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Call Congress to Stop KOSA (US focused) Tell the Senate: KOSA Will Censor the Internet But Won't Help Kids

The Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) would censor the internet and would make government officials the arbiters of what young people can see online. It will likely lead to age verification, handing more power, and private data, to third-party identity verification companies like Clear or The gov...

The Senate may have a simple voice vote in the next week to move the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA) quickly through the legislature, without debate, but any one senator can stop it with a hold. We need you to call your senator's office today to tell them to stop KOSA. KOSA would censor the internet and would make government officials the arbiters of what young people can see online, and would likely lead to age verification.

Just last week more than 70 LGBTQ+ organizations came out against this dangerous and misguided bill, which would make kids less safe rather than more safe and especially harm LGBTQ+ youth. So it's crucial to stop it from moving forward!

EFF's page makes it easy to call your Senators; or, makes it easy to send a letter (and find out more about the bill).