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Top Russian economist dies after falling out of window
  • @theangriestbird he probably showed him the sanctions are in fact working.


  • Nato Member Romania Scrambles Fighter Jets Amid Russian Attacks on Southern Ukraine
  • A post by @raduhossu (still not on fedi fwiw) on Xitter:

    3 Shaheds have hit Romanian (NATO)!

    I tweeted last night after receiving the near real-time images (first imagine) from a friend in Tulcea (Romania) that Izmail (Ukraine) is being hit by russians.

    The Ukrainian press picked up the images, asked the Ukrainian authorities if a drone had crashed on Romanian territory and they, at least on sources, confirmed it.

    During the day yesterday, several Romanian journalists went to the scene to investigate whether or not what the Ukrainians say is true. Well, guess what?

    It is true. I'll be using the images from daylight from Romanian journalists: Don Dorel Alex Alex Costache Dragos Stoian. It's Shahed-136 most likely. There are 3 that fell on Romanian territory.

    The government has not given any information about the fact that Romania's territory was AGAIN hit (involuntarily?) by russian drones.

    The Romanian government is in an election election mode. Sile t on the subject. The Romanian President is absent, but would have wanted to be NATO Secretary General. The Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Mircea Geoană, who is on the election campaign, is also silent.


  • Nato Member Romania Scrambles Fighter Jets Amid Russian Attacks on Southern Ukraine
  • @Minarble ikr, at least that's what the generals in the military are complaining about.

    Idk, Romania is just incompetent politicians that are voted by stupid people unable to look for an alternative to fix their problem for 3 decades already and regulations that are half stuck in the previous century, half poorly adapted to modern standards, so I wouldn't be surprised if this would be true.

  • Nato Member Romania Scrambles Fighter Jets Amid Russian Attacks on Southern Ukraine
  • @0x815 It will keep getting away with it, as the military is not able to shoot down drones unless we are in a state of war. And if we do that, we might as well activate article 5 - which is something we do not want edit: okay, I might have exaggerated with this one, but that's what they are complaining (as mentioned below). Here's an article from the Romanian version of RFE/RL about this topic. So what is the solution they proposed? Air raid shelters and messages through RO-ALERT on people's smartphones about "objects falling from the sky".

  • TrTrTrTrTrTrTrTrams!
  • Same

  • Trains petrescatraian
    First post

    Alright, seems like no one posted anything here yet, so let me start this off. Here's a Romanian (probably) Interregio train passing under a bridge in Predeal


    Biden, 81, pulls out of presidential race, will serve out term
  • Donald Trump Jr. attacks Harris as "even more liberal (sic) and less competent" than Biden [...] "Kamala Harris owns the entire leftwing policy record of Joe Biden. The only difference is that she is even more liberal and less competent than Joe, which is really saying something."

    The only thing that's saying is that the old man now seems even more scared of any potential countercandidate.

    If I was Dems rn, whether it would be Kamala or not, I would just leave the GOP boil for a little (only a little), bring a bit of uncertainty to the table, and then announce the candidate. Not too much, as it would make them seem weak, but just enough to let the GOP consume themselves. That would be quite a move.

  • Biden, 81, pulls out of presidential race, will serve out term
  • Whatever the outcome will be, I am sure the campaign will become hotter. I think the Dems will bring someone with a more radical speech than Trump, and they better do - Trump has shown what he can do during his 2016 campaign.

    And the age is not doing a service to Trump either.

  • Paul Hollywood is right: Don’t refrigerate bread
  • @FiskFisk33 never had this problem. Probably because I got used to eat anything with bread, so bread gets finished in a few days.

  • Russia convicts US reporter of espionage after a trial widely seen as politically motivated
  • This is 2024 Russia. Actual reporting counts as espionage, while propaganda reporting is considered fine journalism

  • Paul Hollywood is right: Don’t refrigerate bread
  • @memfree I see. I never had this problem fwiw

  • Paul Hollywood is right: Don’t refrigerate bread
  • @memfree I'm keeping my bread in the fridge, but in the bag I bought it in. This way, water has no place to evaporate to.

  • What is your favourite FOSS notes application?
  • @clark I used Notally at first, but I wanted cross-device syncing at some point. So I discovered this app by a developer called Bill The Farmer, which this is insanely small (just a few KB). I keep my notes in pCloud. I'm not sure how private it is, but I am thinking of storing them inside a veracrypt container, synced with pCloud instead, and I am also keeping an eye on other options that have the ability of storing notes as Markdown files.

    I'm keeping an eye for now on Quillpad ver. 1.5 but I'm open to other options as well. 😁

  • The Secret to Japan's Great Cities
  • A really great presentation. And quite astonishing to see that even there streets are getting widened and houses are getting bulldozed to make room for more cars!!!

