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«Si la gauche passe, je ne louerai plus mon logement» : cette idée du Nouveau Front populaire qui fait enrager les propriétaires
  • Les bras m'en tombent. On dirait que la gauche a envie de faire passer le RN.

    On peut imaginer des tas de mesures efficaces pour le logement sans empiéter sur les droits des petits propriétaires bailleurs : taxes prohibitives sur les logements inoccupés, droit de préemption pour les logements abandonnés, densification... Pas besoin de revenir en arrière sur la très populaire loi anti-squatteurs.

  • Codingame - Summer Challenge 2024 - Olymbits - Bot Programming Challenge
  • I think you might want to go through a python tutorial before you start on coding game. It can get frustrating if you don't know the basics.

  • Codingame - Summer Challenge 2024 - Olymbits - Bot Programming Challenge
  • I'm participating! Codingame is a lot of fun, I highly recommend it.

  • POSIX.1-2024 has been published
  • Is posix still relevant in any way?

  • Luc Rouban, politiste : « La généralisation du vote RN traduit un malaise social qui dépasse la question du racisme » Législatives 2024 : « La généralisation du vote RN traduit un malaise social qui dépasse la question du racisme »

    Le chercheur en sciences politiques analyse, dans un entretien au « Monde », comment le Rassemblement national s’est délesté, lors des élections européennes du 9 juin, des traditionnels déterminismes du vote en faveur de l’extrême droite

    Législatives 2024 : « La généralisation du vote RN traduit un malaise social qui dépasse la question du racisme »
    Provisional results are in
  • So, what's next? A coalition of pro-europe parties? Along which line? I'm mostly interested in what we can expect in terms of environmental policy. I fear a step back...

  • Will Swiss cities copy Paris decision to hike parking charges for SUVs?
  • That would be great. But Swiss people love their big cars, so I'm not too hopeful...

  • As Cancer Treatment Advances, Patients and Doctors Push Back Against Drugs' Harsh Side Effects
  • I'm not sure but I think some of these drugs can make permanent damage.

    Obviously survival remains the topmost concern, but thinking about side effects sounds like the logical next step now that we've made tremendous progress with survival.

  • Help me find this video!
  • Thank you!!!

  • Help me find this video!
  • No 😁

    It's just a funny video from LinkedIn or TikTok

  • Help me find this video!

    Can you help me find a video of a man who pretends to help a woman with her two bottles of wine, but leaves her in a terrible position? The woman ends up with her hands stuck in a gate, and she can't free them without dropping the bottles.

    Thank you!

    India Plans Subsidy for Offshore Wind in Pursuit of Net Zero India Plans Subsidy for Offshore Wind in Pursuit of Net Zero

    India will support offshore wind as a step toward its net zero ambitions, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in her budget speech Thursday, galvanizing markets but leaving observers cold.

    India Plans Subsidy for Offshore Wind in Pursuit of Net Zero
    Recommend me a programming language
  • Lisp is the only one I haven't learned yet 😁

  • Recommend me a programming language
  • Rust, haskell, python, c++ are all interesting choices. I would argue that c# is too close to what you already know to be interesting.

    If I were you though, I'd pick a project first, then decide what language makes sense for it.

  • A new global gender divide is emerging A new global gender divide is emerging

    Young men and young women’s world views are pulling apart. The consequences could be far-reaching

    A new global gender divide is emerging
    EPP group vows to revise combustion engine ban ‘as soon as possible’
  • I am really conflicted about this. On one hand I get that green policies are instrumental in stopping climate change before it’s too late. On the other I know some people who work in the automotive industry and they all agree that we shot ourselves in the foot with this regulation. We ended up being the only committed nation block (whatever) while anyone else (namely China, India and the USA) kept doing little or nothing, token contributions if any, but few long run plans like we did.

    Someone needs to lead the way. How is being more virtuous shooting ourselves in the foot, exactly?

  • With the GOP primary basically over, what would happen if the supreme court were to bar Trump from candidacy?
  • That person needs to keep Joe’s heart ticking until 12:05 (DC time) on Jan 20, 2025. After that, Joe can kick off whenever he likes.

    What happens if he dies between election day and Jan 20?

  • United States | News & Politics joelthelion
    With the GOP primary basically over, what would happen if the supreme court were to bar Trump from candidacy?
    EU Council and Parliament agree on 90% CO2 emissions cut by 2040 for trucks
  • Well, this should give them some motivation.

  • Realistically, how can Palestine gain it's freedom?
  • It seems like a lot of people think Palestine needs to do stuff but Israel doesn’t. I’m not sure if it’s a double standard, racism, Israeli exceptionalism or what.

    In my case, it's none of that. It's your question: "how can Palestine gain its freedom".

    Now let's be crazy for a moment and imagine that both sides collaborate to fix the issue. I think it would be mostly the same for Israel: get rid of the lunatics, realize that Palestinians are fairly close relatives, work on forgiveness on both sides, and work on a fair two-state solution or even better a single-state solution.

