasy.

          All of it boiling down to "humans are scared of death" and the fantasy is avoiding death (eternal life).

      • Repeating “but were they a drag queen” in our little echo chambers is surely cathartic

        Full stop. It's cathartic, does no harm, adds a momentary smile to my otherwise dreary, humdrum, frustrating life. Bring on the drag queens, please!

      • It's not about being funny in that way. It's about countering bullshit and unfortunately it can only be in small bite sized bits and to make those that spew that garbage be aware constantly it's not accepted by others by asking the question.

        Odds are it's those on the fence that can be swayed.

        For the rest it's a form of Chinese water torture that will eventually get through but like you say most that need to hear it won't and they'll move on to things like adernochrome and liberal baby eating.

        Speaking of that, it's odd those for having a choice to have a child or not would also eat those babies? Why would they want to not have them? It's a steady diet of them if they are forced to have kids they don't want?

        It's unfortunate stupid logic questions like this are the only things that jar them enough to either act in rage or dismiss it all together in a flight response but it did chip something in the process.

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