  • Ladies and gentlemen, the man (of the Russians), the legend, the clown, Diana Iovanovici Șoșoacă at the vote for European Parliament President

    She also said the satan is in there and that she will call a priest to come. She also said that she wanted to talk with Roberta Metsola, she told her who she is and Metsola replied that she already knows. Șoșoacă said that she turned white on her face or something and that Metsola immediately called a few people to protect her "like I was trying to kill her or something" (as Șoșoacă said - gee, I wonder why she would do this, hmm?).

    Edit: also, Șoșoacă said her internet was cut while she was doing a livestream in the EU Parliament.

    I fucking hate everyone who sent this circus performer to Brussels. Her place should be in Moscow, where she is the most comfortable!…

    Is there a official DB0 Piracy Mastodon server?
  • @ModernRisk Not really Mastodon, but I'm on Friendica and I receive posts and comments from db0 just fine.

    You can also follow communities from here just like you'd follow a normal person (e.g. @communityusernamebellowthetitle@instance.domain. For this it would be

  • Record labels sue Verizon for not disconnecting pirates’ Internet service
  • @SexualPolytope kill them all! Along with all their male born who can come to the throne!

    (edit: /s in case anyone was taking it literally)

  • Here's an early look at how Google Wallet will let you scan and save anything (APK teardown)
  • @neme So you can scan any document in Google Wallet, and scan any document in the Files app as well, and in Google Drive. Thanks, Google, for another round of service duplication!

  • The Only Kind of “Political Violence” All U.S. Politicians Oppose
  • You are seeing states do those things, and presuming (I'm guessing based on where you live) that those actions are therefore the actions of states. They're not, they're the actions of a community.

    They're clearly state actions where I live, the organizations they do are politically represented, they get funds from the state budget, they function according to politically voted legislation etc.

    The same politicians that vote for them can also reallocate parts of the budget to and from the military, the police force or any other fields.

    We do have private initiatives as well, supported directly by the community with money, who govern themselves, who are responsible for every penny they spend, but they're different from the state controlled entities. The legislators generally do not vote dedicated legislation for them, but for the category they fall into (e.g. non-government organization for that matter). You rarely see legislators adopting laws for one specific private entity, if ever when it comes to smaller such entities.

    Are you under the impression that the only alternative to "Modern Western State Governments" is "individuals work[ing] by themselves"?

    Anything that involves private initiative is individuals working for themselves. If it's not voted by the elected officials, paid from taxpayer money, it's called private initiative - so there is an individual/some individuals deciding the finance and governance and other sensitive issues of the organization themselves.

    I hate to break it to you, but states are just very large armed groups, the legitimacy of which is entirely determined by their strength of arms. [...] Israel is a "legitimate" government because they have enough guns (and enough friends with guns) to force others to acknowledge them as such.

    That is the way the international system works, of course. But on the other hand, this legitimacy they are provided allows them to worry less about their security and spend their money on the actual social services needed for a state to function. There are, of course, rogue states (yes, you can safely call them that way as well), that choose to terrorize their people instead. But politically motivated violence, whichever side it is coming from, in a country that calls itself the leader of the free and democratic world, does not help in making them less likely to do so. Quite the contrary.

  • The Only Kind of “Political Violence” All U.S. Politicians Oppose
  • @t3rmit3 So political violence is justifiable when democracy is at risk, right. What happens if the side abolishing democracy decides that political violence can be justified for them too? How can you save democracy this way? We legitimate political violence in order to justify democracy? Will it still be a democracy if the elected candidate can be gunned down legitimately? What about if the candidate has the biggest chance of winning?

    And also, how can you justify democracy as the better option in front of non-democratic states that are also making use of political violence to repress their opponents? Don't you think these countries would be more determined in their suppressions when they see that the good guys are also doing it?

    And last, but not least, does that freedom to self-determine as a group also involve becoming politically violent against your opponent? To which extent is this still a democracy and not a fight for power by all means?

  • The Only Kind of “Political Violence” All U.S. Politicians Oppose
  • It's true that those very people condemning the shooting are specifically those that are growing an unsafe environment, a climate of exclusion against minorities of any kind and people who do not agree with them. But on the other hand, any act of political violence, especially against a running candidate, is a threat against democracy itself.

    In a democratic system, the election system has this very purpose of preventing violence of one pretender against the other, by forcing them to peacefully convince as many people as possible instead of turning anything into a bloody battle for power, like it was in Europe in the 1700s for example when one monarch died. Thus, it could even prevent a situation where a bunch of these pretenders could attract as many followers and/or buy as much weaponry needed to start a civil war - and bring the state itself in conflict in the process. The elections are the best way of insuring a peaceful transition of power, one that would not affect the regular folk, the business environment, the economy, basically anyone who doesn't want to involve themselves into politics to such an extent that it would affect them personally.

