They are going to ignore all laws that are inconvenient to them:
IF Trump isn't permitted to run, maybe they'll run with a placeholder, then have Trump be shoehorned-in somehow, perhaps by Republican-electorate decree...
Legalists, same today as in Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph's day, pick & choose which pieces of the letter-of-the-law that they acknowledge.
That has always been their fundamental tactic, along with gaslighting.
Notice how the West held-to Natural Law ( morally-based Law ) in prosecuting Nazis, but .. as soon as that was done .. the West decided that Legal Posit-ivism ( legalism ) is the West's right, and nobody has any right to be threatening any privilege through moral-law, as legalism prohibited that sort of behaviour.
Nothing's changed: human-nature is the same, now, as it was back in the Christian bible's times.