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Looking for a new dry herb

I have a pax3 that is starting to show it's age. The battery is not holding it's charge that well and I'm sure the tech has improved a lot over the years. I was looking at a crafty or mighty+ but wanted to see if there was something else comparable for a little cheaper. I would like to keep it under 300, but can spend some more if it's worth it.

  • Since you are used to a electronic dry herb vapes try out a dynavap and see if you like the torch/induction type vape. Its a completely different experience with its own ups and downs compared to an electronic vape. My first vape was the arizer air max and if you like the electronic vapes I recommend it, especially with the big stem with carb that sneaky Pete sells.

    • I have a Dynavap M that needs a new cap and was thinking of getting the IH wand soon. I just got an adapter for my bong this weekend and its better than I thought it would be.

      • Thats cool glad you having a good time with dyna + bong. My bong was getting a bit old and hard to clean around the top perc so I invested in a orb V2 along with the m+ thought the idea of using both dyna and arizer vape at once + a whip was just so cool blew my mind. I love the orb so much its perfect balance of form & function so easy to clean. By comparison sneaky petes Double Dragon looks like a hard time to keep clean (undeniably cool though)

        I actually was just deciding on what IH to get. The wand was so tempting but I cant do 130$ for an IH. Fortunately I have an electrical background and am confident enough to just get a cheap 120W IH circuit board off amazon for 10$ and a cigarette plug to bare wire connection for 7$ and just plug it in to my portable power bank. I would rather see if I can hack together something decent for 20$ and if I want to spend over a hundred bucks for a fancy preassembled one later down the line ill do that.

  • You might already have something picked out, but for potential future reader I’m reviving this thread a little to add another good word for the Healthy Rips vapes. In an effort to deep, deep, clean (I’m talking definitely voiding any warranty type deep) my old piece I killed the power button. Even though I had a few issues with the design of the vape, I ordered a new one with little hesitation as I liked the first more than anything else I’ve tried. Plus, it lasted me 5+ years and way exceeded my expectations for price compared to how much “material” was put through it in its lifetime.

    When I got the new one I was pleasantly surprised they in the years since buying the original, almost all of my design issues were addressed and I’d now recommend the vape even more so.