  • Realistically, how can Palestine gain it's freedom?
  • Here's my take on it:

    1. Get rid of all extremists and violent factions internally (extremely hard, of course).
    2. Engage in intense diplomatic lobbying, and be patient. If step 1) has been achieved, I think it would be extremely hard for Israel to resist the pressure, but maybe I'm too naive. Right now, it's extremely easy to dismiss the Palestinian cause because of terrorism. What happened at the beginning of the conflict isn't going to help.
  • Vim 9.1 released
  • Am I the only one to still use regular vim? I tried to switch to Neovim a few years ago, but there were a few things I didn't like, so I switched back. Vim has improved tremendously, so I no longer feel a need to switch. With LSP and Copilot, I feel that I am close to the optimal dev environment these days...

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Could other states follow suit ?

  • Donald Trump banned from Colorado ballot in historic ruling by state’s Supreme Court
  • What will happen next? I assume the (federal) supreme court will simply shoot it down. But I'd love to hear other opinions!

  • Firefox Got Faster for Real Users in 2023 Down and to the Right: Firefox Got Faster for Real Users in 2023 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

    We’ve been working hard on making Firefox even faster and we’re extremely happy to report that this has resulted in an improvement in speed.

    Down and to the Right: Firefox Got Faster for Real Users in 2023 – Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
    Private equity is devouring the U.S. economy The Secretive Industry Devouring the U.S. Economy

    Private equity has made one-fifth of the market effectively invisible to investors, the media, and regulators.

    Which Lemmy community would be right for this link?


    Yesterday I stumbled on this very interesting story, which describes the horrible mess patients have to deal with in order to get into clinical trials:

    I wanted to share it on Lemmy, but I couldn't think of the right community. Any insight? I feel this is relevant to a fairly broad audience.

    La croissance d'Acces Industrie touche du doigt la réindustrialisation du pays La croissance d'Acces Industrie touche du doigt la réindustrialisation du pays

    « Avant on construisait beaucoup de centres-commerciaux, aujourd'hui on construit des usines ! », résume Pascal Meynard, le directeur général d'Acces Industrie. Basé en Lot-et-Garonne, le groupe est spécialisé dans la location aux entreprises d'engins d'élévation et de manutention. Secoué dans les a...

    La croissance d'Acces Industrie touche du doigt la réindustrialisation du pays
    Crise climatique : les glaciers suisses ont fondu autant ces deux dernières années qu'entre 1960 et 1990 Crise climatique : les glaciers suisses ont fondu autant ces deux dernières années qu'entre 1960 et 1990

    "C'est une combinaison de la très mauvaise succession d'extrêmes météorologiques et du changement climatique" qui rend ces extrêmes plus probables, analyse Matthias Huss, qui dirige le réseau suisse des relevés glaciologiques.

    Crise climatique : les glaciers suisses ont fondu autant ces deux dernières années qu'entre 1960 et 1990
    Comment le budget 2024 veut « verdir » nos transports Comment le budget 2024 veut « verdir » nos transports

    Nouvelle taxe sur les autoroutes et les aéroports, malus renforcé sur les véhicules les plus lourds, rail et voiture électrique soutenus… Les grandes lignes du projet de loi de finances pour le volet mobilité dessinent une inflexion en faveur du climat.

    Comment le budget 2024 veut « verdir » nos transports
    Is anyone working on a personal assistant using RAG and LLMs?

    A personal chatbot that can search through your notes and saved documents sounds like an obvious application of LLMs, but for some reason I can't find such a project. Are there any in the works?

    Passoires thermiques : Bruno Le Maire ouvre la porte à un report du calendrier de l'interdiction de location Passoires thermiques : Bruno Le Maire ouvre la porte à un report du calendrier de l'interdiction de location

    "Tout ce qui a été décidé avant la hausse des taux (d'intérêt) mérite d'être regardé à nouveau à l'aune de cette crise. (...) Il faut être très pragmatique et regarder si on peut décaler les calendriers", a déclaré le ministre mardi, dans un entretien au "Parisien".

    Passoires thermiques : Bruno Le Maire ouvre la porte à un report du calendrier de l'interdiction de location
    New York employers must include pay rates in job ads under new state law New York employers must include pay rates in job ads under new state law

    Help-wanted advertisements in New York will have to disclose proposed pay rates after a statewide salary transparency law goes into effect on Sunday

    New York employers must include pay rates in job ads under new state law
    What are the best solutions for extending Wi-Fi range in a big, old house with thick walls? I rent, so I'd rather avoid adding any cables.

    I have an extender already, but it's a cheap one and bandwidth sucks. Any success stories?

    Edit: Thanks all for your replies!

    joelthelion joelthelion
    Posts 42
    Comments 97