Who here still wears a mask?
Who here still wears a mask?
Who here still wears a mask?
If I'm feeling sick, or my family is, I will wear one to work, the whole point of them is to minimize spread of disease.
Indeed. Western society tends to be individualistic and forgets that masks are primarily used to protect those around you from disease.
Tends to? They beat us over our heads with their selfishness through COVID.
"Why are you wearing a mask?!?" Because I didn't want to get you sick, thanks for returning the favor.
If you're feeling sick you should stay home.
I agree, but the bosses boss wants butts to warm the seats. I make sure those days have time taking to bosses boss. Some day, they may get the point.
Just out of curiosity - no judging, but why do you go to work when feeling ill?
A lot of people get paid by hours worked so not showing up means a lower monthly income. And hourly contracts don’t have sick leave in many cases. At least in several countries around the world.
No work no money. No money no food. No food, die. RIP
I work from home, with about one day in the office a week, if it's something minor, or I think it's just seasonal allergies, I'll still go in.
Not an American, I take it?
This right here. It just makes sense and is the ethical thing to do for those around you.
I carry one with me. If I see someone else wearing one, I'll put it on. I'm not really worried about anything myself, but I'll gladly wear a mask to give someone else peace of mind.
I love you
I wish everyone is like you. I don't wear masks outdoors anymore, but I still do in places like malls where there are tons of strangers. They can get pretty uncomfortable, but if it helps me avoid covid, the flu, or even colds then I'm all for it.
I am one of the only people here that still wears a mask at the doctor. Even most of the doctors stopped wearing them (what the hell! thats where the sick and immunocompromised are most likely to be in the same building!)
It doesn't make you feel a bit better about not wearing one that most doctors aren't? If they think the risk is so low, or that continuous mask wearage is more detrimental than covid?
Me. Cause I'm ugly
Wear 2 masks!
Phantom of the opera and surgical mask. 3/4 coverage and plenty of class.
You're beautiful to all of us!
On public transit and airplanes, definitely. I used to get colds all the time when traveling; I don't anymore. I think part of that is down to improvements in air filtration, but part of it is masking.
In some shops, but not all. Mostly in shops that have a lot of people in at once, and shops that request it. I don't mask if I'm going to the corner store to pick up some beer; I do mask at the grocery store that has a sign requesting it.
Never for outdoor events. This might be different if I lived in a different city; a friend of mine who lives in the LA area does mask for crowded outdoor events.
Also, doctor's offices and a few other places require it.
(Curious observation: On transit, I'm not usually the only person with a mask on, but I'm often the only non-Asian person with a mask on.)
Yep, airport for sure. I used to get sick everytime I flew. Not anymore and in hindsight it seems stupid that I never masked at the airport before. And doctor's office if it's my primary care or urgent care. Not much of a need for a mask at the dermatologist. Basically if I'm somewhere there's a fuck load of contagious people.
Recently though, the air quality has been so bad from the wild fires up north that I've worn a mask while out. I came home one day from coughing like crazy and my throat was sore. I thought I was getting sick until I put two and two together about the thick haze of wildfire smog. Masked up until the AQI went back down and saved myself some discomfort.
I'm in the Bay Area. My house had N95 masks on hand prior to COVID, because we wore them when wildfire smoke made the air yellow.
I always got sick when I flew. Airplanes not so much but airports definitely. Went from getting sick every flight to one out of 10ish.
Yeah, this is pretty much my standard now too. I was in hospital for a day surgery recently and was more than a little taken aback at the fact that I was one of the only people masking.
We all wear masks...metaphorically speaking, we suppress the id, our darkest desires, and adopt a more socially acceptable image.
That's right, Wendy.
...the loaner ?
Hold onto yer lug nuts, it’s time for an overhaul!!!
metaphorically speakinggggggg
Yep, while inside public places. Still haven’t caught it. Knocks on wood
Same and same, knocking on extra wood for both of us
Too late you’re already jinxed
This thread is an interesting "filter bubble" experience. Here, a city in central europe, nobody I know wears one anymore, even those who were always extra-careful on the cautious side. Basically nobody in stores wears one nor in public transport. Yeah, on occasion you find 1-2 exceptions that confirm the rule.
Probably, this thread is largely visited by those who still do, and ignored by those who don't.
I'm in the US and I don't know the last time I saw someone wearing a mask outside of a medical setting. Most still don't even then.
