The first Android 15 preview is coming this week
The first Android 15 preview is coming this week

According to a public-facing comment, Google is set to launch its first preview of Android 15 later this week. In...

The first Android 15 preview is coming this week
According to a public-facing comment, Google is set to launch its first preview of Android 15 later this week. In...
lineage is still on 13 :(
They've released 14 today:
I'm running Lineage os 21 based on Android 14
Ah yes another slightly modified version of android is google trying to speed run android versions or somethin ?
Huh? It's pretty much the same schedule as the last few years.
A lot of the big user facing changes seem to be more and more app/Google play service updates now. Makes for boring system updates, but at least they happen.
Haha GrapheneOS will have it after one day
Wish graphene could make roms for Xiaomi and Samsung phones.
Honestly just use Lineage os
Wish those manufacturers could make secure and open phones instead ;D