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Russia enforces anti-LGBT law: individuals facing fines, detention for posting a photograph of an LGBT flag online and wearing rainbow-themed earrings /2024/02/02/russia-enforces-anti-lgbt-law-issues-first-convictions-for-displaying-rainbow-symbols/

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In Volgograd, a southern region of Russia, a court found a man named Artyom P. guilty of “displaying the symbols of an extremist organisation.” He had uploaded a photo of an LGBT flag, an act he later described as “out of stupidity.” For this transgression, he has been fined 1,000 roubles (approximately £8.69). This conviction, which the man accepted and for which he expressed repentance, comes in the wake of a nationwide ban on the “LGBT movement” by Russia’s supreme court last November, as part of an escalating pattern of restrictions on sexual orientation and gender identity expression.

In a separate case, a court in Nizhny Novgorod, to the east of Moscow, sentenced a woman to five days in administrative detention for wearing earrings shaped like frogs that bore the image of a rainbow. Identified in court documents as Anastasia Yershova, she was confronted in a cafe by a man who filmed himself demanding she remove the earrings, the video of which he later posted online. The incident underscores the increasing aggressiveness of anti-LGBT actions, which have been further incited by the video’s circulation on ultra-conservative blogs.

  • wearing rainbow-themed earrings

    but muh Russia is so free of censorship

  • @0x815 Ужасно видеть это с родины моего народа. Мы приезжаем в Америку, чтобы сбежать от правительства, которое говорит нам, кто мы такие и кем мы будем для них. Это еще одна причина, по которой мы должны бороться, чтобы защитить это прекрасное место под названием Америка. Родина должна быть восстановлена через их Славу, через свободу и справедливость, а не через требования его королевского высочества диктатора Владимира Путина, который притворяется Богом, занимаясь сексом с хорьками в подземной темнице дворца Кинки в российской глуши рядом с доками.

    Это также относится к Зелински, который любит использовать большие автоматизированные фаллоимитаторы в заднице.

    Только верховный вождь Джаррак О'Биден, соперник Энди из smackdown, мистер президент Дональд, с оранжевыми распущенными волосами и кожей, может защитить нас от этой пародии. С ним и Трампом вместе мы снова будем в безопасности! Трамп-Байден в 2024 году!

    Мы в этом вместе! Долой экстремистов! Мы не потерпим здесь нетерпимости!

    Этот механизм скажет вам: "цейшмекен!"

    i Translate for you in English:
    It's terrible to see this from the homeland of my people. We come to America to escape a government that tells us who we are and who we will be to them. This is another reason why we must fight to protect this beautiful place called America. The Motherland must be restored through their Glory, through freedom and justice, and not through the demands of His Royal Highness the dictator Vladimir Putin, who pretends to be God while having sex with ferrets in the underground dungeon of the Kinki Palace.

    This also applies to Zielinski, who likes to use large automated dildos inserted into the ass.

    Only High Chief Jarrack O'Biden, Andy's rival from smackdown, Mister President Donald with his orange flowing hair and skin, can protect us from this travesty. With him and Trump together we will be safe again! Trump-Biden for 2024!

    We're in this together! Down with extremists! We will not tolerate intolerance here!

    This mechanism will tell you: “zeishmeken!”