I'm in the US. I usually see a couple of people out with masks whenever I go out still.
I’ve noticed this a lot with both lemmy and Reddit. You have to go into any thread thinking about the kind of people that post is going to attract because it often times does not reflect the rest of the world
I see some tourists wear one in Amsterdam. Very rarely a local, of which I always assume they're ill themselves or easily get ill (immunocompromised and what have you).
Only people in my country who still do this are Japanese tourists.
I think that's just confirmation bias.
Also, side note, but how does an exception ever prove/confirm a rule? I hate that saying so much.
It's a phrase used in a few different ways, but the main one is that if there's a need to specify an exception, that indicates the existence of a general rule. Wikipedia gives the (good) example of a sign saying "No parking, Saturday 8.30am - 1.30am". The fact that an exception has to be described for when parking is disallowed allows a driver to make the inference that parking is generally allowed.
I think EternalExplorer is saying that the degree to which people with masks stick out on the very rare occasions that you see them, the way they need to be specified as something other than the default, just makes it even more clear that the general case is that masks are now absent from public life in their city.
If I feel under the weather and I must go out, I'll wear a mask. Otherwise, no. Society at large has accepted the less dangerous variants as a fact of life.
During the pandemic I wore them everywhere. A large section of society showed they couldn't be fucking bothered so here we are.
As a retail worker I was dealing with people without masks on day 1. People coughing in my direction, people being jackasses. Why are people like this?
My take is because people are largely selfish and ignorant beyond their day to day life. Their favorite politicians/personalities told them masks infringe upon their freedoms and they bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Once someone is convinced they're right, no amount of evidence or information will sway them. Especially now since they have ready access to any echo chamber of their choice and it's super easy to filter out dissenting information.
I do. The number one "complaint" people had with me pre-pandemic was that I should smile more. Not one fucking dumbass person has told me to do that when I have my mask on. That alone is enough reason for me to never take it off when I'm dealing with customers.
I am also still paranoid and I don't trust the average person out there to be doing safe things.
Indoors in public, all the time.
I don't want to catch COVID again if I can help it. It's a shitty, dangerous virus.
TBH, I don't think most people understand that it's not just a bad cold--it's a virus that attacks your vascular system that also does some nasty respiratory stuff. The increased risks of heart attacks and strokes after even a mild infection are not great, and if you're getting infected every year, you're permanently carrying that elevated risk.
That's why I get all the boosters.
It's LITERALLY a cold.
SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus from the coronavirus family, with a large genome. Its structure includes the spike protein that enables the virus to attach to and enter cells via the ACE2 receptor.
Rhinoviruses, on the other hand, belong to the Picornavirus family, and are non-enveloped, single-stranded RNA viruses with a significantly smaller genome. Rhinoviruses attach to cells via the ICAM-1 receptor.
If I'm sick or in a crowded space it kinda feels like common sense to me at this point tbh. Especially when sick, like I can't fathom how I thought it was normal to just be sick and go out without a mask probably getting other people sick, even if it was just a cold.
I do. I find it helps reduce common cold and cough infections. And i really will never stop wearing it when in a mall or any space with lots of strangers.
I've noticed wearing an N95 makes the hard gasoline and diesel smells from the highway less bad when cycling-commuting.
I jog with my mask on everyday. Avoiding breathing in all the dirt on the side of the road as cars go by is not something I want to stop doing.
And not just dirt, the pollution from tires is pretty awful: https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/07/09/tire-brake-tailpipes-emissions-pollution-cars/
Everytime I go grocery shopping I will also be wearing a mask. I am kind of baffled by people who seem to think that corona has poofed out of existence.
Out of sight out of mind. Hahaha
Masks are good for everybody though. Even the percentage of getting infected by common airborne illnesses can be reduced by a simple mask.
And also if you are ill, it protects others from you.
It still exists but the main problem is solved. Hospitals arent full, the virus mutated to much less deadly variants and the majority of people is immunized. Right now, Corona is just another flu. Sure its not nice but the average joe will get it now and then.
Good points, aside from equating COVID to the flu. Even with hospitals at normal census, the less deadly variants, and the vaccines, COVID is still less understood than the flu. Long-COVID, for example, is a serious problem, where as influenza rarely (if ever) has such lasting issues.
Number one reason for me is that I don't want to get Long COVID.