    Once you turn to murdering candidates/politicians, no matter how white the candidate is, how poor the candidate is, what gender they are, their profession, anything, you are committing political violence. And once you are committing political violence, you strain away from democracy, and you're incentivizing a return to a system where the power should be won by force instead of by belief.

    And the amount of blood one leader has on their hands from killing civilians, bombing countries etc. would not be lower in such a system, but instead it would add up with the blood of probably other innocent civilians from their homeland whose only mistake was their political affiliations.

    Would you prefer to go to fight in order to support your candidate instead of going to the ballots and placing a stamp on a piece of paper? I'm sure most of you would not.

  • Wiz Khalifa has been arrested in Romania for smoking a joint live on stage


    Here is the video of the arrest if you're blocking TikTok:

    Notice how many gendarmes (military police) officers are escorting him. For one joint!

    I have an important announcement to make!

    Sorry if I disturb your regular schedule, I just want to remind you if you're an European citizen like me to go out there and vote for your representative in the European Parliament. If you're Romanian as well, like me, go out there and vote in the local elections as well so we can kick those comassed corrupt assholes in the but. They can't steal as much as we can vote!

    Muie PSD! Muie PNL! Muie AUR! Muie SOS!

    RSS and OPML

    Can somebody explain me how OPML works for RSS? Are these files usually imported into the RSS reader apps or are they used where they are? If I import multiple OPML files with multiple feeds, will the feeds from the first OPML be overwritten by those in the second one or will they add up? Will article read/unread status be synced to multiple devices if I use the same OPML file or not?

    My current desktop. I settled on this pretty simple and neat combination

    OS and DE: MX Linux XFCE version GTK Theme: Solarized Dark, orange version Icon theme: Snowy by ZMA Friendica theme: Frio Dark Blue What's there in the 4th tab: Excellent Italian Greyhound by Shellac (Just discovered this band)

    !Image/Photo !Image/Photo !Image/Photo

    I want to settle on a browser independent bookmark solution. What do you suggest?

    I got inspired by this article to look into such a solution. I tend to use different browsers on different devices, so using one browser vendor everywhere is not the solution. Main reasons are storage space available, device performance and basically general opinion about a certain browser or another, that might change or not. I previously used the browser's native bookmarks importer tools, but I always ended messing up their structure, then switching back to a certain browser and re-exporting the same bookmarks and ending up with duplicates.

    So I got into using third party services, but I'm unsure what to choose. Here's what I tried:

    • - I actually had an account here since when I tried Palemoon once. It's a really complete solution, that I can use to replace other services as well. You end up with a customizable web page, where you can add not only bookmarks, but also RSS feeds, notes, tasks, weather and whatever you can find on the web and embedd there. And since it's a start page (hence the name), you can easily access all these if you set your page as the home page of your browser. You can also create up to 3 start pages with a free account, so I can have one page as home page for desktop browsers, one the phone ones and maybe one for a tablet when/if I'm going to have one. This should sound like heaven, right? Problem solved. Well, not exactly. There's no way I can set up 2FA on my account there, and they are not so private - they collect user data to show you ads (especially if you're a non-paying customer).
    • Courtesy of my Fedi server, I also have a small Nextcloud account, with the Bookmarks app installed. I think this option is the most private option I have available, as I do not think my server admin would sell my data to a third party or whatever 😁. It's also the most limiting one, being able to only save up to 200 bookmarks, but since I am not using bookmarks as a reading list, only for saving interesting websites or apps, I think I am fine. However, I need the Floccus app installed on my phone (not sure if the UI of the Bookmarks app is manageable enough on mobile) to access the bookmarks. I did not find any way to display these bookmarks in an overview of some sort on the web, that I can set as a home page, similar to how functions (even without all the extra stuff that is non-bookmark related). Maybe there is something that I am missing?
    • I was also eyeing as an option. It has lots of features and integrations, add-ons for basically every mainstream browser, 2FA (just like Nextcloud). I do not have an account there, unlike the other options, however. And I also don't see a way to see these bookmarks as a dashboard or something that can be set as a home page. Am I missing something? I also see they are heavily advertising their smartphone app, so if there's no integration that I can set on IFTTT or the likes, I don't think I have any solution for this.

    So, if you were me, which solution would you choose? Is there anything that does what at least one of these options does, minus the drawbacks mentioned?

    Edit: I am also okay with using my personal cloud storage accounts for something like this.

    Is there any online service that I could use in order to have a private Debian repository?

    Or maybe a way to use existing cloud services like Google Drive or OneDrive or Dropbox for this purpose?

    I just have a bunch of .deb files and I think this could be really useful. Plus I will be offloading some of my storage 😁



    petrescatraian petrescatraian

    Ce să vă zic, mă, bine ați venit? bine ați venit, rău ați nimerit. La locu' ăsta îi zice șerpărie, de la șerpii care umblă pe-aicea. Dracu' știe cum au ajuns...

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