Just came to the comments page and it said "You must log in or register to comment." I was already signed in 💀
Didn't even leave the page after my comment and got this 🤣
Thank you for posting this. I was wondering if the problem was with the site, or with ME.
I love getting news from memes.
Define "problem" 😜
So it's not just me?
Every reload is a quantum observation
These stability issues are going to kill the community if they keep up. We’re at a critical phase where the exodus from Reddit has slowed down and we’re trying to stand on our own legs. Those legs have to hold.
Same thing goes for upvoting on some Lemmy apps. There are times I up vote something and scroll down. When I scroll back up my upvote is removed.
Haha I just sorted by new to see if people were talking about it. Had to use my SJW account.
gotta watch for those social justice warrior accounts
Dude I'm cross-eyed from all the sign in refreshes.
I signed up to 3 instances with the same username because of this.
Same, and now I’m down to my last instance.
VLemmy, my previous main just…poof, vanished.
.world is on the fritz.
Please .one keep it together.
Glad it's not just me. I can't even log in on liftoff anymore for some reason, just sits there loading forever. Tried clearing cache and data and reinstalling to no avail.
Yeah, I was confused about why I couldn't post comments, saying I wasn't logged in when I was. It's a quick fix just log out then back in its works great! But it's a bit frustrating tbh.
Pretty sure that's because the site was compromised and they revoked authentication tokens. But someone correct me if I'm wrong
Holy LOL this is seriously apt.
This was literally my experience 3 times in the past 1 minute before I saw this post ... 😂
Because of this I made an alt account on another instance.
I had this problem in the web client and wefwef, but Jerboa is working fine. Other mobile clients might work too?
Connect has the same issue for me. The app UI shows I'm logged in, Lemmy disagrees, so I just log in again.
I've had issue with on jerboa.
Yeah, I ran into it too yesterday.
Thank god, I thought this was just a me problem
I'm starting to think isn't the instance for me.
If having some wonkiness to deal with while the instance is still going through these growing pains it too much to bear, then signing up for an instance more local you may help solve a lot of issues.
Migrated to maybe I need to keep both accounts 😄
Lemmy world rate limiting me when trying to sign up and making me use a different instance seems to have saved me from this.
Where are they storing the session files then, in Memcached with 512 kB limit? No such issues on, so probably not a software issue
Could still be a software issue. Someone said this already but it could be possible that is using a load balancer and multiple servers. These two servers' authentication tokens may be out of sync. So if you hit server 1 and you are sign in to server 1, you're good. If you hit server 2, you're signed out all of a sudden. This can also explain why the issue started to happen abruptly today. It's possible the load on the server wasn't that bad yesterday so the load balancer didn't kick in. This is all speculation. Will have to wait for an official message to confirm anything.
I set up infrastructure for web apps and what you are describing is still most likely server config issue, not Lemmy issue itself, unless Lemmy is lacking something to allow load balancing (then the bug is missing feature actually, also I don't think so). I don't know how Lemmy keeps/reads its sessions, but usually it doesn't matter from the application code standpoint. Preparing multi-host setup as an admin you need to take care about each instance accessing the same session data or whatever application data needs to be shared anyeay. There are many options:
The load balancing scenario where all requests are handled by one host and the other only takes requests when the other is overloaded, is very unlikely. The most common algorithms for balancing are roundrobin - which means (more-or-less) split connections (not load!) equally across all targets, and leastconn - which means hit the host that is least busy with active connections. I mean of course they could've used 'fallback' alhorithm, but it's rather inefficient in most scenarios.
Or maybe the issue is somewhere else, is caused by full-page/CDN cache etc.
Ya'll should try The admin at least lets us know when shits gonna crash and stop working.
Yea i thought it might be another exploit being used but hadn’t heard anything…
I was beginning to wonder if the bot purging got a little too ambitious. Also, requisite "I am not a bot" statement. Beep. Boop.
We are all bots down here.
wasn't able to sign up decided to pick blahaj lemmy
Ha, I’m glad I saw this post. Thought I was going mad. :-)