Same. Grocery, public transit, doctors office, cabs. I'll also add public restrooms, although if Coronavirus disappeared tomorrow, I'd still probably mask up in public bathrooms. I don't need to go back to inhaling that experience directly.
Random aside: The Duke Nukem 1&2 platformers were my favorite of the franchise.
I don’t, and I feel super out of place now after reading the comments.
Yeah, this thread cannot be a representative sample of any population. I mean, I guess I would be surprised if "users of an open source, decentralized, federated link aggregator" was a representative sample of anything. Where I live, I see a couple people wearing masks per week, and I work with the public, I'm out all the time with friends, idk. I'd see masks if they existed in my area, so where I live they're gone.
Yes. I got covid in 2020 and am still a complete wreck. It really did a number on me in so many ways.
I try to do what I can to avoid getting even worse.
I still wear a mask but its the fact that others don't think logically about this stuff still that has me most up in arms. Dad has been sick since weekend, mom says I'm going to come over to your house to see her grandkids. Mom comes over and 4 hours later they call me to tell me they both have covid and tested positive. Mom tells me that dad had been sick since weekend....in my head im fuming.
fingers crossed. Just hoping since she wasn't sick, that our 1 hour visit will spare my fam somehow.
I wear a mask when I’m on a short plane trip because the odds are high someone will have a airborne illness. And the effort is minimal compared to the probability of exposure. But otherwise I don’t wear one.
Isn’t any illness on a plane an airborne illness?
Oh, hi Dad!
Edit: oh I’m dumb ignore my comment please
Sure I guess. I mean there’s illness that spreads by touch - fecal-oral transmission. Very common in any place with people. People don’t wash their hands. Touch things. People touch those things. Then eat. Bam. Stomach bug/shits.
the effort is minimal compared to the probability of exposure
This is basically always true with masking. It's so dang easy.
Never. Corona hasn't really been a concern in Denmark since very early 2022
I wear one every day with only a few exceptions (lab work for university where it’s impractical and I’m only around a few people anyway). I have seen the effects of long Covid on my loved ones, and i want nothing to do with that. Still haven’t caught COVID this far in, and while I think my vaccinations have been effective it makes me uncomfortable that we aren’t continuing to boost and that most people haven’t had a fresh vaccine in a few years at this point. Waning efficacy is a real thing and many never got boosted at all
Yeah, like, there are plenty of people out there with long COVID. I have relatives with it. I have coworkers who are on leave because of it. About 5% of the US seems to have activity-limiting long COVID at any given time: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/covid19/pulse/long-covid.htm
Shit's bad.
Yowzers! I assumed 5%was "has ever experienced long COVID" or it would be heavily weighted toward older people or something. No, the numbers are a lot more evenly spread than I would've guessed, and the National average for CURRENTLY experiencing long COVID is like 6% or something... Wow...
It surprises me because I can't think of anybody I know that complains of symptoms of long COVID, and I'm 38. It's s not like my friends and family are all young , fit people who are too stubborn to show weakness. This data kinda shocks me.
I tend to wear one before I get on the London Underground, it's grotty enough as it is, without the close confines and hordes of people.
I do pretty much always. I don't at the gym or in the (semi rare) instances i eat out. Shit's not "over" and i have an immunocompromised friend i'd like to continue hanging out with.
At this point, only if it is required, and it almost never is. No bad feelings at all towards people who do wear them. I'm not personally concerned about it, and nobody in my family is high risk, so I decided early on that I'd just follow local rules and CDC guidelines. CDC website currently only recommends masks if you may have been exposed so that's what I've been doing.
I still use a mask daily. I actually like it. Also going without a mask in public in terrible. Car smoke, death animal smell, piss smell, random people coughing, etc. A mask prevents me of smelling all of that in a pretty effective way.
Also dont have to force smile wearing a mask.
If I’m on public transport, crowded public area, feeling off colour
I still wear one in crowds. I had a lobe of a lung removed due to a rare cancer. I'll never be cured, but will slowly loose lung function as airways are blocked. If I'm lucky it's a disease I die with and not of, so I am treating my lungs like the delicate little flowers they are and fighting to avoid any and all respiratory diseases I can. I am now also queen of the hand sanitiser when out in public. The stuff from Bath and Bodyworks is da bomb, smells like hand cream.
Narp. I just avoid people. Much more effective.
I do in higher risk situations since I'm immunosuppressed from my Colitis treatments.
