30 Years on, TNG's Ghost Sex Episode Remains as Unhinged and Awful as Ever
30 Years on, TNG's Ghost Sex Episode Remains as Unhinged and Awful as Ever

"Sub Rosa" is reviled as one of Star Trek's lowest lows, for many, many good reasons.

30 Years on, TNG's Ghost Sex Episode Remains as Unhinged and Awful as Ever
"Sub Rosa" is reviled as one of Star Trek's lowest lows, for many, many good reasons.
If I had a nickel for everything Whoopi Goldberg was in where a ghost and a lady had sex, I'd have two nickels
Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
Another Risa classic
That's a smart Swayze, NGL.
Only to be topped by Voyager's Season 2 episode 15 ... the warp 10 salamander story.
Two baby salamanders scamper off and Chakotay is just like “ I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that”
Chakotay: "I'm not sure how I'm going to explain that in my log."
Tuvok: "I look forward to reading it."
But I do like the line "Wake Up Lieutenant"
I don’t know it seems kind of like kink shaming to me
That's an odd way to spell "elastic", but it checks out.
To me it crosses into "so bad its good" territory. It's like Dr Crusher posted this script to AO3.
And its great meme material. 🕯
Yep I always happily watch this train wreck on a rewatch. The only episodes I actually can't even watch are the riker clip episode and the one where space Africans board the enterprise to steal a white woman.
The most unsurprising thing about Code of Honor? The director was a fucking racist.
The African theme of the episode was brought in by director Russ Mayberry, who had the Ligonians race cast entirely from African-American actors. Mayberry was fired during production by the show's creator Gene Roddenberry, and First Assistant Director Les Landau completed the episode. Star Trek novel author Keith DeCandido later recalled that this was because of the casting itself,[5] while cast member Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher) thought that it was because Mayberry was racist towards the guest stars after they were cast.[6]
My pet theory is that bad episodes are at least two of the following:
This one and the warp 10 lizard sex episode from Voyager are extremely dumb, but I love them because they're definitely not cheap/low-effort or boring. (But if someone did find it boring I would understand them calling it a bad episode.)
Interesting. That certainly fits.
I'll attempt to peer review this theory.
It's been a while since I've seen it, but as I recall while the plot was so-bad-it's-good, the pacing was a snooze fest.
We were a lot more tolerant of slow paced shows in the early 90s.
The best TNG episode is the Price at 25:16 👯
opens up that episode and scrubs to the timestamp
Troi's naked shoulders? Or the guest star's bare chest?
Oh in my video file Troi and Crusher were debating the effects of feminism of the early 20th century. Nothing naughty at all
Best scene in lower decks too.
I'm not sure what you mean. dmhs;
Doesn't matter, humped specter
The actor playing the ghost was very prone to over-the-top material. Besides the more respectable role of Shakaar in DS9, he was the bombastic, soap-worthy Charles in V (the original series after the original miniseries) and the main character in 90's Zorro.
And yet still better than the guy who was Okona in The Outrageous Okona. And that guy was almost Riker!
I'll watch Okana any day over the ghost sex episode.
Wonder how badly he blew that Final audition…
Well, yeah, but Billy Campbell was young then. He has improved much with years and he has played memorable characters. The eponymous detective in Cardinal comes to mind.
Shakaar in DS9
Holy shit, TIL! I had no idea xD