I wear a mask to work if I'm sick but can't call in. People give me odd looks but honestly I kinda enjoy not having to wear as much make up because of the mask lol
I wear a mask to work if I’m sick but can’t call in
This feels a very American answer.
Only I’m sick or the place I’m entering requests it- the library, dispensary, pharmacy, doctor’s office.. I think that’s it. It’s in my purse if I need it.
In my city, it's been normal to wear a mask when outdoors (especially when driving a motorcycle) for something like 5 years as air pollution worsened. It doesn't help that much, but it's a bit better than nothing.
So I wear one now, just like I did before Covid.
What's your city if you don't mind sharing?
Ho Chi Minh City. I immigrated here a bit over 10 years ago. Air pollution is a relatively new issue here. 5 years ago it's was not so bad, but there are more cars now. In Ha Noi it's typically worse. Both places have less air pollution than say, Beijing, but it's still not exactly fun during my daily commute.
I plan to move to the countryside when I can afford to, I have some minor respiratory problems that make the air pollution rather unpleasant.
I will wear a mask if I know that I am going to be potentially packed in in a space with little in the way of positive air flow.
I still wear a mask, 70% because I take care of at-risk relatives, 30% because people treat me better when they cant see my ugly face
"No no, a full Shatner mask like Halloween."
If i'm sick or on a long flight.
I do any time I'm going to be around people for an extended period of time or around a large crowd. Concerts, long grocery store trips on a Saturday, in-office work days (I work hybrid now 😞), I'll put on on a mask. If I'm just running into the store to grab a gallon of milk because we're out, then I won't wear a mask.
My wife legit almost died from Covid, and it took her about 6 months to return to normal, so we are a little overly careful.
My wife is immunocompromised due to stage 4 cancer. We mask up any time we have to be around people; doctors visits, grocery runs, etc. We haven't gone back to eating in restaurants but have considered eating at places that have outdoor seating.
I do when travelling in any capacity (public transit, airplane) and most of the time when I'm in close proximity to a large group of other people (grocery store, crowded indoor event, anywhere with poor ventilation). I am starting to try doing some unmasked social events with a limited number of participants. It was only in June of this year that I started doing this. Prior to that, I masked everywhere all the time, except with my "bubble" of friends.
Me at nights. I'm Batman.
Only when I feel sick and am indoors
I always have one with me in case I enter a shop that has a sign up asking patrons to wear a mask. I used to wear them religiously, but 3 years is enough. Although I respect everyone who still keeps their masks on...
I've relaxed with it quite a bit recently. But I still like having them on me at all times. There's times I like wearing it. Especially certain places like the doctors.
I do, when I'm out. But I've become a hermit since the pandemic started.
Me and my partner are both immune compromised, so yes, still masking in indoor public spaces and large outdoor crowds.
I do if I think I'm getting sick. I also wear one if I was getting on a plane.
Depends on where I'm at and if I or anyone I've been around was sick.
I still wear an n95 at the airport and on planes. Honestly I'll probably continue to do so indefinitely. Not getting sick on vacation has been great
I usually wear one at indoor concerts too. I used to get sick after almost every concert, now I don't.
Yes. If I am going out into a public space I will wear a mask, unless I'm outdoors and it's not too crowded.
I struggle to see why I shouldn't wear a mask in certain situations. e.g. the supermarket, where I'm not there too long, am hardly talking to anyone, it's indoors with lots of other (unmasked) people. There are almost 0 downsides to wearing one in that situation (for me at least).
COVID is still killing a lot of people, and even if it doesn't kill you, it sucks to get it. So yeah, makes sense to me to mask when you can.
I put one on when the AQI here was around 300
If I'm sick, flying, going to be in a crowded area, or there's air quality problems, yeah definitely. I hardly ever get sick anymore and it's great. If I do get sick, people around me don't.
The only time now is if I'm somewhere that requires one, or if I'm sick/getting over bring sick.
Fuuuuck wearing a mask otherwise, I've filled that quota for a lifetime.
Only wear it on public transport.
Started again because of the forest fire smoke.
I still do but at this point it's to prevent me from catching a cold - I like not getting sick and wearing a mask is barely any effort.
I don't anymore. I have all my boosters, and I live in a rural area where there are rarely crowds anywhere I go. I also have gotten over a lot of the fear I had pre-vaccine. I had covid for the first time in January and honestly I was relieved that it was very mild. Thank you scientists!! And I still have my stockpile of masks in case I ever need to leave the house if I'm sick.